(Your application has to arrive as one single document in pdf format)
Principal supervisorFamily name, First name / TitleDepartment, University / E-mail address
Co-supervisorFamily name, First (Given) name / Title
Department, University / E-mail address
Co-supervisorFamily name, First (Given) name / Title
Department, University / E-mail address
Co-supervisorFamily name, First (Given) name / Title
Department, University / E-mail address
Title of proposed doctoral project
Short summary of the research plan(background, hypotheses, methods, studies planned, and significance, max 300 words)
We have received ethical approval. The decision date and number are: / We do not need ethical approval / We will apply or have already applied for ethical approval
3Eligibility of principal supervisor (KI supervisor)
Check this if you have not been awarded faculty funds for doctoral education (KID, CSTP, FiV) as the principal supervisor in 2016 or 2017. Please note that if you have received and accepted any of these grants in 2016 or 2017, you are not eligible to apply in this call.
Check this if you do not already have active, ongoing doctoral students funded by KI within the KI-NIH PhD programme. Please note that if you do have active, ongoing doctoral students, you are not eligible to apply in this call.
Check this if the principal supervisor has received a “Green light” from the respective department at KI. Please note that if you do not have the decision by September 15 (end of the call), you are not eligible to apply in this call.
4The project's feasibility
Describe the total amount of financial resources for the project (including salaries, equipment, travelling and other estimated costs):
How does the planning/arrangement and resources contribute to the project's feasibility?
How do you plan to organize the supervision in the suggested project?
5The project's suitability as a doctoral education project
Suggested background for the future doctoral student (academic/professional):
Explain why the project is a suitable doctoral education project:
Time plan:
4Obligatory attachments
6 Describe the doctoral education project in terms of learning outcomes and specify learning activities according to the headings below:
Knowledge and understanding:Proficiency and aptitude:
Ability to assess and approach:
7Mandatory attachments
This is a check list of all necessary attachments you must send together with this application (in one pdf).
Research Plan / Please format the document according to the following instructions: max 5 (A4) pages, including the reference list, Times New Roman 12 pt.
Principalsupervisor’s ”green light” / Please provide a copy of the “green light” decision issued by the respective department at KI to the principal supervisor.
10 most project-relevant publications for each supervisor / Please format the document according to the following instructions: list the 10 publications of each co-applicant separately and clearly indicate the name of the co-applicant at the top of each list respectively (as a heading).
Principal- and co-supervisors’ CV / Please include a complete publication list and funding ID (list of grants).
Description of proposed collaboration / Please describe the collaborative nature of the proposed project and how you intend to put it into practice. Format the document according to the following instructions: max 1 (A4) page, Times New Roman 12 pt.
8Contacts of NIH scientific director(s) of institute (refers only to NIH co-supervisors)
Please observe that the persons listed here will be asked to act as a reference for the respective NIH co-supervisor(s).
Co-supervisor name:
Director name and email: / Co-supervisor name:
Director name and email: / Co-supervisor name:
Director name and email:
We hereby certify that this application is truthful and accurate and receives our full approval
We have also read the information according to the Swedish Personal Data Act (PDA)*
Principal supervisor / Name in typescript
Co-supervisor / Name in typescript
Co-supervisor / Name in typescript
Co-supervisor / Name in typescript
Head of Department at KI / Name in typescript
* Information according to the Swedish Personal Data Act: Certain information in this application will be registered and processed digitally at Karolinska Institutet (+46852480000,Switchboard) for administrative purposes (payment of doctoral funding). Any person who wishes to receive information concerning their personal data in the register may submit a written request thereof. In the event any person considers the data to be erroneous, such person shall be entitled to request rectification or deletion thereof. A request for information and rectification may be made to Paulina Mihailova, Research Support Office, Karolinska Institutet.
□ I have taken note of – and understood – the information regarding registration of certain personal data in the above mentioned register. I agree to certain personal data being stored in the register.