Financial Counselling, Capability and Resilience Hubs-Information Sessions
Questions and Answers
The following questions and answers were discussed at the below information sessions and are specific to this funding round. Please also refer to the Question and Answers document in the Application Pack for more information about this grant round and the Frequently Asked Questions page for general questions and answers about applying for DSS grants.
Shepparton, 31 August 2015
- What, if any, proportion of the funding is required to be applied to direct service delivery?
There is no specified proportion required to apply to direct service delivery. The Departmentexpects the majority of funding to beallocated to direct service delivery, however this is something applicants shouldoutline in their budget and it will be assessed as part of selection criteria 2.
- Is there an establishment component factored into the funding for recruitment, workstation establishment etc?
There is no additional funding for establishment costs. These costs will need to be taken from the funding offered. Applicantsshould outline these costs in theirproposed budget.
- Why are the areas for the Shepparton grant programme activity and Shepparton Income management trial site different?
The five Placed Based Financial Management Program services serviced local government areas. The Financial Counselling, Capability and Resilience Hubs will now use the SA4 boundaries to be consistent with the DSS national Financial Wellbeing and CapabilityActivity.
- Is the Financial Counselling, Capability and Resiliencegrant round and the Shepparton Hub intended to be additional to, or a replacement for, existing service delivery?
This grant round will replace the existing Placed Based Financial Management Programme service for whichfunding ceaseson 31 December 2015. Services funded through this selection round will deliver services from 1 January 2016 to 30June2017.
- Have the existing services for the Shepparton activity been mapped, and if so, has this mapping been used in determining the quantum of funds on offer?
No. The available funding is outlined in the funding summary. The funding allocated for Shepparton is for that service only and is not a substitute for the existing Commonwealth Financial Counselling and Financial Capability services that were funded following the 2014 grant round.
Kununurra, 27 August 2015
- Why has Warmun been removed from the Halls Creek Hub service area, despite being in the service area for the existing service?
This is an error, resulting from Warmun being located on the boundary of the two coverage areas and therefore accessible from both the Halls Creek and Kununurra Hubs. If you are applying to deliver the Hubs service in Halls Creek, you can identifyWarmun as a community that you intend to service as part of your application. If you propose to deliver services in the Kununurra coverage area, youmay elect not to provide outreach services to this community. This should be noted in your application.
- Can Financial Counsellors deliverIndigenous Home OwnershipEducation (IHOME)?
IHOME must be delivered by qualified trainers with a Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment.Anyone with this qualification may deliver IHOME, including Financial Counsellors and Financial Capability workers.
- Are providers/workers required to have qualifications other than the Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment to deliver IHOME?
No other qualifications are required to deliver the IHOME training, however an understanding of financial literacy or experience delivering financial literacy training would be beneficial.
- Will the Certificate III in Community Services Work still be required for Financial Capability workers?
Yes, Financial Capability Workers are still required to have, or be studying,theCertificate III in Community Services Work, including the three financial literacy competencies. Please refer to Section 2.8.1 of the Financial Wellbeing and Capability Guidelines Overview.
Brisbane, 27 August 2015
- Question 3 on the Perth Questions and Answers list says there is $12million going to Good Shepherd Microfinance and additional $12.5million to ‘other’ microfinance services. Could you please clarify what the ‘other’ services being funded are?
The $12.5 million (2015-2017) includes funding announced in the 2015-2016 Budget to support Microfinance Projects and Community Development Financial Institution initiatives. Grant agreement negotiations are currently underway with providers to deliver these services.
This funding is in addition to$12 million provided to Good Shepherd Microfinance to assist with the delivery of NILS and StepUP, and funding associated with the current open funding round for Community Development Financial Institution – Microenterprise Development.
- Could you confirm that funding provided is to be used only in the Hub location/geographic area specified i.e. can a client that lives outside the boundary for the Logan Hub be assisted? How can clients outside the boundary receive Financial Capability assistance?
Providers are required to service people living in the relevant service area. However, providers may service individuals from outside the service area. It is up to providers to determine intake processes.
Clients from outside the proposed service coverage area can be referred to services closer to their place of residence/employment. Information on other Commonwealth Financial Counselling and Financial Capability services in your area can be found on the DSS Grants Service Directory.
- Are there budgetary exclusions relating to the costs of delivery to remote areas (i.e. are travel costs allowable?). Is this a point of negotiations or a budgetary matter only? In particular, if the delivery of IHOME is to be wraparound client centric and client outcome based, costs incurred in delivery to remote areas can be prohibitive.
The Department has factored eligiblecosts into the funding allocations for Hubs in remote locations. Applicants should determine what travel and associated costs are required for their proposed service delivery model and include this in their budget with their application. If clients are tobe serviced via outreach, indicative travel costs should be included in the budget.
IHOME is a standalone training package to be delivered through some Hubs as part of the overall service offer. Travel costs for delivering the service should be included in your budget.
Please refer to Section 2.6 of the Programme Guidelineson the Grants Pagefor more information on eligible and ineligible use of funding.
- Funding for our region (Logan Beaudesert SA4) appears to be less than the existing Money Management (Financial Capability) funding. Is this the case, and if so, what is the rationale for this reduction?
Funding for the place based Hubs in Logan (Queensland), Playford (South Australia), Shepparton (Victoria), and Bankstown (New South Wales) has been brought in line with funding for Commonwealth Financial Counselling and Financial Capability services nationally.
- Is there any available reporting or research data from the Money Management or Financial Capability programmes that we can refer to, to see what’s working well elsewhere (other than the Wesley Mission research referred to in the Funding Round summary?)
DSS funded Financial Capability (Money Management) and Financial Counselling services have been discussed in the context of Income Management evaluations. These can be found on the DSS website. There are some reports related to Financial Capability (Money Management) services that have been produced by entities other than DSS that may be found via an internet search.
- What do you anticipate to be the main referral sources for this programme?
The Department does not have any expectations regarding the main source of referrals. It is expected that the successful applicant will demonstrate strong connections with government agencies and community services relevant to the clients/recipients/target groups listed in section 2.4 of the Programme Guidelines.
- Can we attach letters of support?
No. Documents and/or attachments not specifically requested by the Department will not be assessed as part of your application. Letters of support are not required to be provided as part of the funding application under this funding round.
- Is it possible to obtain the list of attendee organisations to assist with establishing consortium arrangements if relevant?
No. For privacy reasons, the Department is not able to provide a list of organisations that attended the information sessions.
Sydney, 26 August 2015
- Are there client targets per area?
No. The Department does not set targets for client numbers for this funded activity. There are targeted communities as per Appendix B of the Funding Round Summary.
- Can we include attachments with our application such as proposed service models or referees?
No. Documents and/or attachments not specifically requested by the Department will not be assessed as part of your application.
- Does the Department require a certainpercentageof face to face services be delivered versus services delivered via, say, telephone?
No. Providers need to determine their model of service delivery based on the needs of the communities to be serviced. This should be outlinedyour application.
- Does a Memorandum of Understanding need to be in place with partners before submitting an application?
Applicants should have agreement to proposed consortium or partnership arrangements before applying.
The Department does not require any evidence be provided at the time of submitting your application for funding. By completing the Declaration on the application form you are confirming that the information you have provided, including information about any partnerships or consortiums, is true and correct.
If you are successful in your application, the Department may request a copy of any documents/agreements that you have that set out the terms and conditions of the partnership/consortium arrangements. These documents may be a business partnership agreement or a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the consortium members/partners.
- Is there likely to be sustainable funding post 30 June 2017?
At this stage, funding post 30 June 2017 is a decision for Government.
- What is meant by outreach not required in metro areas? (For example the Bankstown Hub services a vast metro area).
Outreach is relevant where there is travel required to other communities/towns. It is most relevant to regional and remote locations.
- Are Indigenous Home Ownership Education (IHOME) services required to be delivered through the Bankstown Hub?
No. Locations from which IHOME must be delivered are listed at Attachment C of the Funding Round Summary that is available on the DSS Website.
- If currently funded organisations apply for “Hub” funding will they be given priority, as an existing provider?
Applicants are not required to be a currently funded DSS provider to apply. However, in order to ensure service continuity for consumers, preference will be given to applicants who currently deliver Financial Counselling or Financial Capability or “like” services.
- You mentioned that some service providers who currently provide Financial Capability also deliver Emergency Relief. Is there greater consideration given to these service providers given that their client base is normally the ones who need Financial Counselling services?
No. As per page 4 of the Funding Round Summary, it is highly desirable that applicants who currently deliver Financial Counselling, Capability or Resilience services apply for this funding. If your service provides Emergency Relief services, you should identify this as part of your proposed service delivery model.
Broome, 25 August 2015
- If services are intended to be delivered as a ‘Hub’, why was Emergency Relief removed from this grant round?
Grant funding for Emergency Relief was provided through the 2014 grant funding round. Organisations may elect to incorporate delivery of Emergency Relief as part of Hub service offer, however no additional funding for Emergency Relief is available as part of this funding round.
- Why is there a 1,000word limit to answer such complex/multilayered questions?
The 1,000 word limit is per criteria, not for the whole application. As part of the new way of working for grants, DSS is seeking to streamline grant arrangements and reduce red tape for organisations. The Department acknowledges the effort organisations dedicate to applying for funding. The word limit is intended to help reduce the burden on organisations applying for grant funding and to make the grant assessment process more efficient for the Department, so we can finalise selection processes as quickly as possible.
- Exactly what evidence is required of any partnership/consortia arrangements at the time of tender submission?
The Department does not require any evidence be provided at the time of submitting your application for funding. By completing the Declaration on the application form you are confirming that the information you have provided including information about any partnerships or consortiums is true and correct.
If you are successful in your application, the Department may request a copy of any documents/agreements that you have that set out the terms and conditions of the partnership/consortium arrangements. These documents may be a business partnership agreement or a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the consortium members/partners.
- When does the Department anticipate making the decision and awarding the grants/tender?
We expect new grant agreements to be in place for service delivery starting on 1January2016. Decisions about funding and the provision of offers is planned to occur prior to this.
Perth, 24 August 2015 - Morning session
- What qualifications are expected of Financial Capability workers?
All workers employed by organisations funded to deliver Financial Capability must have completed, or have completed within six months of being employed, an equivalent or higher qualification of a Certificate III in Community Services Work incorporating the following mandatory units:
- CHCFLE301A – work with clients needing financial literacy education
- CHCFLE302A – educate clients in fundamental financial literacy skills, and
- CHCFLE303A - educate clients to understand debt and consumer credit.
Please refer to section 2.8 of the Financial Wellbeing and Capability Guidelines Overview.
- Can Financial Capability workers undertake microfinance work or is this just for Financial Counsellors?
Either Financial Capability workers or Financial Counsellors can perform microfinance roles if that is the service delivery model the organisation decides upon. This may also be determined in consultation with consortium partners if relevant to the delivery model.
Organisations performing this work must comply with relevant legislative requirements (including National, State and/or Territory requirements).
- Is the $12million microfinance funding referenced in the presentation separate to funding outlined in this funding round or included within it?
Funding for microfinance is separate to this round and is not included as part of the funding provided under this round. The Department is providing over $12 million (excluding GST and SACS) over two years to Good Shepherd Microfinance to assist with the delivery of NILS and StepUp across Australia. Additionally the Department is providing nearly $12.5 million (excluding GST and SACS) over two years to support other microfinance services that assist low income and vulnerable Australians.
More information is on the DSS website on the Funding Open for Application page.
- How does existing Income Management funding fit (or not) into this current round?
Funding for the existing Income Management locations is included in the funding offered through this round.
- Can you confirm that DSS is not funding Emergency Relief through this grant round?
Correct. No additional funding for Emergency Relief is available through this grant round.
- Selection Criteria 2 and 5 refer to integration of services. Is this not duplication?
Criteria two focuses on how you propose to deliver the required services including value for money. Criteria five focuses on linkages and referral pathways for consumers and how they will be provided through the proposed service delivery model. This includes referrals between different Financial Wellbeing and Capability services.
- Is it expected that applications include both Financial Counselling and Financial Capability workers or could this be delivered through external partners?
Both services must be offered however they do not have to be offered by the same organisation. Consortium arrangements and partnerships are encouraged.
- Can you confirm that budgets are required for an 18 month period from 1January2016 to 30June2017?
Yes. Funding is available from 1January 2016 to 30June2017. The budget that you must provide should reflect the 18 month period.
- You mentioned that this funding round is for service continuity in areas where Income Management is available. The Perth regions able to tender in this round appear to include regions where Income Management is not available. Is that what was intended?
Income Management is available in the whole of the Perth metropolitan area. All Financial Wellbeing and Capability services across Australia are now required to give priority access to people participating in Income Management.
- The Perth South East region could not tender in the previous funding round for Financial Counselling because it was funded by Income Management. The money available in this round is significantly less than what is currently provided. This is likely to result in less services available in the Perth South East region. Will DSS consider a future funding round for Perth South East if the services are insufficient to meet need?
The funding offered under the Financial Counselling and Financial Capability grant round in 2014 was based on the previous non-Income Management funded service footprint. This is why funding was not available in the Pert South East region. The funding now available under the Financial Counselling, Capability and Resilience Hubs grant round is to continue to support Income Management areas. The same amount is available in all Perth metropolitan areas.
Future funding is a decision for government. The Department will, as always, monitor the appropriateness of service delivery arrangements overtime.
- Is there provision for existing clients to transfer to a ‘new provider’?
The Department understands that, in some cases, consumers may need to transition to another service provider. We are intending to finalise the selection process in sufficient time to allow providers to put transition processes in place for clients. Grant Agreement Managers may assist with transitioning once the selection process has been finalised.