Friday,February 3, 2012
Board of Governors (BOG) Minutes
Attending: Jonathan Lofgren, Gary Olson, Deb Wamsley, Andrea Keys, James Monson, Dustin Chapman, Jim Forsting, Karen Edens, Heidi Kammer, Brian Teuber, Richard Wright
Attending via teleconference: Lance Egley
Management: Bill Monn
Not attending: Linda Stevens, Joe Whitehawk, Deb Moses, Jenine Koziolek
Visitors: Glenn Anderson, Executive Director of Northern Pines Mental HealthCenter
A quorum was present
I.Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Lofgren at 11:11 a.m.
II. Approve minutes from Jan. 6, 2012 meeting.
Moved by Teuber, seconded by Chapman to approve minutes. Passed on a voice vote.
III. Agenda
Moved by Teuber, seconded by Forsting to accept the agenda. Passed on a voice vote.
IV. December Financials
Egley reviewed the December financials. He noted that 2011 turned a profit of about $11,000. He said cost containment was key to making the budget in 2011. Olson noted that his company would sponsor the Summit in March and he believes a second sponsor will come forward.
Moved by Olson, seconded by Forsting to approve the December financial report. Passed on a voice vote.
V. Goals for 2012
Edens asked all Board members review the goals for 2012 and provide anticipated financial needs to achieve goals at the March meeting.
Goal 1: Increase member engagement.
1. Conduct a member survey.
Board suggested to review satisfaction and needs of members.
Action: Monn to send to committee (Forsting, Monson, Koziolek, Stevens) and Egley as advisor, a draft survey for consideration and approximate costs.
2. Governors to host regional meetings.
Kammer and Chapman will report back in March on plans for a Region 11 meeting. Forsting said he is planning a Region 3 meeting for mid April.Edens asked other board members to have a date by the March meeting.
Action: Monn to send template of regional meeting invite to all board members and re-send member information by Region.
3. Implement new website
Monn reported that the new integrated website-database is scheduled to launch on the week of Feb. 6
4. Send 24 news & policy blasts to members
Action: Lofgren to work with Edens to create an update for the March meeting. Lofgren said that MARRCH has been very active so far this year
5. Visit 5 academic institutions offering substance abuse education
Lofgren said that 5 was an arbitrary number and was intended to push MARRCH to make contacts with higher education institutions. Edens said that there may be instances when MARRCH wants to have a table at some conferences. Richard Wright said there was a benefit to having a MARRCH representative at some upcoming AIAC conferences. Lofgren offered to attend on behalf of MARRCH.
6. Plan a new MARRCH committee
Olson said that he believes a new membership category may be necessary to help individuals engage in MARRCH
Goal 2: Increase organization partnership for MARRCH
1. Establish membership subcommittee
Forsting said it was largely part of the membership committee
2. Identify potential collaborative associations
Kammer walked through a grid of organizations and asked Board members to help make contacts.
3. Plan and host a collaborators roundtable
This action will follow after a complete list is generated
4. Invite collaborates to public policy and board meetings
In the works
5. Respond to emerging issues
It was felt this was occurring
Goal 3:
1. Conduct member survey
Work in progress
2. Provide clinical supervisor and management
Call for proposal just went out for the annual conference.
3. Identify and develop a leadership training program
Olson said he was working with an associate on this initiative but has not done a lot to date
4. Field Representative
Lofgren said some initial discussions had been held and that additional follow-ups are needed
VI. Committee reports:
Communications: Monn reported that the new integrated website-database will be going live the week of Feb. 6. He also noted that the February e-newsletter would be coming out mid-month and that work would begin on an accelerated schedule to get the Recovery At Work pamphlet out to all Legislators within the next two weeks. He said printed newsletters would be March, August and November
Education: Chapman said he was not able to attend the last meeting, but all events are on schedule
Ethics: Egley said the committee is getting back in its stride. He said they want to do a webinar, but noted he believed the cost was $300/hour, or about $600, for a 2-hour webinar. Chapman said to consider recording a webinar and let people see it for free then charge for CEUs.
Moved by Kammer that the board approves the concept but would like to see a plan before it authorizes funding. Seconded by Teuber. Passed on a voice vote.
Membership: Forsting said there is a lot of activity to provide membership value including the planned survey and Regional meetings. Egley suggested compiling a list of organization (and individuals) who left (did not renew) in 2011. Olson suggested membership cards that organization members can distribute to employees.
Action: Monn to develop mechanism and costs to produce cards
Public Policy: Wamsley reported on the public policy meeting held earlier. She said discussion was about what the legislature had done so far.
Action: Wamsley to draft language for a blast email to MARRCH members and forward to Monn
Detox Section: Olson said that Bruce Biddlecome is the new person at DHS assigned to detox in the state. He said it is good that the state is giving this some attention. Next meeting is March 30.
School Section: Chapman said the School Section no longer meets monthly. He said it next meets Feb. 21
VII. Other Business
1. Healthcare reform task force
Kammer/Wamsley asked for volunteers to participate on a Healthcare Reform task force. (similar to the IDDT work group). Current MARRCH members involved include Kammer, Chapman, Dean Peterson
Wamsley moved to have MARRCH create a healthcare reform work group, seconded by Egley. Passed on a voice vote.
Action: Board members interested in serving on this workgroup should contact Kammer or Wamsley
2. Board vacancy
Lofgren brought up that Moses has resigned from the Board as Governor from Region 11. Following discussion,
Moved by Olson to appoint Mark Casagrande to complete the vacated seat. Seconded by Monson. Passed on a voice vote.
Action: Monn to contact Casagrande to welcome him to the Board
3. Health Reform Workforce work group – request for comments.
Lofgren to respond on behalf of MARRCH noting that MARRCH is forming a work group.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 p.m.