The ERA & AESC Researcher Professional Development Certification Program May 11th to 14th
The program is split into three parts:
- The Workshop. Rachel Roche, a long time partner of the AESC and architect of this program will deliver four interactive webinars that will run for 90 minutes each day. The topics covered are below and the webinars are a perfect opportunity, not only to listen to the advice that Rachel can bring to the table, but to learn from one another through debating, questioning and role playing.
- The Online Courses. Once you have completed the webinars you will be set up with six online courses. You can take these courses as and when you’re ready and there is no deadline with them. Each course takes on average 60 minutes, but completion time can differ depending on how comfortable you feel with the topic. The topics can be viewed further down this document.
- The Exam.The Exam is split into two parts. An online and oral section. The online section is a series of multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 70%. For the oral exam you will be given a case study which involves making three phone calls on the topics of sourcing, pitching and qualifying. The examiners are two heads of research from leading executive search firms.
- The Cost. £350 GBP inc VAT for the full Program.
Please see the program for Workshop below. Call commence at 3pm GMT (UK Time)
Monday 11thMay / GettingPastthe GatekeeperandPitchingYourSearchEffectivelyTuesday 12thMay / Sourcing
Wednesday 13thMay / QualifyingCandidatesover thePhoneandTalkingAboutCompensation
Thursday 14thMay / MaintainingCandidateInterestandOvercoming Objections
Why take this?
This is aunique program for researchers to take. This program covers a range of everyday issues you will come up against in both live webinars and recorded online course formats. When you finish the first two parts you will be assessed as both the ERA and the AESC want to make sure you are operating at the highest level possible. Once passed, you will receive a certificate acknowledging your completion with signatures from both the global association of retained executive search firms and the executive research association. This program is held in high regard by member firms of the AESC and is a recognized qualification within the executive search industry. There are currently 121 researchers who have completed this program globally form large firms such as CTPartners, Korn/Ferry and Boyden to smaller boutiques and independent research firms. This is the only comprehensive external certification program designed for researchers.
TheSeven ExpertForums(Webinars)
Course / CompetenciesQualifyingCandidates
Over the Phone /
- Gettingtothe"heart"of qualificationquickly
- Keepingcontrolof thecall
- UsingtheLitmusTest togetessential information
- Gettingaccuratecompensationdata
- Bringingforward onlyqualified candidates
- Avoidingwastingyourconsultant'stimeandyour client's money
ElicitingCandidate Compensation Information overthe Phone /
- How todiscuss your client's compensation withoutsabotagingyourprospect
- How toprovide critical compensationdatatosources
- When andwhethertoelicitcandidate compensation duringthefirst outreachcall
- How toask aboutcompensation
- Gettingdatafromreluctantcandidates
- How tohandlesomeone whowon't discuss compensation
CandidateInterest /
- Learningwhy candidatesshould beinterested in yoursearch
- How todiscoverwhat'smotivatingyour candidates
- Keeping candidates"warm" throughout the searchprocess
- Dealingwith clients' delays inchoosinga candidate
- Managingthetoughscenarios regarding candidateinterest
Overcoming CandidateObjections /
- Uncoveringthenatureof thecandidate's objection
- Specialcaseobjections andhow tohandlethem
- Changingthemissionof yourcallinthefaceof anobjection
- Helpingthe candidategetpast theobjection
- Workingwithyour consultanttoturnreluctance intointerest
Getting PastTheGatekeeper /
- How tobuildarapport withgatekeepersto ensure that yoursearchcanmoveforwardquickly andefficiently
- Effectiveways of introducingyourself,yourfirm andwhy youarecalling
- How toleaveemailandvoicemailseffectively to increaseyour'callback'rate
MaximizingYourSourceCall /
- Presentingyourfirmand client in apositivelight
- Introducingthe“mission“of your call
- Personalizingthecall
- UsingtheLitmusTest toexplainyourtarget candidate
- Helpingyoursourcethink ofreferrals
- Learningmore thanjust thenames
- Buildingalong-lastingrelationship withthe source
Pitching YourSearchEffectively /
- Theelementsof thesuccessfulpitch
- How tocustomizeyour pitchforprospects and sources
- Envisioning yoursearch fromtheprospect’spointofview
- Gettingcomfortable withselling
- TheOST –howtoengageyourlistener
- Managingquestionsduringthepitch
DueDiligence inExecutive Search–BackgroundReference Checking /- Understandthedifference betweenbackground andreference checkingandwhythesechecksarecriticalto thesearchprocessperformed
- Createa clearunderstandingwithyourclient aboutwho willberesponsiblefor whichchecks andhowtheywillbeperformed
- Obtain candidatewaivers and comply with currentlegislation
- Prepareforandtakethoroughreferencechecks
- Know what questions youcan andcan'task legally
- Dealwiththereluctantreference
Creating An EffectiveSearchStrategy /
- Understandingtheproject- Yourclients’needs, thenatureofthepositionandwhat the successfulcandidate willlook like
- Creatingasearchstrategy templateto helpyou find theright candidate
- Buildingthe“LitmusTest“ touseeffectivelythroughout yoursearch
- Developingatargeted universeof prospectsthat meet thesearchcriteria
- Managing timetoplan andallocate theright amount of attention toeachstageof thesearch
- Solvingtheissuesof atroubledsearch
TelephoneOutreachQualifyingCandidates /
- Communicatingyourpitcheffectively to prospects andsources
- The“OneSexy Thing“of yoursearchand how touseitformaximumbenefit
- Developinga callingstrategy andmakingitwork
- Managinggatekeeperstoget the information yourequireandtheresponsesyouneed
- Identifyingkeysourcescriticaltoyoursearch
- Buildingrelationships withsources:helpthem to help you
- Using the“litmustest“ toqualifyprospects andhelp sources
- Therecruitingcall:managingobjections, determiningmotivationsand closingout callswithprospects andcandidates
CandidateDevelopment& Client Management /
- Analyzingaresumeagainst“thelitmustest“todetermine thesuitability of acandidate
- Creatingamatrix tocomparecandidate's strengths and weaknesses
- Evaluatingandpresentingconcisesearchresults toyourconsultant
- Managingactive candidatestokeepthem interestedinyoursearch
- Dealingwith theissuesofareluctantcandidate
- Showcasingyourfirmtomaximizeopportunities forbusinessdevelopment
- Closingout theunqualifiedcandidatequickly and professionally
- Workingasateamwithyourconsultant to createefficienciesandmaximizeresults
NameGeneration /
- The “litmus test” which helps you define an excellent candidate
- How to find target companies and look for candidates within
- Understanding the title and function you’re researching
- Using the internet as a preparatory tool
- Handling calls to headquarters, regional offices, and high-levelexecutives
- Overcomingfearduringnamegenerationcalls
- Learningsomethingfrom everycall
- Whathappenswhenyou'restuck?
Relationship Building Through Professional Practices /
- Supportingyourfirm’sclientoutreachefforts
- Buildingyourfirm’sintellectualcapitalthroughResearch
- Professionalisminapproachingprospectsand sources
- Enhancingyourfirm’sreputationthroughsourceand candidateinteraction
- Buildingyourownprofessionalnetwork
To book and for payment please contact:
Toby Gowan
+44 7875 682857