Publication / reuserequest form
Please fill out a separate form for each publication you wish to publish in and return to or in person. Read the guidance and sign the form on the last page.
The Library’s permission is required for publication / reuse of material from Special Collections, regardless of the copyright status of the original. The final decision is subject to approval by the Head of Special Collections.
Your details
Email or telephone:......
Member of University of Leeds? ☐Yes☐No Library card number (if applicable):......
Permanent address or University of Leeds department name:......
Leeds department account no. if applicable (for orders over £5):......
Details of item(s) requested to publish or re-use (attach additional pages as needed)
Item 1:
Date of work:......
Page numbers to be reproduced (or specify the details below):......
Further details/ clarification and proposed use (eg front cover):......
Item 2:
Author: ......
Title: ......
Date of work: ......
Shelfmark: ......
Page numbers to be reproduced (or specify the details below)......
Further details/ clarification and proposed use (eg front cover)......
What do you intend to use the requested item(s) for?
☐For non-commercial publication / reuse
☐For commercial publication / reuse
It is your responsibility to make sure you are operating within existing copyright law.
Please see the Library website for more details on the definition of commercial and non-commercial publication / reuse.The publishing and re-use fee for commercial use is £100 per image.
Publication/reuse details
Please tick where you intend to publish or reuse the material:
☐Book, magazine, journal☐DVD, CD, or other portable media type☐Newspaper☐Film
☐Online (please specify URL or site below)☐TV☐Radio
☐Other use type, ie exhibition (please specify below)
Expected date of publication / broadcast and or duration of reuse:......
Publication / broadcast / reuse details, eg name of publication, exhibition or URL:......
Conditions for publishing (permission may be withdrawn if any conditions are infringed):
If the material to be reproduced is in copyright, it is the requester’s responsibility to obtain relevant consent from the copyright owners. A copy of such consent must be attached to this form.
- The requester must not use the material for any purposes other than those specified in this form.
- The requester understands that supply of this material by the Library does NOT confer the right to reproduce or publish outside of what is agreed on the form and agrees that any use outside of what is outlined on this form requires renegotiation with the rights holder and the Library.
- The requester must include in the publication an acknowledgement:
"Reproduced with the permission of Special Collections, Leeds University Library"
and include the full reference number or shelfmark of the item and URI when applicable. This is in addition to any acknowledgements requested by copyright holder. - The requester must inform Special Collections when publication has taken place. Special Collections would be grateful to receive a copy of the publication.
Permission is granted for one edition / single use only, non-exclusive rights. Subsequent editions, reprints and uses require an additional payment and/or form as outlined above.
I agree to the above conditions for publishing. I understand that if the declaration is false in a material particular, in this section or above, the copy supplied to me by you will be an infringing copy, and that I shall be liable for infringement of copyright as if I had made the copy myself.
Signature of requester:...... Date:......
Office use only
Proof of copyright clearance / Permission granted / Invoiced / Payment receivedYNN/A / YNN/A