Vice Chancellor of Student Development
Student Development Departments and Units
Annual Program Review Form
Please review the following tables and fill out the text boxes that follow the tables. This form should be submitted to your Dean, if applicable, or the Vice Chancellor of Student Development.. The completion of this form is part of the institutional program review process.
Department: CalWorks
Contact Person: Roland Montemayor
Date: February 1, 2010
1. Description of Programs and Services and their Locations
- CalWORKS, (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids), which is a program designated to assist individuals moving from welfare to work. The CalWORKS office is located in Bungalow 615 and provide conprehensive case managenet services to studnets amking the transition form welafre to work.
· Students are assigned to a counselor’s caseload with a referral from an Employment Specialist. The student referral indicates the recommended field of study which the Counselor discusses with new student. Counselors make hour long appointments with new students to develop an educational plan. With agreement from all, student becomes a part of the CalWORKs City College of San Francisco system.
Continuing students:
· Continuing students, with a current educational plan, meet with counselors at the beginning of each semester for 30 minutes to review their academic progress. Continuing students without a current educational plan make an hour long appointment with their counselor to discuss current information pertinent to their studies. Student grades and GPA are also reviewed at this time. If a student is on academic probation, student is referred to “probation workshops” conducted by the general counseling department. If the student is unable to attend a workshop, he/she is required to take the workshop on line. Successful completion of workshops is available to other counseling staff and is recorded in a students CalWORKs folder. Students receive a completion certificate.
New/Continuing Student Progress:
· The week after midterm, students must make an appointment to meet with their counselor to discuss their grades and progress made toward goals. If a mid-term grade is not available, students are asked to give an accounting of test grades earned in each class to date. Recommendations are made to students and students are referred to appropriate college services, for example; math or writing lab, tutoring etc. Results of grade consultations are shared with HSA staff upon request. Changes in major are referred back to HSA for approval. New educational plans are then made where appropriate.
General Goal Tracking Information:
· Students are given realistic time frames for goal completion
· Where a student is of the opinion that they may need additional support or if the counselor feels that the student needs additional assistance to realize their goal, appropriate referrals are made either on or off campus. On campus referrals include the Department of Special Programs and Services, Student Mental Health, and Tutorial to name a few. Off campus referrals may include the Domestic Violence Consortium or the Homeless Prenatal Program among others. All efforts are made to provide any additional services to assist a student in meeting their educational plan requirements.
· Student files are updated at all times so that any staff person at any time can pull a file and see what activity has taken place with the counselor.
· Prior to exam week, students should see their counselor again as we prepare for book vouchers for the following term. Should the student not present himself or herself at this time, they are put on a “hold” status until they meet with their counselor.
· Students receive email messages, telephone calls and/or letters from the office reminding them of work study opportunities available, upcoming workshops relevant to their area of interest, appointment reminders and college information in general.
· CalWORKs counselors participate with other college counseling departments to keep abreast of information on majors, transfers and new college programs. This information is passed on to students and if possible, posted in the office.
· Students are encouraged to participate in campus activities relevant to their goals as often as possible.
· Since students are assigned to a counselor’s caseload, the student becomes the responsibility of the assigned counselor. Therefore, there is continuity of effort and the student and counselor become a working team in student goal completion. They develop a sense of trust in one another and the counselor becomes their advocate. Students gain confidence in our goal tracking process and this makes advisement more meaningful when they repeatedly see “their” counselor. Keeping track of their successes in their individual files becomes a “snap” and assists in goal realization.
· Where a student has earned a GPA below a 2.0 or a student receives an “F” or “D” grade in any class (particularly in their goal area) students are called by their counselor.
Documents Maintained in Student’s Case File:
· SF Dept of Human Services CalWORKs Employment Services Referral (includes Welfare-to-Work objective)
· Student Needs Assessment form
· City and County of San Francisco Assistance Verification Letter
· Email printed on HAS letter head from the employment specialist verifying eligibility each semester
· CCSF Consent to Release of Information
Unique features:
Employment Specialists and CCSF Counselors are house in the same CCSF site and communicate in person or by the CCMS common database, telephone, fax or by e-mail on an as needed basis. Student appointments are tracked by the SARS appointment system, LAB hours are tracked by a student tracking system. Each counselor has her/his own caseload and is responsible for follow-up counseling. Weekly matches are made between HSA and the College BANNER system to verify enrollments of CW clients.
In addition, monthly meetings are held with CCSF and HSA staff. The HSA CalWORKs Oversight Committee meets four times a year. Our counselors visit the HSA offices to explain CCSF programs and procedures. CalWORKs staff meets every week to problem solve and determine any additional services on and off campus which will assist in contributing to student success. CCMS currently accommodates CalWIN and the College’s electronic educational plan.
2. Data regarding Personnel, Student Contacts, Expenditures, and Productivity; also Student Demographics and Student Success, when available
If you have questions about the data definitions, please see the online glossary at
3. Data regarding Student/Employee Satisfaction—
No new satisfaction data is available this year.
4. Use this text box to provide reflections on the data trends represented above. If you have additional data which you would like to provide, please also include that here.
5. Write an update on any internal or external developments affecting your department during the past year.
CalWORKS experienced a 40% initial reduction in state allocation and a reduction in the number of students served. 1.0 FTE counseling faculty was transferred to reduce strain on the budget and to meet the needs in other department. CalWORKs was successful in securing stimulus funds and one time funding from the state chancellor’s office and the San Francisco Department of Human Services to support City College CalWORKs student employment and job development.
6. In last year’s program review, many departments with courses and programs identified a six-year plan for reviewing all of their courses and programs. Summarize your progress to date on the plans made in your department. Also, please fill out Attachment A detailing updated plans to review all courses and programs in your department. Please also use Attachment A to indicate your timeline for assessing and examining learning outcomes for your courses and programs.
CalWORKs staff and faculty held two planning meetings with the SLO Divisional Coordinator during the Spring 2009 semester. The CalWORKs team developed an SLO and implemented it during fall of 2009. See attachments
7. In last year’s program review, many departments identified plans for improvement in services, courses, and programs based on the assessment of learning outcomes. Summarize your progress to date on the plans made in your department. Also, please fill out Attachment B on work your department is doing this year regarding the assessment of learning outcomes.
CalWORKs Counselors surveyed students on their knowledge of academic support services provided at CCSF. This information was used to redesign orientation materials and indentify information gaps.
8. Summarize progress to date on prior year’s planning objectives (excluding progress already cited in #6 and #7).
Continue providing leadership in the CalWORKs office. Continue providing staff development opportunities for employees. Our unit initiated mass email communication to CalWORKS students. Continue providing high quality services to CalWORKS. CalWORKs counselors explored and redefined the unit’s mission. A student survey is currently being implemented.
9. Please review the 2006 Education Master Plan. Using explicit references to the Plan (e.g., “Section IV.1. first bullet”), please provide a brief progress report for those items related to your department or unit. The plan is located at this link:
Counselors further explored the manner in which counseling outcomes would be assessed under the framework established by the revised Vision and Mission statements for the Student Services division, as stated in the 2006 Educational Master Plan.
10. What are the department’s major planning objectives for the next fiscal year? Please cite linkages, where applicable, to the College Strategic Plan, the College Annual Plan or other collegewide plans, including the Education Master Plan, the Technology Plan, the Facilities Master Plan, etc. You may also cite linkages to the department’s review of courses, programs and assessment of student learning. College plans are available at this link:
1) Electronic File Archive for CalWORKs.
The Financial Aid Office is purchasing an imaging system which will also be used in the CalWORKs Office. The first phase is to archive all student files not current. Files must be maintained for three years. The second phase is to scan and upload current files. This will allow CalWORKs counseling units to reach out to students at all of our instruction sites, while reducing the impact on the environment and the cost for paper
2) Relocation of CalWORKs
The CalWORKs Office will be relocated during the summer to a more central location, in the third floor of Cloud next to financial aid. This will allow for more accessible services to students, greater collaboration with financial aid staff and faculty and expanded Department of Human Services (DHS) support to CalWORKs students. We are currently negotiating with DHS to help cover facility modification coast.
3) Have an increased presence at the South East Campus.
4) Continue to seek outside funding to augment funds received from the State Chancellor’s Office.
11. After reviewing the 2006 Education Master Plan, the 2009 Environmental Scan, and based on information from Advisory Boards, field activities, and other appropriate sources, please briefly indicate where your department would like to be five or six years from now. Please also indicate what environmental factors prompt these changes. This information will be used to inform the Strategic Planning process in March 2010. The Environmental Scan files are located at this link:
1) Stabilize funding for CalWORKs
2) Create a paperless office so that all files can be viewed by any counselor to note student contact and issues
3) Increase the completion rate for CalWORKs students
12. Please check this box to certify that faculty and staff in your unit discussed the major planning objectives: X
13. New Resources Needed
Briefly describe each project. Include specific links, where applicable, to the College Strategic Plan, the College Annual Plan or other collegewide plans (e.g., the Education Master Plan, the Technology Plan, the Facilities Master Plan) to support your request. You may also include specific links to the department’s review of courses, programs and assessment of student learning. Put your projects in order of priority. Add additional items as necessary.
Please remember to include any costs associated with staffing, equipment, supply, facilities, or unit requests. If exact costs are unknown, please approximate.
#1 Project Title:
Brief Project Description:
Links to Plans:
Staffing Needs (e.g., classified, reassigned, non-instructional, lab aides):
Equipment Needs:
Supply Needs:
Facility Needs:
Request for Additional Units:
#2 Project Title:
Brief Project Description:
Links to Plans:
Staffing Needs (e.g., classified, reassigned, non-instructional, lab aides):
Equipment Needs:
Supply Needs:
Facility Needs:
Request for Additional Units:
#3 Project Title:
Brief Project Description:
Links to Plans:
Staffing Needs (e.g., classified, reassigned, non-instructional, lab aides):
Equipment Needs:
Supply Needs:
Facility Needs:
Request for Additional Units:
Please reference question 6 in the annual program review form for instructional departments.
Use the following chart to indicate your plans for SLO processes and Curriculum Committee updates for each of your courses and programs. Use the following key when completing this chart:
A / We plan to conduct our assessments this yearE / We plan to examine the results of assessments, and make plans for improvement
A+E / We plan to conduct the entire SLO process for this course/program
CC / We plan to update course/program through college’s Curriculum Committee
Course/Program / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15 / 2015-16IMAG 101
IMAG 102
Please see separate spreadsheet sent in Microsoft Excel format.
Program SLO
Program Title:
1. Which learning outcome did you decide to examine?
CalWORKs students, who participate in the Save Your Grade workshop or a counseling session, will be able to:
~Demonstrate an understanding of several CCSF academic support services
~Identify techniques to communicate effectively with their instructor regarding their grades
~Be aware of the importance of their course syllabus
~ Understand how D or F grades may impact their financial Aid
2. To which courses in this program does this learning outcome apply?
CalWORKs counseling services
3. How did the faculty who teach this course assess this outcome?
X We chose to use existing assignments or evaluations to assess this outcome. Details: