Ahlcon Public School, Mayur Vihar-1, Delhi
Class: XII Subject: HISTORY Assignment No. 6
Academic Session: 2015-16
Theme 6: Bhakti and Sufi Traditions (Questions marked with an ** are to be done for H.W.)
- ** What do you understand by the “great” Sanskritic traditions and the “little” traditions? Explain with the help of examples. OR How were local deities (little traditions) integrated into the Brahmanical (great traditions) system? Explain with the help of examples. OR With the help of examples, examine how the integration of various cults in Northern India between the 8th – 18th centuries, created a ‘mosaic of religious beliefs and practices’. OR Examine the manner in which a variety of cults and traditions came to be integrated in the early medieval period.
- Describe why and how the worship of major deities in the Brahmanical tradition, like Vishnu and Shiva, were reworked to include women and Shudras.
- ** Assess how religious conflicts and differences became the background for the emergence of the Bhakti traditions. What were the basic features of the Bhakti movement? OR While attempts were made to integrate various cults into Hinduism, conflicts and differences became widespread. Comment. OR In what ways were Tantric practices considered to be in conflict with the Vedic traditions? Were they always considered to be non-Hindu?
- Who were the Alvars and the Nayanars? Examine their relationship and attitude towards caste, women and the State. OR Describe the influence of Alvars & Nayanars on the rulers of South India.
- Describe how Bhakti traditions developed in Karnataka from the 12th century. OR Who were the Virashaivas? Discuss the chief features of their movement.
- Explain the manner in which the Brahmanical traditions in North India were being challenged by the 13th century. Assess why these challenges did not have a deep impact on the contemporary society.
- How did the early Muslim rulers and settlers in India develop their faith? Explain with the help of examples, how these traditions were adapted to the situation in India.
- State how various communities in India were named.
- Who were the Sufis? Describe their organization into Khanqahs and silsilas, as well as the traditions which they evolved.
- Explain the terms ‘be-sharia’ and ‘ba-sharia’ Sufis.
- Who were the Chishtis? Discuss the significance of rituals like ziyarat, qawwali and sama in Chishti devotionalism.
- Describe life in a Chishti Khanqah. What were the rituals observed by them? Name two famous Sufis of this order. OR How did the Chishtis seek to communicate their beliefs?
- Discuss the attitude / relationship of the Chishti and the Suhrawardi Sufis in relation to the State.
- ** Examine the evidence which indicates that Kabir, Nanak and Mirabai contributed towards the growth of a composite culture. Also explain the relevance of their teachings in the 21st century.
OR Describe the manner in which the growth of new trends in devotion be seen in the views of the following thinkers- (a) Kabir (b) Nanak (c) Mirabai. Also explain the relevance of their teachings in the 21st century.
15. Who initiated Kabir into Bhakti? Explain Kabir’s concept of the Ultimate Reality.
16. Who was the preceptor of Mirabai? Mention the basic principles of her philosophy.
17. ** Describe the contribution of women saints in the Bhakti and Sufi movements.
18. How have historians attempted to reconstruct the religious traditions of India between the 8th – the 18th centuries?
19. Passage/ Source based questions can come from the following pages:-
· Pg 144 – The Chaturvedin (Brahmana versed in the four Vedas) and the ‘outcaste’
Pg 144- Shastras or devotion? Pg 145- A demon? Pg 147- Rituals and the real world Pg 150- A church in Khambat Pg 150- Reverence for the Jogi
Pg 157- The pilgrimage of the Mughal princess Jahanara, 1643
Pg 158- Charkhanama Pg 160- Declining a royal gift Pg 161- The One Lord
Pg 164- Love for the Lord