7:00pm, Tuesday, May 29, 2012
South Cariboo Recreation Centre
SCRC Meeting Room
Participants: Carsten Jorgensen, Janice Poggenpohl, Leanne MacMillan, Karen McLean, Darrell Blades, Kersti Foote, Loretta Taylor, Cale Tessaro, Diana Buurmeester, Kathleen Hartard, Kristy Anderson, Laura Sanders, Derek Wilden, Matt Bowen, Cara Bowen.
Called to order at 7:04 pm
Scribe: Cara Bowen
Meeting Objectives:2012 – 2013 Season Startup
Review of minutes:None
Old Business:
1. President
- none
2. Treasurer
- gaming grant almost ready
- 2012/2013 budget sent with request
3. Registration
- has been emailed or mailed to everyone who was registered last year
- must be in by end of July
- coaches applications in by end of June
4. Coach Coordinator
- none
5. Director of Female Hockey
- none
6. President of Parents Auxiliary
- none
7. Sponsorship
- all sponsorship letters have been delivered
8. Equipment
- inventory of equipment room has been taken
- will do initiation gear at a later date
New Business:
1. Cariboo Amateur Hockey Association League (CAHA) AGM
-was on May 27, 2012
- Carsten voted in as Vice President
- Kersti voted in as Secretary
- discussion
- resolutions available on BC Hockey website
2. 2012 BC Hockey AGM - June 22 – 24, 2012, Whistler
- Matt Bowen – Coach Coordinator
- Cale Tessaro – RIC
- Kersti Foote – Safety Coordinator
- Cara Bowen – Female Hockey
3. 2012 – 2013 Ice Contract
- losing 15 minutes Wed. night
- Sept. 24 – Mar. 16
- $71 700 ice cost
- Lac La Hache extra
4. Tournament Dates
- discussion
- Carsten Jorgensen makes a motion to set tournament dates for Novice, Peewee, Midget and Rep
- Matt Bowen seconds
- all in favor
- carried
- Novice Jamboree Feb. 1,2,3
- Peewee Nov. 30, Dec. 1,2
- Midget Feb. 15, 16, 17
- Female Mar. 15, 16, 17
- Atom Dev. Jan. 4,5,6
5. Atom Development Coach Selection, Ice Times & Info
- Wade Balbirnie head coach
- will pick assistants and managers
- Dustin Price would like to put together a Midget Rep team
- if don’t have enough Midget kids registered for rep by July 15, ice is cancelled
- Rep tryouts Aug. 20-31
- Atom 4:00pm – 5:00pm
- Midget 8:00pm – 9:00pm
- 6 ice times
- $67.20 tryout fee
6. Kindergarten Immunization Fair
- June 5 & 6
- Kersti Foote and Kristy Anderson will run booth
7. 2012 – 2013 SC Fall Fair
- Sept. 7, 8, 9
8. Summer Holiday Coverage
- Kersti needs July 23 – August 3 off
- will cover for her
9. Equipment Sports Swap
- Sept. 28, 29
- Leanne MacMillan will organize
10. Executive Committee Vacancies
- PR Coordinator
- Risk Management Coordinator
- Atom Coordinator
- Peewee Coordinator
11. Policies and Procedures
- will start sending out to Executive
- go over
- Advisory Committee will finalize
- needs to be ready before beginning of season
12. Facebook and Social Media
- would like to relaunch Minor Hockey Facebook page
Round Table:
- none
Next meeting:
Tuesday, June 26, 7:00 pm
Meeting Adjourned 9:05pm / Darrell