No Meeting

November 11, 2014

(Attached are member reports)

Kyle K. Powell, President


1. Events Attended:

●CEHS DSAC Ice Cream Social

●NetTop Classroom Virtual Tour

●Ohio School Board Association Statewide Conference

2. Old Business:

●Higher Learning Commission’s Criterion 1 - Section A Committee --- Our section met to discuss what language we would like to see for our part of Criterion 1.

●Executive Board meeting.

●Cabinet meeting.

●1-1 meetings with both Jennifer Humston and Ryan Rushing.

●Chief Information Officer search is complete. The committee gave our recommendations to both the Provost Narayanan and President Hopkins.

●Max McConnell and I are still working on the website. Please email the two of us with any corrections or updates that you wish to see.

3. New Business:

●The Student Government Strategic Planning Committee met and discussed how we plan to move forward with the strategic planning. We will be meeting again this week to discuss our mission and vision statements.

●The Executive Board, specifically Jen and Ryan, will be deciding a comprehensive format for transition binders.

●I have been contacting multiple universities about their campus safety applications, specifically the one we are looking at moving forward with. More information to come soon.

●Met with both Gabe Riegle and Nathan to discuss an elections tab on our new website along with constitutional amendments.

●Met with a concern student concerning the busing from the Nutter Center to the University during athletic games and Nutter Center events.

●Met with Brandon DeFoe to discuss moving forward with Knowta.

●Had a meeting with Joe Bonvillian, Ryan Rushing, Rick Danals, and Liz Beemer about the student organization complex. We discussed the cleanliness and the possibility of revamping the complex.

●Forming student government “unofficial” groups to discuss possible projects.

●Met with Matt Almazan, John Ellis, and Jennifer Humston about a meeting of the boards (DSAB’s) for this semester

●Faculty Senate meeting.

●I have been emailing other Student Governments in Ohio about their Student Trustee adopted process.

●Attempting to meet with Zachary Sullivan from Antioch College about their Community Council.

●In the progress of following up with Senate President MateenRizki about both Student Governments and the Faculty Senate’s resolution in attempt to ban electronic cigarettes in buildings.

●Reviewing the newly proposed Constitution and Bylaws.

●Sent out an email to see who all was interested in attending the 2015 COSGA.


SG Report

Jennifer Humston, Vice President

  1. Events Attended:
  2. Student Government Meeting
  3. October 28, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in E156 Student Union hosted by Student Government (see meeting minutes)
  4. November 4, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in E156 Student Union hosted by Student Government (see meeting minutes)
  5. Student Government Cabinet Meeting
  6. October 28th, 2014 (see meeting minutes)
  7. November 4th, 2014 (see meeting minutes)
  8. Student Government Executive Board Meeting
  9. October 29th, 2014 at 3:00 p.m(see meeting minutes)
  10. November 5th, 2014 at 3:00 p.m(see meeting minutes)
  11. College of Education and Human Services Ice Cream Social
  12. October 29th, 2014 from 6:00 8:00 p.m. in the Wright State University Educational Resource Center
  13. CEHS College Meeting
  14. October 29th, 2014 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. in Nutter Center Berry Rom
  15. Presentation on the CEHS Strategic Plan with Brenda Kramer
  16. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
  17. November 3rd, 2014 1:30-3:30pm in 138 Fawcett Hall
  18. Senate Meeting
  19. November 4th, 2014 at 6:00 p.m(see meeting minutes)
  20. Old Business:
  21. Continually working on Goal Sheets for the senators. The goal sheets have been turned in and the next step is action steps to each goal.
  22. Working on Research for President and Vice Presidents of Student Governments in the local region and the local states.
  23. Traditions Book
  24. Working with Amanda Farrow for the Raider Traditions Book
  25. Looking to have the completed book out by fall 2015 semester.
  26. Senator One on Ones
  27. Dates are TBD based upon Student Government schedules
  28. I am meeting with each senator personally to help create, make, and implement goals through student government.
  29. New Business:
  30. Dean’s Student Advisory Council Meeting
  31. November 18, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. hosted by the President of the Dean’s Student Advisory Council
  32. SG Strategic Planning Core Committee
  33. Thu, November13, 2pm – 3pm in 107 SU
  34. Board of Trustees
  35. Chair for the Search Committee for the Student Members of the Wright State University Board of Trustees.
  36. CEHS Dean Search Committee
  37. First meeting will be held Tuesday November 25th, 2014 from 3-4pm in 267 University Hall.
  38. Campus Civics Presentation
  39. Working on a presentation with Zena to present to first year undergraduate students on November 20th from 10-noon.
  40. 2nd 3rd Floor SU Renovation A/E Interviews
  41. Schedule:
  42. 10:30 – 11:20 Annette Miller Architects
  43. 1:00 – 1:50 BHDP Architecture
  44. 2:00 – 2:50 Jerome Scott Architects
  45. 2:50 – 3:30ish Discussion amongst WSU stakeholders
  46. Administrative Office Report:
  47. N/A
  48. Outreach:
  49. Continually using social media to spread awareness about what Student Government is, doing, upcoming events.


Member Report - Week 10

Ryan A. Rushing, Chief of Staff

  1. Events Attended:
  2. College of Education and Human Services Ice Cream Social - 10-29-2014
  3. Holidays in the Heartland College of Liberal Arts Concert - 11-2-2014
  4. Amigos Latinos Business Summit - 11-10-2014
  1. Old Business:
  2. The Nutter Center emailed both Robert Yada, Associate Director for Governmental Affairs, and I quotes on catering and room reserval for the Student Government Scholarship Benefit. Mr. Yada and I will be working on some procedural stuff with registering the event and ensuring that it is a success. I will be meeting with Dr. Gary Dickstein, SG Advisor, to discuss reallocating funds from wages, since we have had many vacant positions, to cover the cost of this event.
  1. The Student Government Strategic Planning Core Committee met for the first planning session to discuss the purpose and intent of strategic planning as well as discussing the Mission Statement. I am happy to report that much progress was made during the first planning session and the committee has drafted a rough-draft Mission Statement that the committee will edit at the next planning session (Thursday, November 13) and start discussing the Vision Statement as well as working on the possibility of a survey. Although seemingly easy, strategic planning as a tool is very essential to the success of an organization. Through Student Government’s Strategic Plan it will allow the organization to have meaning, purpose, and be intentional on everything the organization has done, and give the organization direction to move forward.
  2. Aaron Engle, University College Senator, and I drafted an email that Mr. Engle will send to the various contacts that I obtained through the Raider Country Area High Schools survey that was sent out early this semester. From there, Mr. Engle and I will hopefully gain many contacts at high schools that will allow us to visit to promote the Internship Program and recruit interns for Student Government. Mr. Engle and I will also be meeting soon to draft a PowerPoint that we can present.
  3. I have yet scheduled a meeting to discuss the purpose of University College. It is my intent to do this soon, with adding Gabriel Riegle, Chief Justice to the group to meet to discuss this.
  4. Kyle Powell, President, and I met with Max McConnell, Director of Communications and Marketing, to further the image and effectiveness of the website. We got through many edits and ideas, one of which being my idea to create a focus group of mostly non-Student Government members to see how affective the website is in terms of content, as well as how easy it is to navigate.
  5. I finalized the Student Government Scholarship awards and the three students who received awards should have been notified of their award last week. I will contacting the awardees on behalf of Student Government and the committee.
  6. RahimaHamadi, Associate Director of Academic Affairs, and I presented the research on a proposed fall break that Ms. Hamadi found to both the Senate and Cabinet and comments were generally mixed. The Senate seemed to be in favor of the idea of a proposed fall break, where the Cabinet seems to be generally against. The arguments in favor tend to be arguing that fall semester is quite lengthy and the ability to have a day or two off before generally when midterms are will give both students and faculty the opportunity to catch up on studies and personal items. Arguments against tend to be that the university already has a flexible schedule of days off including Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Day break, and adding additional days will just back up faculty members to not be able to instruct the material they would like to in the time allowed. MsHamadi and I concluded that a survey of both students and faculty is in order to see what both constituencies believe in to see if there is general support behind this initiative. I emailed and informed Faculty President Dr. Matt Rizki of our purpose to move forward with a survey and the proposal in general. Dr. Rizki is OK with moving forward and is more than willing to help assist in surveying and informing the faculty of this proposal.
  7. Kyle Powell, President, Joe Bonvillian, Director of Disability Affairs, and I met with Dr. Rick Danals, Director of the Office of Student Activities, and Liz Beemer, Assistant Director of the Office of Student Activities, regarding the accessibility and overall usage of the Student Organizational Complex. As previously discussed, the overall accessibility of of the Student Organizational Complex as well as usage is not the best. Students with disabilities have difficulties entering and leaving the complex, and the complex itself is being utilized more as a lounge and study area and not for student organizations. I voiced these concerns and also on the idea of some office needs to take ownership and be less territorial. The conclusion was that the House of Representatives will formulate some sort of survey to see how the complex can be better utilized.
  8. New Business
  9. I have nearly met with all Cabinet members with their goals sheet and made great progress on moving many of their ideas forward. I am looking forward to seeing all of the Cabinet members’ goals proceed and reading on their progress in their reports.
  10. I requested Max McConnell, Director of Communications and Marketing, to create an image for the creation of a sign to be used to take pictures with those who gave gifts to the Student Government Scholarship to help bring awareness of the scholarship. I also got a quote on what it would cost to mail the entire faculty and staff a letter soliciting gifts for the scholarship.
  11. I have conversation with Gavin Doll, Director of Academic Affairs, on looking into seeing what is the policy regarding the locked dry erase markers in classrooms. Although it may not seem like a pressing issue, I have many of faculty complain about the accessibility of markers. Hopefully a solution that be found that can both allow for better access of markers as well as protecting the markers from being used inappropriate or for non-academic use and being stolen.
  12. Kyle Powell, President, and I met with a student regarding concerns on transportation for students with disabilities to and from events. The complaint was that transportation to events, such at the Nutter Center and other surrounding sporting facilities, is fine, but the problem lies when the busing stops after a certain time and students feel more or less stranded there without a means to get back. I informed the student that the university is working on purchasing all new business, and during this, also looking into a process where students can request transportation to and pick from events. In the interim, I contacted the Chief of Police to see about other options that could be provided during the interim before the new buses are purchases and a process has been formed.
  13. Administrative Office Report: none


SG Report

ZenaFadel, Director of Internal Affairs

  1. Events Attended:
  2. Omicron Delta Kappa Induction Ceremony (11/9/14)
  3. Old Business:
  4. Cabinet Meeting (10/28) and (11/4)
  5. E-Board Meeting (10/29) and (11/5)
  6. SG Budget Update with JB Saul (10/29)
  7. Internal Affairs Committee (10/30) and (11/6)
  8. Constitution and Bylaws
  9. Senate Meeting (11/4)
  10. Adopt A Highway Training with Gavin (11/5)
  11. Internal Committee Chairs Meeting (11/5)
  12. Campus Civics 101 meeting with Jen Humston (11/10)
  13. Plans/Projects:
  14. COSGA Estimates
  15. Discuss at last SG meeting
  16. Budget
  17. Microphone, stoles, promotional items, etc…
  18. Follow-up email on SG tags and desk plates
  19. SG Archives
  20. Projector Form
  21. Internal Affairs Committee folder updates
  22. Updating office hours
  23. key list
  24. New Business:
  25. Upcoming Events:
  26. Adopt A Highway Training with SG members
  27. HoR Service Meeting (11/12/14)
  28. Internal Affairs Committee (11/13/14) and (11/20/14)
  29. University Honors Committee (11/14/14)
  30. College Civics 101 meeting with Jen (11/17/14)
  31. Chartwells (Survey and Meals) Discussion (11/17/14)
  32. Senate Meeting (11/18/14)
  33. Cabinet Meeting (11/18/14)
  34. HoR Service Meeting - Starter Kit (11/19/14)
  35. First Year Student Distinction Award Event (11/20)
  36. Upcoming Plans/Projects:
  37. Report format
  38. SG evaluations
  39. Transition binders
  40. College Civics 101 presentation and handout
  41. Visual Tracking Project - Internal Affairs Committee
  42. Associate’s Report:
  43. Maintaining the operating budget with the Director of Internal Affairs. working on the raider Roundup event for spring. waiting on quotes for promotional products. found quote for stoles.
  44. RSCOB DSAB: student input surveys, Raiderthon donations at $350. toys for kids this winter, dates and locations for Business Pledge dec 3 in union and Fashion Show in union atrium in march coming soon.
  45. Administrative Office Report:
  46. Maintaining operating budget. created a detailed supplement budget sheet with purchases on it.
  47. Outreach:
  48. Present any information pertinent from the office and/or DSAB you work with. Finance minor options. Board for business clubs info. boards of the boards.
  49. How did you reach out to students in the past two weeks? Talked to students in the union market as well as the hangar.
  50. Concerns from students you have talked with and/or met: high traffic levels because of construction. Dirty parking lots. No Tim Hortons gift cards accepted. SBux long lines / rewards in the library. Finance minor in RSCOB. Lack of interest in Jason Derulo / bad concept. Cars being towed from college station. orgs and non university affiliated individuals not following the rules for posting procedures.
  51. Administrative Office Report:
  52. CEHS Ice Cream Social (10/29)
  53. Outreach:
  54. Talked to other students about SG applications and vacant positions


Gabriel Riegle – Chief Justice

1)Events attended

  1. ODK Induction Ceremony – 11/09/2014 – Omicron Delta Kappa –

2)Old Business

  1. Sent out Constitution and Bylaws to all of SG and will be put on the website for the public to view.
  2. I am still attending Org meetings across campus.
  3. I will be visiting lingual organizations to request translation of the SG Constitution if they have the time.
  4. Met with Kyle Powell and Nathan Balasubramanian to go over content for an elections tab that will be supported by the website.
  5. Met with Ryan Rushing to get more input towards starting a Pre-Law program on campus.
  6. Interviews for SEC members will be happening on a day-to-day basis.
  7. I’ve looked up pricing of banners of varying sizes for the elections.
  8. Met with Rob Yada and Nathan Balasubramanian concerning Spring Elections and a new resolution that will be introduced at a later date.
  9. I am meeting with both Cabinet and Senate reminding them to continually approach their constituencies.

3)New Business

  1. Meeting with Brandan Defoe Wednesday, November 12th to research for the Pre-Law program.
  2. I will be gathering materials for the SEC to begin focusing on.

4)Associate Report:

  1. Balasubramanian, Lakshmi Nathan- Associate Justice – 11/10/2014
  2. Events Attended:
  3. Wright Engineering Council annual closure meet
  4. Post M.S Scenario by Dr.PhaniKidambi for graduate students
  5. Halloween party at Wright State International gateway
  6. Old Business:
  7. Strategic Planning Core Committee
  8. Met with Gabe and Kyle – Elections tab & Presidential veto
  9. Met with Graduate senator – Insurance Plan project
  10. Met with Gabe, Yada – Resolution for the term “Intellectual Disability“
  11. Met with Mr.Deekshith – President, GSA – discuss about policy strategy for insurance, Wright Engineering council and SG.
  12. New Business:
  13. Elections tab , Web page, Video making
  14. Student Trustee Process discussion – Kyle’s project
  15. Work with neighbor universities to find a suitable medical insurance plan
  16. Administrative Office Report:
  17. Appointed as Vice President for Wright Engineering Council, effective Jan 1st 2015
  18. Working on a MoU between Wright State University and Kuwait Embassy
  19. Live chat from Agents, prospective students.
  20. Helping student’s with Study abroad and ambassador program.

v.Outreach (if applicable):

1. Meeting often with international students to discuss about the cost of medical insurance


  1. I have spoken to many about joining SG, but a select few, after speaking with them, seem to want to be Associate Justice and Student Election’s Commissions members.
  2. I have emailed past applicants to Student Government about the open positions within the Judicial Branch.


  1. Students in the Medical Field complain about not being fully prepared in the physics courses for the MCAT. A suggestion was made to have a single semester class (instead of the current academic year class) that specifically covers material that is pertinent to the newest edition of the MCAT. If you need more info, I will get you in-touch with the originator of this idea if he/she wants to speak about it.
  2. The Moat has raised a lot of controversy, and students seem to like the tradition that it has instilled, but the university realizes the potential for the space aesthetically. A majority of the students I’ve spoken with are juniors and seniors and wish the moat to stay, but I believe it serves little purpose and should suit better as an overhang space for more tables and an open view of the quad as the younger students I have spoken with have said.
  3. Students have heard about the plans for BACON, but have yet to see any construction or relocation occur. They look forward to an amphitheatre.
  4. A group of students have commented that the light pole near the Alumni Bell Tower does not illuminate the surrounding area quite as well as they would please for they feared the possibility of malice occurring and would like to see the light bulb changed.
  5. Dayton campus students are not allowed to get into the Lake campus Rec Center.