Sigma Theta Tau
Chapter Research Grant
Capstone Project Guidelines
1. Title and Executive Summary
A title page and a one hundred word summary are to accompany the proposal. The summary includes the problem, purpose, and plan for the capstone project.
2. Capstone Project Proposal Outline.
Problem Statement
The problem statement is a clear and concise description of the issue or problem where change is needed. This section will include a brief overview of the problem and provides statistics, research studies, and other mechanisms to substantiate the need for change in the identified problem area.
Purpose/ Mission Statement: Describe the purpose of the capstone project.
Theoretical Framework: Describe the theoretical basis for the capstone project.
Project Objectives: Identify the expected outcome(s) from your capstone project.
Project Plan: Describe the operational plan for the capstone project. All of the following sections should be addressed in the plan.
Scope of the Change: Describe the steps that will need to occur and include a timeline that you expect to occur.
Setting: Describe the setting for your project including location and characteristics.
Group: Describe the target audience for your capstone project.
Tools/measures. Describe the proposed methods to measure your outcomes for the capstone project.
Resources and Supports.Describe the needed resources or support for the project.
Timeline. Describe the specific tasks and timeframe for completion of the capstone project.
Financial Plan. Describe the budget for the project and sources for financial support. Provide a detailed budget that includes personnel, materials, equipment, marketing, and evaluation costs.
References: All references cited in proposal are cited according to APA (6thed.)
Appendices (if applicable)
3. General Guidelines
The proposal should be written using no less than a 12 point Arial or Times Roman font with margins of 1 inch on all sides. Headings should follow the capstone project proposal outline. The total proposal should be no more than 10 pages in length excluding the cover page and references. APA style of documentation is required.