Adur Canoe Club Constitution 2008 2018
The Club will be known as the `Adur Canoe Club`.
Adur Canoe Club (ACC) promotes canoeing paddlesport as a means of being active, enjoying the environment outdoors and having fun.
Any person with an interest in canoeing paddlesport will be eligible for membership regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.
The General ACC Committee may, at its sole discretion, decline to accept renewal of membership from any person without disclosing the reason.
Subject to safety and operational limitations, the Club aims to provide equal access for all.
Membership and Subscription
- Prospective members (and members wishing to renew) must make written application by completion of the appropriate on-line form, together with the necessary subscription, to the Club Secretary.
- The rates of subscription will be determined by the members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Subscription will be due on or before April 1st in each year.
- A member will have resigned from the Club if they have failed to pay the annual subscription by 31st May despite being given notice (personal lettersocial media or e-mail and/or newsletter).
General ACC Committee
- The Committee is responsible for the general conduct of the Club business and activities.
- The Committee will comprise a Chair, Welfare Officer, Safety Officer, Secretary, Head Coach, Treasurer,and Vice-Chair, Quartermaster, Membership Secretary, Trips Co-ordinator, Junior Rep and Social Secretary and ‘without portfolio’ members up to a total of fifteen.with at least two other members or officers, (which ideally should include a Junior member (under 18)), to make a total number of members at least eight and with the power to nominate two other members.
- Nominations and elections to positions in the Committee will be made at the AGM.
- The terms of office will be for one year and members of the Committee will be elected or re-elected every year at the AGM. Club membership is a prerequisite for Committee membership.
- As the need arises, the Club can organise a Sub Committee to represent different sections. The Sub Committee can be appointed by either the Committee or a General Meeting.
- The Committee will meet at least twice a year.aim to meet four times a year
- The Secretary on the Chairman's instructions, or at least 2 Committee members will call committee meetings.
- A quorum shall consist of at least four five members.
- In the case of a vacancy in the Committee, the Committeey can appoint another member to act until the next AGM.
Duties of Officers
- The Chair will preside over all Club general meetings and Committee meetings. In absentia this role can be delegated to the Vice Chair or Secretary. The Chairy will be responsible for guiding the activities of the Club in accordance with the rules and general policy as expressed by the majority of members. They will represent the club at other organisations meetings where appropriate or send a nominated representative.
- The Secretary will be responsible for the organisation of meetings of the Committee and Club. They will also be responsible for the recording of all minutes, relating to such meetings, and all correspondence relating to the Club.
- The Treasurer will be responsible for the collection of all money and shall keep accounts as required by the General Meeting. They shall also produce at the AGM a statement of accounts showing the financial state of the funds and a summary of the year's income and outgoings.
- Additional details of Officers’ duties are given in the ACC Club Manual
General Meetings
- The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held once a year at the end of March at a suitable time in March/April. A Statement of Aaccounts will be presented before to the Committee at the AGM.
- An Extraordinary Meeting may be called on the instruction of the majority of the Committee, or a requisition, signed by at least 9 members of the club.
- All General Meetings need at least 14 days notice, specifying the time and business.
- At any General Meeting, a resolution put to the vote of the attendants should be decided by a show of hands.
- At all General Meetings, the Chairperson will preside or vice-chairperson in their absence.
- At all General Meetings, at least 10 members will constitute a quorum.
If, after half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, a quorum is not present, the meeting if called at the request of the members will be dissolved. In any other case, the meeting shall be adjourned until a time and place is fixed by the Committee. If a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for an adjourned meeting, the members present shall form a quorum.
Accidental Omission
Accidental omission to give notice of a meeting and/or non-receipt of a meeting by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of any meeting.
Disciplinary Measures
- All members are expected to comply with the Club rules and constitution.constitution, code of conduct and policies/procedures
- Any member violating the Club constitution, code of conduct or policies/procedures rules or being judged guilty of unsatisfactory conduct, may by resolution of the Committee be suspended or expelled. Any member suspended or expelled may appeal to an Extraordinary or General Meeting.
- Any member so suspended or expelled may also appeal to the British Canoeing U to state their case.
- The Committee will manage the affairs of the Club. Both financial and legal liability incurred in the rightful exercise of their offices shall not, however, be the personal liability of the individual Committee Member, but will be the responsibility of the Club as a whole.
- All members or the other persons who attend Club activities do so at their own risk, and neither the Club nor its officers can accept any liability for any loss or injury of any kind.
The club shall be affiliated to the British Canoe UnionCanoeing.
Alteration of Rules
This constitution and the club rules will not be amended or rescinded except by a General Meeting.
Disposal of Assets and Termination
The club’s assets are to be used to meet its objectives. The club shall not distribute suplusessurpluses or profits to members or others. This does not prohibit the club from making specific donations, prizes or expense payments in support of its objectives.
The club shall not be terminated except by resolution of a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose. In such circumstances, surplus assets shall be handed to a Club or association having similar objectives and registered similarly as a Community Amateur Sports Club, or the British Canoe UnionCanoeing regional committee, or a charity agreed by the meeting.
Accepted as the Constitution of the Adur Canoe Club
Nick Dowling
Chair Adur Canoe Club