History Of Speedball
The game of speedball was developed by E.D. Mitchell at the University of
Michigan in the early 1920's because of the need for a vigorous team game that could be played outdoors in the fall and that combined many of the elements found in other rather well-known sports. Speedball combines elements of soccer, basketball, and football. Many of the students in the mid-west had been introduced to basketball in public schools and they did not like soccer because of the restrictions regarding the use of hands on the ball. Touch football, while a popular game, had certain limitations in that many players on the team did not get to handle the ball regularly. Speedball eliminated many of these objections by providing a game that permitted all the players to participate in all aspects of the game. The game has developed rapidly and is now a widely played sport in physical education and intramural programs throughout the country.
Object of the Game:
- Speedball is played by two teams of 6-9 players on a 100 x 60 yard field. In our classes we will use teams of 6-9 players. The object of the game is for the team in possession of the ball to advance the ball down the field toward the opponent's goal line and attempt to score. This can be performed by using soccer skills when the ball is on the ground and basketball skills when the ball is off the ground.
Starting the Game
-A jump ball, like in basketball, is used to begin play at the start of the game.
-After a score the defensive team gets the ball at half field for a kick off just like soccer.
-Play is initiated by a kick-off at mid field from the center circle of the kicking team's restraining line. The ball must be kicked to or beyond the receiving team's restraining line. The player who kicked off may not touch the ball until it has been played by another player.
Playing the Ball:
-A player when catching the ball from a kick or pass may take three steps in any direction from the point at which he-she caught the ball. (Optional)
-A player already in motion when catching the ball may use 2 steps to come to a stop or get rid of the ball. Violations of this rule are called carrying.
-A player who is called for carrying leaves the ball where the violation was called. The nearest member of the other may play the ball as a punt or a pass. A player may not hold the ball for more than 3 sec.
-If the ball is held for more than 3 seconds a turnover occurs and the ball is given to the defense at the spot with play beginning very quickly.
-Players are not allowed to pull, hit, or punch the ball out of the opponent's hands.
-A player may pass the ball in the air with the intention of catching it him or herself 1 time. This is an air dribble.
-Players are not permitted to dive to play the ball.
-Offensive players are not allowed to charge into a player, or a turnover occurs.
-Basketball rules apply when the ball is in the air.
-Soccer rules apply when the ball is on the ground.
Defending the Opponent
-Defensive players are allowed to use their body to obstruct an opponent either with or without the ball. (Similar to person-to-person defense in basketball)
-Using the arms or legs to push, hold, trip or hit, however, is a violation.
- Players may use any part of their body to stop, hit, catch or throw the ball.
Out of Bounds Play:
- A throw-in is awarded when the ball out-of-bounds along a sideline and the ball was an aerial ball.
-If the ball goes out-of-bounds along the sideline and it was a ground ball then it must be kicked-in.
-The defense must be 5 feet away when the ball is thrown or kicked in.
- If the ball goes over the goal line and does not score it shall be put in play at the spot where it crossed the goal line by a punt, drop kick, or place kick (Goalie Only)
Corner kicks and throws
-A corner kick or throw is awarded to the offense when a defensive player is the last person to touch the ball as it goes out-of-bounds over the goal line. The player inbounding the ball cannot play it until another player has touched the ball.
Goalie Play
-Only the goalie, while inside the penalty area, may pick up a ground ball with their hands.
- If the ball goes over the goal line and does not score it shall be put in play at the spot where it crossed the goal line by a punt, drop kick, or place kicked by the goalie.
-Drop Kick - (3 points) - a drop kicked ball that passes over the crossbar. (Optional)
-Field Goal - (2 points) - when the ball is kicked between and under the goalposts.
-Touchdown - (1 points) - when an offensive player behind the opponent's goal line catches the ball from a teammate who has thrown the ball from outside the penalty area.
Name_________________________ Period & Teacher____________________
Speedball Answer Sheet
Answer all questions to the best of your abilities utilizing the information found in the history and rules of the game sections.
1. The game of speedball was developed by ___________________ at the
University of Michigan in the early ________________.
2. What 3 sports were used in the creation of Speedball?
_______________, ______________, and _______________.
3. When the ball is being played on the ground what type of rules are used to govern play?______________________________
4. Our PE speedball games utilize appoximately______ players per side.
5. A __________________ is used at the start of a speedball game but a
___________________ is used to re-start the game after a point is scored.
6. If the ball is kicked out of bounds on a side line a _____________ is used to return the ball to play.
7. A team is awarded _____ points for scoring by way of a touchdown.
8. The defense must stand at least ______ feet away from the in-bounder during a throw or kick-in.
9. How many steps is a player allowed to take after catching a ball? _________________
10. A team is awarded _____ points for scoring by way of field goal.
11. A player may pass the ball in the air with the intention of catching it himself _____ time. This is called an __________________.
12. If the ball is held for more than ______ seconds, a turnover occurs and the ball is given to the defense at the spot of the violation.
13. Only the _____________, while inside the penalty area, may pick up a ground ball with their hands.
14. When an aerial ball goes out-of-bounds along a sideline, ______________must occur to bring the ball back into play.
15. A ____________or __________ is awarded to the offense when a defensive player is the last person to touch the ball as it goes out-of-bounds over the goal line.