Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
CLB Level: 3Essential Skills Focus: Continuous learning (as part of safety in the workplace)
Oral communication (brainstorming/discussion)
Thinking skills (use of memory)
Working with others (partner)
Writing (to organize/remember)
Task: Become familiar with PPE and how it protects the body from workplace dangers
Purpose: Students will
- Read and understand PPE vocabulary and how it protects the body from danger
Learning Style: Visual, auditory, tactile
Time:approx. 1 hour 30 min. / Method: 1. Explain that PPE means personal protective equipment and is the term for safety equipment in the workplace. Show the students some PPE. See if the students know the names of any of the equipment. Write the names on the board.
2.Add more words to the list as you show each item. Pass the PPE around so the students can handle it or try it on. (A good teaching kit includes: (ear plugs, safety glasses, ear muffs, safety goggles, face shield, cartridge respirator, gloves, apron, hair net, safety boots or shoes, dust mask, and hard hat). Practice pronunciation with the whole group. Have students do the matching sheet below and check it together using an overhead transparency. Invite students to come up to the overhead and show their answers.
3. Have students work in pairs to match the word card to the picture card. Students read the words to their partner to practice pronunciation. Later students can turn their words cards over and see how many words they remember.
4. Discuss the importance of safety equipment and which body part it is used to protect. Discuss how each PPE protects the worker from danger. After the discussion, have students work in pairs to fill in the PPE chart.
Follow Up:Have students play a concentration game using the picture cards below. Use the gap fill exercises as a review. Continue to expand the lessons to include the following sentence which would be useful to a student when an interviewer asks about safety. A PPE protect(s) my bodypart(s) from danger(s). This sentence tells the interviewer the student understands the importance of PPE in the Canadian workplace. Students can work in groups taking turns holding up picture cards and practicing sentences.
Debrief/Transfer: What essential skills did you cover in this activity?How do you think the information about PPE will help you in the workplace? Do you think you can use any of this vocabularyat a job interview?
WinnipegSchool Division Adult EAL ProgramEssential Skill Focus: Continuous Learning / Oral Communication
Author: Lisa ReichertCLB level: 3
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Draw a line from the PPE to the word.
- hard hat
- face shield
- ear plugs
- safety boots
- hair net
- safety glasses
- apron
- dust mask
- respirator
- ear muffs goggles
12. gloves
WinnipegSchool Division Adult EAL ProgramEssential Skill Focus: Continuous Learning / Oral Communication
Author: Lisa ReichertCLB level: 3
PPEBody Part(s)Danger(s)
1. Ear plugs______
2. Safety glasses______
3. Ear muffs______
4. Safety goggles______
5. Face shield______
6. Respirator______
7. Gloves______
8. Apron______
9. Safety boots______
10.Hair net______
11.Dust mask______
12.Hard hat______
Teacher key
PPEBody Part(s) Danger(s)
1. Ear plugsearsloud noise
2. Safety glasseseyesflying things,
3. Ear muffsearsloud noise
4. Safety goggleseyesflying things,
5. Face shieldfaceflying things
6. Respiratorlungsfumes
7. Gloveshandscuts
8. Apronbodychemicals,
9. Safety bootsfeetheavy weight
10.Hair nethairgoing into the
11.Dust masklungsdust
12.Hard hatheadfalling things
WinnipegSchool Division Adult EAL ProgramEssential Skill Focus: Continuous Learning / Oral Communication
Author: Lisa ReichertCLB level: 3
Personal Protective Equipment
1. protect my ______from loud noise.
2. protect my ______from chemicals, dust and flying things.
3. protect my ______from loud noise.
4. protect my ______from chemicals, dust and flying things.
5. protects my ______from flying things.
6. protects my ______from fumes.
7. protect my ______from cuts.
8. protects my ______from chemicals or food.
9. protect my ______from heavy weight.
10.protects my ______from going into the machine or into the food.
- protects my ______from dust.
- protects my ______from falling things.
Personal Protective Equipment
1. Ear plugs protect my ears from ______.
2. Safety glasses protect my eyes from ______, ______and ______.
3.Ear muffs protect my ears from ______.
4.Safety goggles protect my eyes from______, ______and ______.
5.A face shield protects my face from______.
6.A respirator protects my lungs from ______.
7.Gloves protect my hands from______.
8.An apron protects my body/clothes from ______or ______.
9.Safety boots protect my feet from ______.
10.A hair net protects my hair from going into the ______or into
11.A dust mask protects my lungs from______.
12.A hard hat protects my head from______.
Personal Protective Equipment
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
11. ______
12. ______
Personal Protective Equipment
- Ear plugs protect my ears from loud noise.
- Safety glasses protect my eyes from chemicals, dust and
flying things.
- Ear muffs protect my ears from loud noise.
- Safety goggles protect my eyes from chemicals, dust and
flying things.
- A face shield protects my face from flying things.
- A respirator protects my lungs from fumes.
- Gloves protect my hands from cuts.
8. An apron protects my body/clothes from chemicals or food.
9. Safety boots protect my feet from heavy weight.
10. A hairnet protects my hair from going into he machine or into the food.
11. A dust mask protects my lungs from dust.
12A hard hat protects my head from falling things.
WinnipegSchool Division Adult EAL ProgramEssential Skill Focus: Continuous Learning / Oral Communication
Author: Lisa ReichertCLB level: 3