Colonel John Stuart Elementary
October 2017 – Newsletter
Dates to Remember / Bell TimesOct 02
Oct 02
Oct 03
Oct 04
Oct 05
Oct 05
Oct 09
Oct 11, 12, 17 & 18
Oct 25
Oct 26
Oct 27
Nov 13
Nov 22 / Breakfast Program & Milk Program starts
Terry Fox Walk/Relocation Drill
Mad Science Programs Begins
Pizza Lunch Program Starts
Subway Lunch Program Starts
PTO Meeting @ 6:15 pm SAC Meeting @ 7:00 pm
Thanksgiving-no students present
Grade 6 Prov. Testing (grade 6 only this year)
Picture Re-Takes AM
Halloween Howl (gymnasium 6:30-8:00 pm)
Provincial Conference Day-no students present
Remembrance Day-no students present
Assessment & Evaluation Day-no students present / First Bell 8:25
Late Bell 8:35
Lunch Dismissal 11:35
Afternoon In Bell 12:30
Dismissal for Grades P-6 2:35
Morning supervision of students
starts at 8:15 a.m.
Our school is a SchoolsPlus school. Please refer to our website for more
information on SchoolsPlus.
SSP-Student Success Planning
School goals are: 1. Students will improve in writing in the areas of organization, ideas, language use and conventions. 2. Students will improve their ability to problem solve and clearly communicate their understanding and thinking process in number sense. We are now in year five of the SSP cycle. Teachersmeet weekly to examineclassroom and formal assessment data in their PLCs (Professional Learning Communities) to best determine instructional strategies to support individual student achievement. On Friday, September 29th Colonel John staff worked with the staff at Atlantic View Elementary and RK Turner Elementary to collaborate on instructional strategies.
Come Try Cheering
Legacy Cheer Atlantic-for a FREE, fun filled introductory cheer session
Join us for the Legacy Cheer Atlantic's Come Try Cheer event on Thursday, October 5, 2017 at the
Legacy Cheer Wave Gym (19 Pettipas Drive, Dartmouth). Wear t-shirt, shorts and clean sneakers.
Bring a water bottle and a friend! There is no charge for this event. Boys and Girls welcome!!
● 4-9 year olds (both boys and girls) - Thursday, Oct 5, 6:00-7:00 pm
● 10-13 year olds (both boys and girls) - Thursday, Oct 5, 7:15-8:15 pm
● 14-18 year olds (both boys and girls) - Thursday, Oct 5, 7:15 -8:15 pm
Visit to sign up for this FREE event!
The front door will be locked during school hours. There is a video intercom located in the corner of the main door, please ring it to be let in. This is for the safety of your children. You MUST check into the office after entering the school. It is important that we know who is in the school at all times. We ask that you sign in, speak to the secretary as to why you are here or who you are here to see and put on a visitor/volunteer badge before proceeding into the building. Staff will be stopping individuals who are in the building without a tag and ask them to return to the office.
Stock Bus Tracker – #WheresMyBus???
Stock Transportation has created an app that allows parents/guardians and students to track their school bus in near real time. It’s called the Stock Bus Tracker. It’s important to note that this is an app owned and operated by Stock. To log in, users will need the last four digits of their child’s Student ID number. This information is readily available to parents/guardians in PowerSchool or on a report card. Questions related to bus routing or about how the app works should be directed to Stock.
Safe Arrival
If your child will not be attending school or will be late, it is imperative that you call the school’s safe arrival line 902- 464-5204. ALL students that arrive late or leave mid-day must check in with the office before going to class.
PTO News
PTO meeting isOctober 05 at 6:15 pm
Reminder: Please have all NorCard Holiday Fundraiser orders placed by October 9th for delivery in early November – just in time for Christmas!
The annual Halloween Howl is taking place onOctober 26thfrom6:30 to 8:00 pm. Please remember that this is a family event so all students attending must have a parent with them and we ask that there are no toy weapons with the costumes. We are looking for volunteers to help with set up on the afternoon ofOctober 26thas well as during the event. If you are interested please nd someone from the PTO will get back to you.
CHSC/CHEP Soccer Registration Now OPEN.
Offering Competitive and Recreational Programs for ages 5-17 yrs. Lots of Spaces still available for Recreational programs for ages 5-12 yrs. Please see our website for more information.
Volunteer Information
In order for parents and guardians to volunteer in their children’s classroom or on a field trip, they are required to fill out forms (a Criminal Records Check and a Child Abuse Registry Search). Please see the school office for these forms.
Parking Lot Safety
For now, the drop of lane will continue to remain open in the morning. For those who use the drop off lane,we ask that vehicles stop long enoughto have students exit the car on the passenger side and then vehicles immediately exit the parking lot. Pylons will again be placed on the left side of the parking lot to guide cars to remain on the right hand side. The parking lot will be closed following lunch. To avoid backing up onto the street, please remember tonot turn into the only entrance driveway as it will be closed following lunch. If you are picking up your child after school, please have a discussion as to where you will be meeting them. If you have any questions, please call the school at 902-464-5200.
Electronics: Please note that students are not permitted to bring electronic devices to school as they are expensive and the school will not be responsible for broken or lost electronics. Such electronic might include but it not limited to ipods, cell phones, cameras, MP3 players, etc. For a specific activity, teachers may suggest to their students to bring in an electronic devise, but this will be up to the discretion of parents as the school will not be responsible for lost or broken electronic devises. Techer will inform the parents of the date of such activity.
Safety Concerns
The safety of our students is a major concern of everyone here at Colonel John. We work hard to ensure that students are properly supervised during school hours. We have hired Lunch Monitors to supervise students during the lunch hour. Teachers are not on duty before 8:15 a.m. nor are they on duty after school. It is therefore essential that NO students arrive at school before 8:15, or remain on the playgrounds after school without first going home. The school is not responsible for supervising the school yard after school hours. Parents need to be aware that younger siblings waiting on the playground for older brothers or sisters are not supervised by school staff nor are they the responsibility of the school staff.
Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted by a certain species of ticks known as the blacklegged tick, sometimes called the deer tick. Though usually seen in the summer, ticks are still active in the fall. It is therefore important to be aware of ticks while enjoying the outdoors. Blacklegged ticks are very small – sometimes as small as the period at the end of this sentence. Though blacklegged ticks in Nova Scotia can carry the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, not every blacklegged tick will carry it.
The first symptom of Lyme disease is usually a rash that may look like a bull’s eye target near the tick bite. The rash can appear anywhere from 1-30 days after the bite. Symptoms such as fever, headache, tiredness, stiff neck, pain and swelling in the joints and general body aches and pains may develop. Symptoms may appear over a period of months. If symptoms appear, it is very important to contact a health care provider. Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics.To access a great educational video for kids about how to protect against tick bites, and to learn more about Lyme disease and blacklegged ticks, visit or call your local Public Health office at 902-481-5800.