Bay Area Engineer February 2008
Networking the World
NEWSLETTER Mehrube Mehrubeoglu – EDITOR - (361) 593-4219 February 2008
Bay Area Engineer February 2008
Bay Area Engineer February 2008
Third February MeetingNext IEEE Section MeetingFebruary 23, 2008
"57th Annual Engineers Week Banquet"Location:
NASCC Bay Club
Enter at NASCC South Gate Entrance on NAS Drive
Each Person Must Bring Picture ID,
Insurance Certificate Required
6:30 p.m.: Social
7:30 p.m.: Dinner
Tickets $30.00
Indicate Choice of Filet Mignon or Stuffed Flounder Del Rey
Make Checks Out to TSPE-Nueces Chapter and Mail by February 13, 2008 To
K.D. Morgan, Jr.
1013 Karnak Dr.
Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Call Ken Morgan (361) 992-2622 for additional information.
FROM THE CHAIRMAN— Lifford McLauchlan:
Well we have our 3rd meeting for the month of February. The first two meetings were excellent presentations on
image processing by Barak Fishbain.
Engineers Week will be February 17 – 23. Engineers Week dates back to 1951, and is a week dedicated to promoting awareness of engineering. I encourage everyone to participate in Engineers Week activities and to attend the banquet on Saturday February 23rd.
Best Regards,
Lifford McLauchlan
Bay Area Engineer February 2008
Bay Area Engineer February 2008
This month’s section meeting:
57th Annual Engineers Week Banquet
Banquet Social at the NASCC Bay Club, Social 6:30 pm , Dinner 7:30 p.m. February 23, 2008.
Next Board Meeting:March 7th @ 5:30 pm
At Science and Technology, Room ST212 Texas A&M-Corpus Christi University 6300 Ocean Drive
If you have any articles or information that you would like printed in the next newsletter please send them to Ruby Mehrubeoglu at . If you are still getting hard copies of the newsletter, you may request receiving the newsletter electronically by contacting Barbara Schreur at . The Newsletter is also published on our web page
IEEE Student Chapter
Texas A&M University-Kingsville
MSC 192
Kingsville, TX 78363
Bay Area Engineer February 2008