Recent Research Publication progress of Theriogenology Section of Animal Health, FAHVS, the University of Agriculture Peshawar

M.Phil Scholar / Thesis title / Publication produced
Hamid Rehman (2014) / Relationship of age, breed and libido with semen traits of cattle bulls. Theriogenology Section, UA Peshawar /
  1. H. Rehman, I.A. Alhidary, R.U. Khan, M.S. Qureshi, U. Saddique, H. Khan,1 H. Yaqoob and Arshad Zahoor Relationship of Age, Breed and Libido with Semen Traits of Cattle Bulls Breeds Pakistan Journal of ZoologyVol.48 (6):, pp. 00-00, (impact factor 0.478)
  2. Hamed Rehman, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Rifat Ullah Khan, Umar Saddique, Adnan Khan, Ali Gohar, Muhammad Younas, Hamayun Khan, Ibrar Muhammad Khan and Zakirullah Relationship of Age, Breed and Libido with Semen Traits of Cattle Bulls” J.Vet.Anim.Sci.Vol.5 (suppl.1); Pp20 2015

Abdul Wahab 2015(HEC indigenous fellowship) / Assessment of Biochemical health indicators of Rabbit (Doe), its amniotic fluid and placental morphometry during pregnancy /
  1. Abdul Wahab, Hamayun Khan, Ahmad S , Qureshi MS, Younas M, Khan S, Sadique U and Shah MK2016 Biochemical Profile of Local abbits (Oryctolagus cunniculus) During Successful Pregnancy Under Backyard Production SystemPakistan J. Zool., vol. 48 (3), pp. 625-630, 2016.(impact factor 0.478; citation 1 )
  2. Abdul Wahab, Hamayun Khan, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Muhammad Younas and Sir Zamin Khan Pregnancy related changes in gross morphometry of the Placenta and Developing Fetus in local Rabbits the proceeding of the international conference on agriculture, food and animal science held in Sind Agriculture University TandoJam on 25-26 February 2015.Pp51
  3. Hamayun Khan, Abdul Wahab, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Shakoor Ahmad, Muhammad Younas and Sir Zamin Khan Studies on the Selected Biochemical Indicators of the Amniotic Fluid in local Rabbits during Successful Pregnancy, the Proceeding of the International Conference on Agriculture, Food and Animal Science held in Sind Agriculture University TandoJam on 25-26 February 2015. page 49
  4. Biochemical attributes of amniotic fluid during fetal growth stage of successful pregnancy in Rabbits submitted to International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (impact factor 0.758)

Zakirulah 2015 / Effect on Cysteine and vitamin E addition in extender on post-thaw quality of achai and Holsten Friesian bull semen /
  1. Cysteine supplementation enhances post-thaw quality of spermatozoa in Achai and Holstein Friesian bulls in subtropical envirnament of Peshawar submitted to Pakistan J. Zool.,
manuscript modificationis in progress according to reviewer,s comments 2017 .
(impact factor 0.478)
  1. Zakirullah, Hamayun Khan, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Muhammad Younas, Ali Gohar, Rifat Ullah Khan, Shuaib Sultan Afridi ,Hamid Rehman ,Umar Saddique, Ibrar Muhammad Khan, Adnan Khan Cysteine supplementation Enhanced Post-thaw quality of Spermatozoa in Achai and Holstein Fresian bulls” J.Vet.Anim.Sci.Vol.5 (suppl.1); Pp16 2015

Ibrar Muhamamd Khan, 2014. / Comparison of semen quality in pure and crossbred bulls before and after thawing /
  1. Ibrar Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Rifat Ullah Khan, Umar Saddique, Adnan Khan, Syed Murtaza Hussan Andrabi, Ali Gohar, Muhammad Younas, Hamayun Khan, Hamid Rehman and Zakirullah Cross Breeding Promotes Deterioration of Semen Quality in Cattle” .J.Vet.Anim.Sci.Vol.5 (suppl.1); Pp20 2015
  2. Full length manuscript has been submitted to PJZ (impact factor 0.478)

Adnan Khan, 2014. / Effect of different equilibration times on post thaw cryopreserved semen quality of cattle and buffalo bulls. /
  1. Adnan Khan, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Rifat Ullah Khan, Umar Saddique, Ibrar Muhammad Khan, Syed Murtaza Hussan Andrabi, Ali Gohar,Muhammad Younas, Hamayun Khan, Hamed Rehman and Zakirullah Effects of Different Equilibration Times on Cell Membrane and DNA Integrity of Sperm after Cryo-preservation in Cattle” J.Vet.Anim.Sci.Vol.5 (suppl.1); Pp19 2015
  2. Full length manuscript has been submitted to international journal

Shahzada Khurram Andrian Shah 2016 / The effect of Maternal L-Carnitine supplementation in pregnant rabbit Doe on health performance of neonates. /
  1. Publication in process

Chahat Ali, 2016. / Effect of L Carnitine Supplementation on oxidative stress, metabolic and hormonal profiles of pregnant rabbit doe. /
  1. Publication in process

Noor Badshah 2017 / Effect of different levels of green tea (Camellia sinesis) extraction on post-thaw quality of buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis) spermatozoa.(in progress)