Homework Sheet
Week of 04/12/2010
Group 1Lips
· Write spelling words 5 times each
Due: Fri, 04/16
· 2 Digit Addition
Due: Fri, 04/16
· Antonyms
Due: Fri, 04/16
Groups 2
· Write spelling words 5 times each
Due: Fri, 04/16
· 3 Digit Subtraction Pgs 145-156
Due: Fri, 04/16
· Antonyms
Due: Fri, 04/16
Group 3
· Write spelling words 5 times each
Due: Fri, 04/16
· Division (Homework Books pgs 75,76 & 77)
Due: Fri, 04/16
· Antonyms
Due: Fri, 04/16
Social Studies
· Read pages 280-283, Chapter 9 Lesson 3 – Post War Boom – Houghton Mifflin – Florida Studies – Social Studies
· Complete vocabulary sheet
· Review Chapter 9 for test next Thursday 4/22/10
o *homework and study guides downloadable on Social Studies section of EMA website at ems-cocoa.com or on engrade.com
Due: Wed, 04/14
Students should write each vocabulary word; write a brief definition and either use the word in a sentence or draw a picture that illustrates the vocabulary term.
3rd-4th grade- Ch.5 - environment, population, community, interdependence, symbiosis
4th grade
· Write spelling words 5 times each
Due: Fri, 04/16
Students should write each vocabulary word; write a brief definition and either use the word in a sentence or draw a picture that illustrates the vocabulary term.
3rd-4th grade- Ch.5 - environment, population, community, interdependence, symbiosis
· Daily Journals
Due: Wed, 04/14
Social Studies
· Read pages 280-283, Chapter 9 Lesson 3 – Post War Boom – Houghton Mifflin – Florida Studies – Social Studies
· Complete vocabulary sheet
· Review Chapter 9 for test next Thursday 4/22/10
o *homework and study guides downloadable on Social Studies section of EMA website at ems-cocoa.com or on engrade.com
Due: Wed, 04/14
Mrs. Osbrach will give assignment in class
Due: Thursday, 4/15/10
5th grade
· Write spelling words 5 times each
Due: Fri, 04/16
Students should write each vocabulary word; write a brief definition and either use the word in a sentence or draw a picture that illustrates the vocabulary term.
5th grade-Ch. 5 lesson 1- adaptation, habitat, niche, symbiosis, natural selection
· Daily Journals
Due: Wed, 04/14
Social Studies
· Read pages 586-605 Chapter 16 Lesson 3-5 – The 1920’s, The Great Depression, and World War II – Houghton Mifflin – United States History – Social Studies
· Complete vocabulary sheet
· Review Chapters 15 and 16 for test next Thursday 4/22/10
o *homework and study guides downloadable on Social Studies section of EMA website at ems-cocoa.com or on engrade.com
Due: Wed, 04/14
Mrs. Osbrach will give assignment in class
Due: Thursday, 4/15/10
6th grade
· Write spelling words 5 times each
Due: Fri, 04/16
Students should write each vocabulary word; write a brief definition and either use the word in a sentence or draw a picture that illustrates the vocabulary term.
6th grade-Ch. 6 lesson 1- biotic factors, abiotic factors, ecosystem, biome, biosphere
· Daily Journals
Due: Wed, 04/14
Social Studies
· Read pages 690-701, Chapter 24 Section 1-2 – Japan-Past and Present and The Two Koreas – Glencoe – The World and Its People
· Complete vocabulary sheet
· Review Chapters 22 and 23 for test Thursday 4/15/10
· Finish preparation for Powerpoint presentation on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week.
o *homework and study guides downloadable on Social Studies section of EMA website at ems-cocoa.com or on engrade.com
Due: Wed, 04/14
Mrs. Osbrach will give assignment in class
Due: Thursday, 4/15/10
7th grade
· Write spelling words in a short story or paragraph. You must use at least 7 out of 10 words
Due: Fri, 04/16
Students should write each vocabulary word; write a brief definition and either use the word in a sentence or draw a picture that illustrates the vocabulary term.
7th grade- Ch. 12 section 3- stomata, xylem, phloem, cambium, guard cells
· Daily Journals
Due: Wed, 04/14
Social Studies
· Read pages 572-581, Chapter 16 Section 1– The first Americans – Glencoe – Journey Across Time
· Complete vocabulary sheet
· Finish up multimedia presentation due Wed. and Fri. 4/14/10 and 4/16/10
· Review Chapters 14 and 15 for test next Thursday 4/15/10
o *homework and study guides downloadable on Social Studies section of EMA website at ems-cocoa.com or on engrade.com
Due: Wed, 04/14
Mrs. Osbrach will give assignment in class
Due: Thursday, 4/15/10
8th grade
· Write spelling words in a short story or paragraph. You must use at least 7 out of 10 words
Due: Fri, 04/16
Students should write each vocabulary word; write a brief definition and either use the word in a sentence or draw a picture that illustrates the vocabulary term.
8th grade- Ch. 13 section 2- meiosis, gamete, haploid, diploid, zygote
· Daily Journals
Due: Wed, 04/14
Social Studies
· Read pages 677-691, Chapter 23 Section 3-4 – American Join the Allies and The War at Home – Glencoe – The American Journey
· Complete vocabulary handout
· Finish up multimedia presentations due Wed. and Fri 4/14/10 and 4/16/10
o *homework and study guides downloadable on Social Studies section of EMA website at ems-cocoa.com or on engrade.com
Due: Wed, 04/14
Mrs. Osbrach will give assignment in class
Due: Thursday, 4/15/10
9th grade
· Write spelling words in a short story or paragraph. You must use at least 7 out of 10 words
Due: Fri, 04/16
Students should write each vocabulary word; write a brief definition and either use the word in a sentence or draw a picture that illustrates the vocabulary term.
9th grade biology- Ch. 18 Section 2- virus, capsid, retrovirus, prion, lytic/lysogenic cycle
· Daily Journal
Due: Wed, 04/14
Social Studies
· Read pages 758-783 Chapter 23 Section 1-4 The Road to World War I, World War I, The Russian Revolution, and End of World War I – Glencoe – World History
· Complete vocabulary handout
· Review Chapters 20 and 23 for test next Thursday 4/23/10
o *homework and study guides downloadable on Social Studies section of EMA website at ems-cocoa.com or on engrade.com
Due: Wed, 04/14
Mrs. Osbrach will give assignment in class
Due: Thursday, 4/15/10
10th /11th grade
· Write spelling words in a short story or paragraph. You must use at least 7 out of 10 words
Due: Fri, 04/16
· Daily Journal
Due: Wed, 04/14
· Mrs. Martin will give other assignments in class