Kindergarten December STEM Lesson Plan



SKP1. Students will describe objects in terms of the materials they are made of and their physical properties. a. Compare and sort materials of different composition (common materials include clay, cloth, paper, plastic, etc.). b. Use senses to classify common materials, such as buttons or swatches of cloth, according to their physical attributes (color, size, shape, weight, texture, buoyancy, flexibility).

SKP3. Students will observe and communicate effects of gravity on objects.

Ask: How can I make something to help my army man not fall so fast and get hurt?

Objective: Students will describe objects by material as they investigate what will make the best parachute. Students will observe as their army man falls and talk about how gravity effects it.

Materials: Plastic army men, materials to make parachutes (yarn, string, plastic bags, plastic table cloth, fabric, felt, pipe cleaners), ladder or table to test dropping parachutes from, STEM journals

Mini Lesson:

Students will get to see a real parachute and hear about how parachutes work from an expert (parent who works for Lockheed). (Day before STEM challenge)

Students will watch a parachute video to review what they learned.

Imagine: Teacher will drop a plastic army man as students watch how fast he falls. Teacher will challenge students to create a parachute to help their army man not to be hurt.

Teacher will provide each child with an army man and materials to make parachute.

Independent Work:

Plan: Using the engineering and design process students will plan their parachute and how it will connect to their army man on their planning paper in their STEM journal.

Create: After planning students will begin to create their parachutes for their army man following their plan and using materials provided.

As each child finishes, he/she will be able to practice dropping their parachute to see if it works and make changes as needed. After testing, students will write or draw in their journal if it worked yes or no and why.

Improve: After testing their parachutes students will be asked to think about ways that they can improve their design. Students will be given the chance to improve their parachutes before the final test.

Whole Group Closing:

Teacher will drop parachutes from a table in the classroom. With each trial, the army man that falls the slowest will be kept out until one class winner is chosen. Winners from each class will be dropped from the roof while students watch in the courtyard.

Assessment: Teacher will observe student learning behaviors. Students will be assessed through ability to complete the scientific design process in journals.

Differentiation: The teacher can choose to allow for flexible grouping, peer partners, or small group teacher lead activity based on needs of the students.