Implementation and Administration of a Medical Non-Emergency Transportation

System in the State of Vermont

RFP # 03410-190-16

Second Supplemental Questions and Responses

Question: In the first question/answer on page 1 the Medicaid membership was listed as 180,000, but in a question/answer on page 18, 210,000 was provided. Please provide the average monthly membership for FY16.

Answer: Approximately 180,000

Question: In the first question/answer on page 1, the question asked for one-way trips per month by mode. However, some of the answers match the annual counts provided in question/answer 2. Are the counts provided in the first question/answer annual or monthly?

Answer: Corrected: b. should read “number of one-way trips in that last fiscal year”.

Question: In the first question/answer on page 1, 185,454 is listed as the number of volunteer trips but in the second question/answer on page 1, the same number is listed as ambulatory. Please clarify how many are van/taxi vs volunteer.

Answer: That number refers to volunteer trips; the ‘wheelchair’ totals refer to van. Taxis are not a highly utilized form of transportation in our state.

Question: What is the definition of volunteer?

Answer: Please see NEMT Manual.

Question: On page 18 of the Q&A, 6% was listed as the member utilization in answer to a question; however, the average unduplicated member counts for FY16 totaled 8,629 which is 4.1% of 210,000 members. What figures were used to calculate 6% utilization? Is it unduplicated members over total eligible members? For what period? This difference would have a significant impact on the PMPW.

Answer: The 210,000 figure is incorrect. The number is approximately 180,000.

Question: What rate does DVHA want on the bid schedule? PMPM for eligible membership, PMPM for user member count or PMPW for user member count?

Answer: PMPM for user member count would suffice.

Question: On Schedule A, item 22 says Indirect Administration costs are not to exceed 13%. Could you please provide a calculation example on how to calculate this percentage? Is it 13% of total revenue? 13% of total expenses?

Answer: 13% of the total budget.

Question: If the contract is awarded to a single broker, we anticipate the eight existing contractors will still need to play a key role in the program, but it is likely their role will be greatly reduced, which we believe they will be very reluctant to accept. How will DVHA support the broker during this transition?

Answer: DVHA recognizes the importance of leveraging and coordinating with our public transit system and public transit providers. As a small, rural state, Vermont does not have the population or resources to support multiple layers of public transit infrastructure. An ideal bidder will see the inherent value in working with our public transit system, where appropriate.

The goal of this RFP is that the vendor shall have an adequate transportation network in place, using both existing and new transportation entities if necessary.

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