Appendix. The wealth index

Construction of the wealth index

The wealth index is a weighted average of a series of dummies indicating the availability of assets. For each asset, we include an indicator for availability of the item in the household (see table A1 for details on the assets include). Each dummy is weighted by the scarcity of that item relative to that of other items in the full sample of households participating in the study: assets that are scarcer receive higher weights. A weakness of this wealth indicator is that it ignores financial wealth. Unfortunately our databases do not have such information.

Formally, let be a dummy variable taking the value 1 if household i owns asset j. Let be the proportion of households that own asset j ( is the sample average of ). The wealth asset index is defined as:


Where the weight is defined as . Note that and that the index ranges from 0 for an individual who does not own any asset (or owns assets that everybody else owns) to 1 for an individual who owns every single available asset. Similar to the first strategy, we divide the estimated wealth index into quintile groups to take the place of in equation (1).

Trying to be conservative, we included all assets gathered in the surveys and performed only three type of corrections:

  1. We did not include assets whose ownership suggests poverty rather than wealth (e.g., black and white TV and vehicles pulled by animals in Mexico or non-automatic washing machine in Argentina).
  2. We did not include assets related to work (e.g., car for work in Ecuador and Peru or truck in Paraguay).
  3. When many varieties of the same asset were provided we aggregated them. For TVs some countries disaggregate regular and various forms of flat screen TV (plasma, LCD, LED). We define one basic asset “TV” if the house owns any type of TV and a more sophisticated asset “flat TV” if it owns one. Some countries disaggregate between refrigerator without freezer, refrigerator with freezer and freezers. In these cases we define two assets: a basic asset “refrigerator” if the house owned any form of refrigerator and a more sophisticated asset “freezer” if the house owned any form of freezer (including freezer incorporated into a refrigerator). Some surveys also disaggregated heaters, water heaters, and ovens by the type of energy used (electric or gas mainly). They were aggregated into a generic asset reflecting their main use.


Table A1. Assets used in the construction of the wealth index
Cooking stove (hobs &ovens); Microwave; Refrigerator ; Home Freezer; Dishwasher; Multiprocessor; Digital camera; Internet; Personal Computer; DVD; Television; Digital movie camera; Video cassette player; Vacuum cleaner; Gas heater; Purified air extractor; Washing machines; Cellular phone; Wireless phone; Water Heater; Car; Van; Bicycle; Homeowner.
Washing machine; Refrigerator; Blender; Iron; Gas/ Electric heater; Gas/ Electric cooking stoves; Microwave; Gas/ Electric water heater or electric shower; Television; Video player (DVD, blue-ray, others); Stereo; Personal Computer; Vacuum cleaner / polisher; Air conditioner; Fan; Digital music, video & pictures player (mp3, mp4, iPod); Game consoles: play station, X-box, Wii, Nintendo, game; Movie camera; Personal Car; Motorcycle or scooter; House, apartment or country house; Digital camera; Homeowner.
Costa Rica
Cellular phone; Phone; Refrigerator; Water heater; Water storage tank; Laptop computer; Desktop computer; Tablet; Radio o Stereo; Plasma, LCD or LED television ; Television; Homeowner.
Air conditioner; Bicycle; Movie camera; Cooking Stoves with or without oven or kitchenette; Desktop computer; Laptop computer; DVD, VCD; Stereo; Exhaust fan; Game console, play station,; Washing machine; Washing & dryer machine; Dishwasher; Blender; Sewing machine; Fitness machine; Microwave; Motorcycle; Refrigerator; flat TV; Television; Vehicle for home use; Land not for agricultural use; Business premises; Homeowner.
Car, van, or pickup; Motorcycle or scooter for home use; Bicycle; Boat or other maritime vehicle; Stereo micro components or console; CD player; Radio recorder with CD player; Radio recorder without CD player; Radio; Color Television; Video cassette player; DVD; Blender; Juicer; Electric juice extractor; Toaster; Coffee machine; Sandwich toaster; Electric juice squeezer; Electric can opener; Electric oven; Microwave; Refrigerator; Gas/ Electric Stove; Hand mill; Washing machine; Iron; Sewing machine; Fan; Air conditioner; Water Heater; Vacuum cleaner; Computer; Printer; Scanner, burner, modem & other devices; Video games: Nintendo, play station, Sega or others; Homeowner.
Air conditioner; Vacuum Cleaner; Car; Bicycle; Van; Gas cooking stoves with oven or Electric cooking stoves; Computer; DVD; Refrigerator; Electric oven; Washing machine; Blender; Microwave; Motorcycle; Notebook; DVD; Iron; Radio; Dryer; Color television; Homeowner.
Sewing machine; Knitting machine; Car or Van for private use; Motorcycle for private use; Computer; Homeowner.
Water heater; Refrigerator; Freezer or Refrigerator with freezer; Television; Video cassette player; DVD; Washing machine; Dishwasher; Microwave; Electric stove; Air Conditioner; Central home heating; Computer; Phone; Cellular phone; Car for private use; Motorcycle for private use; Homeowner.
Source: own elaboration based on income and consumption household surveys.

Figure A1. Density functions of the wealth index

Source: own elaboration based on income and consumption household surveys

Appendix. Further tables and robustness exercises

Table A2. Summary statistics: age distribution (%)
Argentina / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Costa Rica / Ecuador / Honduras / Mexico / Panama / Paraguay / Peru / Uruguay
Dummy 20-29 years old / 10 / 13 / 8 / 12 / 12 / 13 / 18 / 12 / 10 / 14 / 10 / 8
Dummy 30-29 years old / 20 / 22 / 17 / 21 / 22 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 16
Dummy 40-49 years old / 22 / 23 / 22 / 23 / 25 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 23 / 22 / 25 / 20
Dummy 50-59 years old / 19 / 18 / 22 / 20 / 19 / 19 / 17 / 18 / 21 / 20 / 20 / 19
Dummy 60-69 years old / 14 / 13 / 16 / 13 / 12 / 12 / 11 / 12 / 14 / 13 / 13 / 16
Dummy 70 years old and up / 14 / 10 / 15 / 11 / 9 / 11 / 8 / 10 / 11 / 11 / 10 / 20
Source: own elaboration based on income and consumption household surveys.Sample restricted to savings rates between –200% and +200%.
Table A3. Median Regressions of savings rates on age and lifetime income quintile group dummies
(lifetime income instrumented with the partners' household head education)
Argentina / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Costa Rica / Ecuador
Quintile group 1 / 0.118 / ** / 0.024 / * / –0.024 / 0.279 / ** / 0.000 / 0.042 / **
(0.010) / (0.011) / (0.019) / (0.013) / (0.028) / (0.004)
Quintile group 2 / 0.059 / 0.061 / ** / ## / –0.016 / 0.221 / ** / ## / 0.006 / 0.034 / **
(0.033) / (0.010) / (0.018) / (0.015) / (0.073) / (0.009)
Quintile group 3 / 0.106 / ** / 0.100 / ** / ## / –0.099 / ** / ## / 0.166 / ** / ## / 0.011 / 0.048 / **
(0.010) / (0.010) / (0.030) / (0.016) / (0.033) / (0.005)
Quintile group 4 / 0.083 / ** / 0.147 / ** / ## / –0.018 / # / 0.121 / ** / # / 0.103 / ** / 0.066 / **
(0.021) / (0.009) / (0.023) / (0.014) / (0.038) / (0.010)
Quintile group 5 / 0.157 / ** / ## / 0.223 / ** / ## / 0.034 / * / # / 0.253 / ** / ## / 0.228 / ** / ## / 0.113 / ** / ##
(0.011) / (0.010) / (0.017) / (0.021) / (0.038) / (0.006)
Observations / 12111 / 24541 / 4319 / 9964 / 2323 / 17692
q5>q3 / ## / ## / ## / ## / ## / ##
Honduras / Mexico / Panama / Paraguay / Peru / Uruguay
Quintile group 1 / –0.172 / ** / –0.008 / 0.015 / –0.180 / ** / 0.082 / ** / 0.135 / **
(0.040) / (0.013) / (0.013) / (0.035) / (0.005) / (0.016)
Quintile group 2 / –0.141 / ** / 0.027 / * / # / 0.027 / * / –0.123 / ** / 0.081 / ** / 0.108 / **
(0.036) / (0.012) / (0.012) / (0.034) / (0.005) / (0.031)
Quintile group 3 / –0.101 / * / 0.017 / 0.038 / * / –0.156 / ** / 0.076 / ** / 0.132 / **
(0.042) / (0.011) / (0.016) / (0.052) / (0.006) / (0.021)
Quintile group 4 / 0.040 / # / 0.052 / ** / ## / 0.036 / * / –0.003 / ## / 0.083 / ** / 0.092 / **
(0.045) / (0.012) / (0.017) / (0.030) / (0.007) / (0.018)
Quintile group 5 / 0.148 / ** / # / 0.112 / ** / ## / 0.104 / ** / ## / 0.125 / ** / ## / 0.121 / ** / ## / 0.091 / **
(0.035) / (0.013) / (0.012) / (0.031) / (0.006) / (0.019)
Observations / 3192 / 9886 / 3589 / 2168 / 16697 / 2711
q5>q3 / ## / ## / ## / ## / ##
Source: own elaboration based on income and consumption household surveys. Age dummies for age brackets: 30-39 and 50-59 included. Standardized errors in parenthesis based on 500 bootstrap repetitions. *significant at 5%, ** significant at 1%, #significantly different than previous quintile group at 5%, ##significantly different than previous quintile group at 1%.Sample restricted to savings rates between –200% and +200% and age 30-59.
Table A4. Median Regressions of savings rates on age and lifetime income quintile group dummies
(lifetime income instrumented with the household head education)
Argentina / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Costa Rica / Ecuador
Quintile group 1 / 0.121 / ** / 0.029 / ** / 0.020 / 0.231 / ** / –0.012 / 0.036 / **
(0.008) / (0.009) / (0.018) / (0.010) / (0.020) / (0.003)
Quintile group 2 / 0.043 / # / 0.063 / ** / ## / –0.053 / ** / ## / 0.181 / ** / ## / –0.063 / 0.037 / **
(0.036) / (0.009) / (0.017) / (0.012) / (0.042) / (0.007)
Quintile group 3 / 0.110 / ** / 0.093 / ** / # / –0.018 / 0.120 / ** / ## / 0.045 / # / 0.040 / **
(0.011) / (0.009) / (0.029) / (0.014) / (0.033) / (0.004)
Quintile group 4 / 0.109 / ** / 0.128 / ** / ## / –0.005 / 0.107 / ** / 0.057 / * / 0.061 / ** / ##
(0.014) / (0.007) / (0.022) / (0.012) / (0.028) / (0.008)
Quintile group 5 / 0.123 / ** / 0.233 / ** / ## / 0.039 / * / # / 0.235 / ** / ## / 0.245 / ** / ## / 0.101 / ** / ##
(0.011) / (0.010) / (0.016) / (0.015) / (0.028) / (0.005)
Observations / 16843 / 33826 / 6386 / 15220 / 3377 / 24898
q5>q3 / ## / # / ## / ## / ##
Honduras / Mexico / Panama / Paraguay / Peru / Uruguay
Quintile group 1 / –0.192 / ** / –0.047 / ** / 0.037 / ** / –0.190 / ** / 0.070 / ** / 0.134 / **
(0.035) / (0.011) / (0.010) / (0.029) / (0.005) / (0.015)
Quintile group 2 / –0.136 / ** / 0.019 / ## / 0.014 / –0.086 / ** / ## / 0.078 / ** / 0.118 / **
(0.027) / (0.012) / (0.009) / (0.029) / (0.004) / (0.029)
Quintile group 3 / –0.129 / ** / –0.003 / 0.033 / ** / –0.091 / * / 0.081 / ** / 0.122 / **
(0.035) / (0.012) / (0.011) / (0.044) / (0.010) / (0.019)
Quintile group 4 / 0.013 / ## / 0.021 / 0.061 / ** / # / –0.025 / 0.079 / ** / 0.101 / **
(0.026) / (0.012) / (0.010) / (0.029) / (0.005) / (0.014)
Quintile group 5 / 0.176 / ** / ## / 0.098 / ** / ## / 0.100 / ** / ## / 0.109 / ** / ## / 0.130 / ** / ## / 0.130 / **
(0.029) / (0.010) / (0.011) / (0.030) / (0.009) / (0.015)
Observations / 4526 / 13273 / 5716 / 3109 / 23318 / 3845
q5>q3 / ## / ## / ## / ## / ##
Source: own elaboration based on income and consumption household surveys. Age dummies for age brackets: 30-39 and 50-59 included. Standardized errors in parenthesis based on 500 bootstrap repetitions. *significant at 5%, ** significant at 1%, #significantly different than previous quintile group at 5%, ##significantly different than previous quintile group at 1%.Sample restricted to savings rates between –200% and +200% and age 30-59.
Table A5. Median Regressions of savings rates on age and lifetime income quintile dummies
(lifetime income instrumented with the partners' household head education)
(including outliers in savings rates)
Argentina / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Costa Rica / Ecuador
Quintile group 1 / 0.108 / ** / 0.013 / –0.013 / 0.260 / ** / –0.036 / 0.044 / **
(0.010) / (0.010) / (0.018) / (0.012) / (0.025) / (0.004)
Quintile group 2 / 0.081 / ** / 0.043 / ** / –0.026 / 0.198 / ** / –0.059 / 0.038 / **
(0.019) / (0.009) / (0.017) / (0.014) / (0.047) / (0.006)
Quintile group 3 / 0.096 / ** / 0.075 / ** / –0.064 / ** / 0.149 / ** / –0.022 / 0.048 / **
(0.010) / (0.012) / (0.022) / (0.015) / (0.039) / (0.005)
Quintile group 4 / 0.089 / ** / 0.127 / ** / –0.028 / 0.121 / ** / 0.078 / * / 0.063 / **
(0.016) / (0.009) / (0.024) / (0.012) / (0.037) / (0.008)
Quintile group 5 / 0.154 / ** / ## / 0.190 / ** / ## / –0.002 / 0.233 / ** / ## / 0.192 / ** / ## / 0.106 / ** / ##
(0.012) / (0.010) / (0.021) / (0.015) / (0.031) / (0.006)
Observations / 18096 / 37864 / 6502 / 15369 / 3581 / 26466
q5>q3 / ## / ## / ## / ## / ## / ##
Honduras / Mexico / Panama / Paraguay / Peru / Uruguay
Quintile group 1 / –0.270 / ** / –0.027 / * / 0.014 / –0.240 / ** / 0.078 / ** / 0.136 / **
(0.039) / (0.012) / (0.011) / (0.040) / (0.005) / (0.015)
Quintile group 2 / –0.221 / ** / 0.010 / 0.023 / * / –0.169 / ** / 0.081 / ** / 0.106 / **
(0.035) / (0.013) / (0.011) / (0.033) / (0.004) / (0.021)
Quintile group 3 / –0.193 / ** / 0.012 / 0.038 / ** / –0.080 / 0.074 / ** / 0.128 / **
(0.037) / (0.011) / (0.015) / (0.045) / (0.006) / (0.020)
Quintile group 4 / –0.034 / 0.050 / ** / 0.050 / ** / 0.004 / 0.084 / ** / 0.078 / **
(0.044) / (0.012) / (0.016) / (0.031) / (0.006) / (0.019)
Quintile group 5 / 0.083 / * / # / 0.112 / ** / ## / 0.098 / ** / ## / 0.096 / ** / ## / 0.119 / ** / ## / 0.098 / **
(0.036) / (0.012) / (0.011) / (0.032) / (0.005) / (0.017)
Observations / 5397 / 14383 / 5254 / 3361 / 23348 / 4314
q5>q3 / ## / ## / ## / ## / ##
Source: own elaboration based on income and consumption household surveys. Age dummies for age brackets: 20-29, 30-39, 50-59, 60-69 and 70-99 included. Standardized errors in parenthesis based on 500 bootstrap repetitions. *significant at 5%, ** significant at 1%, #significantly different than previous quintile group at 5%, ##significantly different than previous quintile group at 1%.
Table A6. Median Regressions of savings rates on age and lifetime income quintile dummies
(lifetime income instrumented with the household head education)
(including outliers in savings rates)
Argentina / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Costa Rica / Ecuador
Quintile group 1 / 0.111 / ** / 0.021 / ** / 0.002 / 0.209 / ** / –0.038 / * / 0.037 / **
(0.009) / (0.008) / (0.017) / (0.011) / (0.019) / (0.003)
Quintile group 2 / 0.099 / ** / 0.051 / ** / ## / –0.032 / * / 0.162 / ** / ## / –0.065 / 0.035 / **
(0.015) / (0.008) / (0.016) / (0.010) / (0.047) / (0.005)
Quintile group 3 / 0.103 / ** / 0.070 / ** / # / –0.023 / 0.113 / ** / ## / 0.008 / 0.041 / **
(0.011) / (0.008) / (0.019) / (0.012) / (0.034) / (0.004)
Quintile group 4 / 0.102 / ** / 0.104 / ** / ## / –0.029 / 0.088 / ** / 0.028 / 0.051 / **
(0.013) / (0.007) / (0.021) / (0.011) / (0.025) / (0.007)
Quintile group 5 / 0.111 / ** / 0.184 / ** / ## / 0.014 / # / 0.213 / ** / ## / 0.232 / ** / ## / 0.092 / ** / ##
(0.010) / (0.008) / (0.016) / (0.014) / (0.024) / (0.005)
Observations / 27808 / 55358 / 10478 / 25118 / 5656 / 39364
q5>q3 / ## / # / ## / ## / ##
Honduras / Mexico / Panama / Paraguay / Peru / Uruguay
Quintile group 1 / –0.316 / ** / –0.072 / ** / 0.026 / ** / –0.250 / ** / 0.065 / ** / 0.135 / **
(0.028) / (0.010) / (0.010) / (0.028) / (0.004) / (0.013)
Quintile group 2 / –0.169 / ** / ## / 0.003 / ## / 0.024 / ** / –0.147 / ** / ## / 0.077 / ** / ## / 0.137 / **
(0.029) / (0.011) / (0.009) / (0.025) / (0.004) / (0.016)
Quintile group 3 / –0.196 / ** / 0.002 / 0.028 / ** / –0.094 / ** / 0.075 / ** / 0.125 / **
(0.028) / (0.012) / (0.010) / (0.036) / (0.008) / (0.016)
Quintile group 4 / –0.069 / * / ## / 0.019 / 0.058 / ** / ## / –0.020 / # / 0.077 / ** / 0.095 / ** / #
(0.029) / (0.010) / (0.009) / (0.024) / (0.004) / (0.013)
Quintile group 5 / 0.078 / ** / ## / 0.084 / ** / ## / 0.095 / ** / ## / 0.096 / ** / ## / 0.121 / ** / ## / 0.113 / **
(0.027) / (0.009) / (0.010) / (0.026) / (0.007) / (0.013)
Observations / 7932 / 20691 / 8840 / 5207 / 34693 / 7023
q5>q3 / ## / ## / ## / ## / ##
Source: own elaboration based on income and consumption household surveys. Age dummies for age brackets: 20-29, 30-39, 50-59, 60-69 and 70-99 included. Standardized errors in parenthesis based on 500 bootstrap repetitions. *significant at 5%, ** significant at 1%, #significantly different than previous quintile group at 5%, ##significantly different than previous quintile group at 1%.
Table A7. Median Regressions of savings rates on age and wealth index quintile dummies
Argentina / Colombia / Costa Rica / Ecuador / Mexico / Paraguay / Peru / Uruguay
Quintile group 1 / 0.140 / ** / 0.247 / ** / –0.066 / ** / 0.030 / ** / –0.082 / ** / –0.188 / ** / 0.068 / ** / 0.134 / **
(0.010) / (0.010) / (0.022) / (0.003) / (0.010) / (0.025) / (0.003) / (0.012)
Quintile group 2 / 0.111 / ** / ## / 0.172 / ** / ## / –0.023 / 0.035 / ** / –0.005 / ## / –0.167 / ** / 0.058 / ** / 0.126 / **
(0.010) / (0.011) / (0.024) / (0.004) / (0.010) / (0.025) / (0.007) / (0.012)
Quintile group 3 / 0.095 / ** / 0.156 / ** / 0.027 / 0.050 / ** / ## / 0.016 / –0.064 / ** / ## / 0.080 / ** / ## / 0.122 / **
(0.010) / (0.011) / (0.025) / (0.004) / (0.010) / (0.025) / (0.005) / (0.012)
Quintile group 4 / 0.123 / ** / ## / 0.150 / ** / 0.103 / ** / ## / 0.057 / ** / 0.041 / ** / # / –0.015 / 0.080 / ** / 0.107 / **
(0.010) / (0.011) / (0.024) / (0.004) / (0.010) / (0.025) / (0.004) / (0.012)
Quintile group 5 / 0.125 / ** / 0.162 / ** / 0.200 / ** / ## / 0.087 / ** / ## / 0.082 / ** / ## / 0.103 / ** / ## / 0.098 / ** / ## / 0.112 / **
(0.010) / (0.011) / (0.024) / (0.004) / (0.010) / (0.025) / (0.004) / (0.012)
Observations / 28338 / 23855 / 5044 / 39199 / 20066 / 5071 / 33931 / 6983
q5>q3 / ## / ## / ## / ## / ## / ##
Source: own elaboration based on income and consumption household surveys. Age dummies for age brackets: 20-29, 30-39, 50-59, 60-69 and 70-99. Standardized errors in parenthesis based on 500 bootstrap repetitions.
*significant at 5%, ** significant at 1%, #significantly different than previous quintile group at 5%, ##significantly different than previous quintile group at 1%.The household wealth index is a weighted average of available home appliances and other durable assets (car, homeownership, etc.). Sample restricted to savings rates between –200% and +200%.