Roanoke-Benson Unit #60
Guidance Counselor Evaluation Instrument
School Year:
Date: ,
I. Testing Program Management and Organization
123N/O _AI / A. Recommends and coordinates testing program.123N/O _AI / B. Schedules and administers tests.
123N/O _AI / C. Analyzes results.
123N/O _AI / D. Dissemination and interpretation of results.
II. College and Career Information
123N/O _AI / A. Provides college and career information to parents and students.123N/O _AI / B. Assists in making college and career choices.
123N/O _AI / C. Provides support documentation for colleges, schools, and/or employers.
123N/O _AI / D. Coordinates college and career visits.
123N/O _AI / E. Provides financial aid information to students and parents.
123N/O _AI / F. Conducts follow-up studies
III. Responsibilities of Counselor
123N/O _AI / A. Conducts pre-scheduling activities with 8,9,10 and 11 to schedule students for courses that complement career planning.123N/O _AI / B. Maintenance of temporary and permanent student folders.
123N/O _AI / C. Conference students with academic problems.
123N/O _AI / D. Conference students with personal problems.
123N/O _AI / E. Action of referrals from teachers or administrators.
123N/O _AI / F. Referral agent to other resources agents or agencies.
123N/O _AI / G. Availability to students, staff, administration, parents, and community groups.
IV. Interpersonal Relationships
123N/O _AI / A. Demonstrates positive interpersonal relationships with students.1. Interacts with students in a mutually respectful manner, helping them to develop a positive self concept through those relationships.
2. Possesses good human relation skills which are consistently practiced in relationships with students.
3. Does not respond to student’s needs through interpersonal relationships.
123N/O _AI / B. Demonstrates positive interpersonal relationships with parents and the public.
1. Initiates and actively maintains positive relationships with parents and the public
2. Possesses good human relation skills which are consistently practiced in relationships with parents and the public.
3. Displays little or no interest in interacting with parents and the public.
123N/O _AI / C. Demonstrates positive interpersonal relationships with other staff members.
1. Provides leadership to promote a good working relationship among all staff members.
2. Works well with fellow staff members and shows interest in staff activities.
3. Displays little or not interest in interacting with fellow staff members.
V. Professional Responsibility and Effectiveness
123N/O _AI / A. Participates in professional growth activities..1. Participates in and initiates relevant professional growth activities.
2. Participates in professional growth activities
3. Shows no interest in professional growth activities.
123N/O _AI / B. Follows policies and procedures of district.
1. Provides leadership in development/improvement of school district regulations and policies and complies with said policies.
2. Complies with policies and procedures.
3. Consistently complies with policies and procedures.
4. Does not consistently comply with policies and procedures.
123N/O _AI / C. Readily assumes outside-of-classroom responsibilities.
1. Is self motivated; assumes extra responsibilities willingly
2. Assumes out-of-class responsibilities, helping where necessary.
3. Does not assume out-of-routine responsibilities.
123N/O _AI / D. Demonstrates good attendance, punctuality, and good use of preparation time.
1. Always punctual reporting to job assignments and meetings; consistently has two or fewer days absent each year; always makes effective use of preparation periods.
2. Seldom late for job assignments and meetings; consistently has six or fewer days absent each year; usually makes adequate use of preparation time.
3. Frequently late reporting to job assignment and meetings; missed six or more days thus far this year; makes inadequate use of preparation time.
123N/O _AI / E. Performs all school duties as required or assigned in a complete and punctual manner.
1. Performs regulations on time and in a complete and competent manner.
2. Consistently performs school regulations on time.
3. Does not comply with all school regulations or has to consistently be reminded to perform school regulations.
123N/O _AI / F. Actively participates and constructively contributes to committees and in meetings.
1. Assumes a leadership role in staff and committee meetings.
2. Attends all committee and staff meetings and contributes to them.
3. Either does not attend, nor contribute, nor show interest in school committees.
123N/O _AI / G. Participates and shows interest in various school activities.
1. Attends and participates in a variety of school related activities.
2. Only attends required school activities, but shows interest by asking students about and/or makes note of student accomplishment.
3. Does not attend school activities.
123N/O _AI / H. Demonstrates a sincere concern and caring for students and their overall achievement.
1. Shows concern and seeks advice about student achievement and follows up to see that student needs are being met.
2. Makes self aware of student overall achievement and concerns and uses this knowledge to benefit students.
3. Occasionally or seldom shows concern for students and their overall achievement.
Comments related to job description:
Summary Rating
The overall summary rating is determined by adding the ratings on each of the 28 criteria. If a not observed is marked (A) (Appropriate) a rating for the category will not be added and the sliding scale will be adjusted. If a not observed is marked as (I) (Inappropriate) a four rating will be added for that criteria.
Excellent / Documented observations and review reveals performance of commendable quality. There are multiple strengths in many skill areas in the Criteria/Standards. Any identified weakness can be improved without formal intervention by an administrator. Ratings on criteria total 28-38 with No Unsatisfactory or Inappropriate rating given.Satisfactory / Documented observations and review reveals generally accepted levels of performance. Jobe requirements are expedited adequately. Identified weaknesses may be improved by teacher or by implementations of a professional growth plan. Ratings total 39-56 with no performance area having an average of more than two. Performance areas are defined as the broad categories of criteria (Classroom Management and Organization, The Instructional Process, Interpersonal Relations, and Professional Responsiblities and Effectiveness).
Unsatisfactory / Documented observations reveal significant weaknesses in areas of Criteria/Standards and require intervention by and administrator. Continued performance at a level below expectations would have a negative impact upon students, the school environment and associated services. Ratings total 57 or above or a performance area has an average above three.
Principal’s SignatureDate
This evaluation was reviewed by me on ______.
Staff SignatureDate
Teacher or Staff Comments (additional sheets may be added)