25 April 2011,

My Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ,


It gives me the greatest pleasure to inform you all that our Chaplain, Fr X. Munyongani, has been honoured by His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI to the title of Monsignor.

This is in recognition of his work in Zimbabwe and more importantly to us, his hard work within our community here in England and Wales, as our Chaplain. He will be officially conferred this title later this year in Zimbabwe by the Zimbabwean Bishops, details of which I shall pass onto you as they become available.

As some may be aware, His Holiness the Pope gives certain priests the title of"monsignor" in direct honour of their service and dedication to the Catholic Church and the local community. He is also guided by the local Bishop’s written recommendations. A Monsignor does not have any special duties outside his responsibilities as a priest. In other words, the title is honorary and does not, at present, affect Baba Munyongani’s day to day work with us. He remains our Chaplain and will continue to carry out his duties as he has always done. The major and probably most noticeable change to us will be in his dressing, as Monsignors normally wear distinctive clerical garb, usually a black (or purple) cassock (robe) with red or fuchsia buttons or piping along with a fuchsia sash. They can also wear a cape on special occasions. However, he will now belong to the “Pope’s Household” and his title will be The Reverend Monsignor X. Munyongani.

It is also worth noting that Zimbabwe has only ever had 5 Monsignors in it’s history, though The Reverend Monsignor Chikowore is now late. This means that Fr Munyongani will be joining the elite rank enjoyed by The Reverend Monsignors’ Mhembere, Mhishi, Bernard Ndlovhu and Mavima.

Fr Munyongani would like to thank the National Executive Committee, the Centre Executives and all other community leaders, for the hard work, dedication, love and commitment you have shown the Community, which in turn, has brought attention to his office, thus the honour. He has also asked me to convey his profound thanks and greatest appreciation to you all for your continued support. He further extends his gratitude to the rest of the Zimbabwe Catholic Community in England and Wales for all the love, generosity and sincerity they have shown and given him in person, to the leaders and to all else within the Church. He pledges to continue to pray for spiritual growth and well being of each and every one of us.

On your behalf and as your Chairman, I would like to take this opportunity to convey our most sincere congratulations to Rev. Mgr. Munyongani on his title and honour. “We wish you good health, peace, guidance and abundant blessings from Our Lord as your continue to serve him and us.” Allow me to express my humble thanks to every single member of The Zimbabwe Catholic Community in EnglandWales for your continued support to your leaders and to your Chaplain. May Our Lord continue to bless and protect you all.

With love, honour and respect,

Baba Peter SOKO