Welcome to Biology!
CSHS Policies & Course Syllabus
SY2017 - 2018
Teacher/Instructional Coach: Ms. Kim Wallis-Lindvig shortened to Ms. Lindvig ( aka Ms. L.)
Room #: 805
Phone: 480-575-2482
Website: https://www.ccusd93.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=3420
Office Hours: Hours will be posted on my website and board weekly (I offer at least 2 opportunities for o office hours) Tuesday 2:00 - 3:00 pm Thursday 2:00 - 3:00 pm plus Monday - Thursday during lunch.
Course Description:
Biology is the study of life. The prime objectives in biology are that the students:
(1) learn biological principles and theories
(2) be able to recognize the relationship of biology to themselves and the world around them
(3) appreciate all life and how to protect it
(4) be aware of major biological problems in the world today
(5) learn basic laboratory techniques
(6) acquire an appreciation of advancements in science.
Class work includes lecture, reading, writing, demonstrations, discussions, group work, lab activities,
a and presentations. It is a lab science and can be applied to the lab science requirement for graduation. This a class is also a prerequisite to upper level science classes. The units are planned to stimulate a genuine interest i in the sciences.
Student please initial that you have read & understood this section:______
CSHS Policy: Bathroom Usage
____It is CSHS Policy that No Student can use the Bathroom the First and Last 10 minutes of Class.
_ ___No student can use the rest room while the teacher is giving instruction nor watching a you tube
educational video
______All students will sign out/ printing legibly their name & sign back in to use the bathroom. Use the bathroom pa passes.
Student please initial that you have read & understood this section: ______
CSHS Policy: Making Up Assignments/Labs/Exams/Quizzes due to Absence for Any Reason.
__ All students have 2 days to make up assignments, labs, exams, quizzes for each day absent. Please make t transportation arrangements to attend office hours after school to accomplish this or make arrangement
for lunch time office hours.
_____ Lab Make-Up: Please inform the teacher that you will be attending an office hours to ensure that lab
materials will be set up & available to you. The 2 day policy will apply to lab make-up.
S Student please initial that you have read & understood this section: ______
CSHS policy: Working in the Classroom
___It is CSHS policy to work bell to bell, therefore do NOT PACK up early- participation points will be docked if this occurs. After the bell, students are given 5 minutes to get to their next class.
___The teacher, Mrs. Lindvig, will dismiss the class NOT the bell.
CSHS policy: No Food or Drinks including Icees will be allowed in the classrooms.
__ Only water is allowed.
____Passes will not be given to go to your locker/venting machine to get food, or beverages
Student please initial that you have read & understood this section: ______
Mrs. Lindvig's Biology Class Expectations/Rules:
1. Listen & Follow Directions.
2. Raise Your Hand During Lessons if you would like to ask a question or add a comment
3. Respect the Teacher, Mrs. Lindvig, Fellow Students and Yourself.
_ No talking while the teacher is talking.
_ No talking if a fellow student is asking a question or giving a response
_ Neither disruptive, disrespectful or bad behavior will not be tolerated. Period.
_ Horse play in either class or lab area will not be tolerated.
4. All back packs must either be tucked under a desk or placed on a table to make sure the isles are clutter free for safety.
5. Come into class every day ready to work with a positive attitude.
6. Bring the best versions of yourself every day to class
In order to create a positive & dynamic classroom environment that academically supports & enriches learning for all students, these expectations /rules will be enforced for all students to follow. The consequences of not meeting these expectations /rules will be a referral & possibly removal from the classroom for the remainder of the class period in which the infraction occurred.
Student please initial that you have read & understood this section: ______
Mrs. Lindvig's Biology Class Rules on Smart/Cell Phones
1. No smart/cell phones will be out during lesson time. Period. They will not be in your pockets nor on your desk. If you parent needs to get ahold of you during class time, please have them contact the office which will contact me.
One exception could possibly be if Google Chrome Books are not available, students then will be instructed to use their phone for a Kahoot or Socrative assignment or research. During these times, all phones will be placed flat on the desk to be viewed by the teacher. Mrs. Lindvig will inform the students when a phone can be used in the classroom.
Consequence Rubric: All students will receive 50 active lessoning points (these are part of the participation points to be discussed in the grading percentage section of this syllabus) at the beginning of the semester. If a phone is out during an inappropriate time, 5 points will be deducted plus a referral will be written.
This policy is to ensure that all students are activity listening & participating in our class.
Student please initial that you have read & understood this section:______
Mrs. L's Biology Class Pledge
* I will practice integrity by being to my class on time and working with effort.
* I will work as a TEAM on selected assignments because Together Everyone Achieves More!
* I am too focused on my hopes and dreams to waste today. I am college, technical school or military bound!!!
* I will be respectful, responsible, and ready to achieve my academic goals everyday
Student please initial that you have read & understood this section:______
Additional Help and Make-Up Hours: I am here to help you. Please come to office hours if you need help in understanding a concept.
Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursdays 2:00 - 3:00 pm. Monday - Thursday lunch time ( Please let Mrs. Lindvig you plan on coming.)
If there are changes to my office hours they will be posted on the website and the front board at the beginning of the week. Occasionally, I do have meetings that conflict with my office hours. Please check with the teacher, Mrs. Lindvig, to make sure that she can be available for you at a particular office hours time. Once you have checked the hours of availability it is best to make an appointment with the teacher so the materials will be ready for you when you come in. Please come to office hours prepared with materials, if you have these, and questions.
Student please initial that you have read & understood this section:______
Student Responsibilities
1. It is the student's responsibility to have all home work ready to turn in at the start of class time. No late work will be accepted. (CSHS policy)
School Absence Policy
Students are responsible for contacting teachers to complete missed work. Parents can e-mail teachers to request homework to pick up during a student’s absence. For every day of excused absence, a student has two days to make up homework, classwork, quizzes, and tests (parents have 24 hours to contact the school to excuse the absence). Work previously assigned with a due date during an absence is due on the first day of his/her return to school (including suspension dates). This also includes previously assigned exams/quizzes. Be advised that each department, which assigns extended projects, has specific deadline dates. All make up work from an excused absence is eligible to receive full credit if completed and turned in within the 2 day window. Some courses such as Honors, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and Dual Enrollment courses have numerous long-term projects or portfolios, which may have absolute deadlines. Students will be advised of these project/portfolio deadlines in the course syllabus or on grading outlines and will be expected to turn in projects/portfolios prior to the designated date for credit regardless of days absent. Assignments, tests, quizzes not completed within the 2 day window will receive a zero. (Ref: Board Policy JH-R)
2. It is the student's responsibility to check the grade book at least once a week to check for grade percentage and any possible errors. If you feel there is an error, write a note & place on my desk with the following information:
a.) Full Name b.) Biology Class Period 3.) Name of assignment 4.) If assignment was returned, placed the note with this.
3. It is the student's responsibility during an absence to check Mrs. Lindvig's web site to know what you missed. If you need help in understanding the lesson, please make arrangements to come to office hours. I will be glad to help you.
4. It is the students responsibility to come to office hours or schedule a time to make up a lab, exams, quizzes and assignments.
Student please initial that you have read & understood this section:______
Student Goals:
It is important to set a goal to work towards & achieve. Please reflect on this & write down what grade would you like to work towards & earn in biology for the Fall Semester:
Goal grade:______
Text/Resources Used:
1. Biology (Prentice Hall) (Please keep your book at home. Books are available
in class for your use)
2. Website access to the Biology book using either link.
a. . http://goo.gl/GE2Cye
b. http://tinyurl.com/CSHSbiologytextbook
3. Activities on-line that go with the textbook:
3. Internet and other relevant books and resource posted on Ms. Lindvig's web site.
Grading/Evaluation Policy:
Grades will be based on lab experiments, quizzes, tests, homework, projects, and daily class work. Note:
I do not assign extra credit for one student. However, sometimes there might be bonus questions on quizzes or tests. Once in a while I may have a Bonus Assignment given in class…so pay attention! Grades are located on-line. It is the student’s responsibility to check their grades frequently in case of any mistakes. Please check at least weekly. Please let me know immediately via a note placed on teacher's desk if you feel there has been an error made. ( See Student's Responsibility section above concerning this issue.)
Biology Grading Scale Grade Category Percentages:
100% to 90% = A Tests/Quizzes are worth 40% of a student's grade
89% to 80% = B Labs/Activities/Projects are worth 20%
79% to 70% = C Class work/Homework 15%
Participation & Active Listening Points 10% of grade.
69% to 60% = D Final Exam of Semester Grade 15%
Below 60% = F
*Rubrics will be provided for participation & project points.
Weekly or biweekly quizzes are given to assess learning on an ongoing basis. The quizzes maybe over any class work, lab, or homework we have done during that day, this week or previous week.
Student please initial that you have read & understood this section:______
How to be successful in biology
The best way to succeed on any assessment is to actively participate in class, do the class work, and do the homework. Additionally, reviewing the class materials and notes for 10-15 minutes per school day will greatly improve your understanding and retention of concepts. In addition to quizzes, exams will be administered at the end of major chapters/units. Exams are cumulative and any previously covered material is fair game.
If you need help in understand a key concept or any information in the course, please come to office ‘help time’ hours or make an appointment so I can help you be successful. My office ‘help time’ hours are posted on CSHS_ Mrs. L.’s website.
Required Course Materials:
3-ring binder (2” or 3”) or folder
College-ruled paper
Blue or Black Pens
Student please initial that you have read & understood this section:______
Computer/ Internet
Some of the required outside work for this class requires the use of a computer and the internet. If
you do not have access to this equipment at home you will need to make arrangements to do some
of your work before/after school on the media center or public library.
CSHS Policy Excused absences:
Per your student handbook, if a student has an absence they will be allowed to make up the work
as long as the work is completed in the allotted amount of time (i.e. two days for each day missed).
Work not turned in due to an absence may be turned in on the day returning to class. Parents
will be contacted if absences/tardiness is frequent.
Unexcused absences:
As per CCUSD policy will result in NO credit for the work done in class for that day. This includes
exams, quizzes, and labs. If a student has 10 absences they may lose credit from the class,
as per CCUSD policy.
What to do if you are absent:
If you are absent, YOU are responsible for finding out about any make up work, assignments, or
notes. Checking Mrs. Lindvig’s website is a great way to find out what you missed and what is due.
Assignments, labs, quizzes, and exams will be posted on the website and also on the
classroom calendar. You are encouraged to get the assignments from the website before returning
to class. You will need to obtain notes from a fellow student or from the teacher, Mrs. Lindvig. When class is missed,
the student misses how the teacher explains the day’s lesson. If you have questions or need help
with the material that was covered, please come to Mrs. Lindvig’s office ‘help time’ hours or make an appointment.
Labs will need to be made up afterschool by appointment within the 2 day allotted days. Alternative assignments maybe given for some missed assignments – the same concept will be covered. Written assignments and homework can be made up at home.