Honors European History
Final Exam Review Sheet
I. Napoleonic Europe
a. Effects of the French Revolution
b. Napoleon Bonaparte
c. “A whiff of grapeshot”
d. Invasion of Egypt
e. The coronation of Napoleon
f. The Concordat of 1801
g. Code Napoleon
h. Battle of Austerlitz
i. Battle of Trafalgar
j. Grande Armée
k. Continental system
l. The Hundred Days
II. 19th Century Europe
a. Industrialization
i. Charles Dickens
ii. Charles Darwin
iii. Karl Marx
iv. Sigmund Freud
v. Thomas Malthus
vi. Louis Pasteur
vii. Guglielmo Marconi
viii. Alfred Nobel
ix. James Watt
x. Jethro Tull
xi. Karl Marx
xii. Adam Smith
b. Imperialism
i. Berlin Conference
ii. Queen Victoria
iii. Sepoy Mutiny
iv. Boxer Rebellion
c. Nationalism
i. Political spectrum
1. Liberal
2. Moderate
3. Conservative
ii. Irish Potato Famine
iii. Unification of Italy
1. Guiseppe Garibaldi
iv. Unification of Germany
1. Kulturkampf
2. Otto von Bismarck
3. Blood and Iron
4. Franco-Prussian War
d. Art and architectural styles
i. Romanticism
ii. Neoclassicism
III. World War I
a. Franz Ferdinand’s assassination
b. Alliance system
c. Schlieffen Plan
d. Trench warfare
i. “Shell shock”
e. Gallipoli Campaign
f. Battle of the Somme
g. Battle of Jutland
h. Ferdinand Foch
i. Zimmermann Telegram
i. Unrestricted submarine warfare
j. German navy mutinies
k. Wilson’s Fourteen Points
l. Treaty of Versailles
IV. Russian Revolution
a. Czars
i. Alexander I
ii. Nicholas I
iii. Alexander II
iv. Alexander III
1. Russification
v. Nicholas II
1. Abdication
2. Assassination
b. Russo-Japanese War
i. Battle of Tsushima
c. Bloody Sunday
i. Father Gapon
d. V.I. Lenin
i. Exile in Switzerland
ii. Bolsheviks
iii. April Theses
iv. July coup
e. Grigori Rasputin
f. Alexander Kerensky
i. Provisional government Prime Minister
g. Joseph Stalin
i. Gulags
h. February Revolution
i. October Revolution
V. 1920s and 1930s Europe
a. Spanish Civil War
i. Francisco Franco
ii. Nationalists vs. Republicans
iii. Guernica by Pablo Picasso
b. Fascist Italy
i. Benito Mussolini
c. Germany
i. Hyperinflation
ii. Adolf Hitler
1. Nazi Party
2. Beer Hall Putsch
3. Mein Kampf
4. Chancellor of Germany
5. Concentration camps
iii. 1936 Olympic Games
d. Appeasement
i. Munich Conference