The NSW Business Chamber has been very active in sourcing and negotiating competitive and bulk electricity for our members.

We are very excited to report that each of our members now have access to UP TO 19% discount on their electricity!

This service is free to members and the NSW Business Chamber does not collect any revenue from the provision of the Program.

If electricity costs are an impediment to growth and profitability I would strongly encourage you to explore this opportunity.

Market-leading energy rates are now available for members.

Through the Better Energy Manager Program, delivered by Member Benefits Programprovider Energetics, members can receive up to 19% discount off energy usage charges.

Offer is based upon:

· 15% discount off NSW regulated tariffs

· 3% discount for paying on time, and

· 1% discount if you choose to pay by direct debit.

The offer is available to NSW Business Chamber member sites using less than 160,000 kilowatt hours annually. The discounts apply for 24 months. Great rates are also available in other states.

Rates for members who use more than 160,000 kilowatt hours are available on application.

There are no application charges, however if you are within a contract period with your current supplier there may be a small exit fee of less than $200. You should confirm the breakfee with your current supplier.

How does my business start saving?

  1. Simplyrequest an offer bycompleting an online form at


completing the attached hard copy Expression of Interest Form. You will need a recent electricity bill with you.
By requesting an offer, you are taking the first step tojoining the Better Energy Manager Program, delivered by energy management specialists Energetics. The program combines thediscounted energy rates above withtools and information to help youbuy better and use less.

2. Once you have submitted the form, if you are a small site using less than 160,00 kWh per yearyou will receive a contractual agreement to review from the program electricity retailer outlining your terms and conditions and discount off usage charges.

3. If you are a large site (using more than 160,000 kWh per year) you will receive an offer with individual rates for your organisation that will benefit from the Better Energy Manager buying process.

4. If you decide to accept the offer and execute an agreement, you will receive an email from Energetics with a log-in and instructions on how to access the full range of benefits available in the Better Energy Manager Program

5. You will see the discounted rates inyour nextbill!

There is more to the Better Energy Manager Program than just discounted electricity rates.

When you have signed your contract and been advised that your energy contact is accepted, you will also receive these program benefits from Energetics, which can help you use less energy:

Free access to the One2Five online diagnostic tool to help you manage energy, reduce your energy consumption and achieve additional savings on your energy bill. This service is valued at $500 alone.

An email report, in line with your billing cycle, graphically reporting your electricity usage to help you reduce your consumption (small sites only).

Access to a dedicated phone line to provide support with reading and understanding your bill, energy saving tips and other information about the Better Energy Manager Program.

Online checklists and guides.

This service is free to members and the NSW Business Chamber does not collect any revenue from the provision of the Program. Energetics will receive a small management fee from the energy provider to cover costs such as provision of dedicated telephone support staff, communications and data storage, the management of reporting for members undertaking the diagnostic analysis and the associated software costs.

About Energetics

Energetics is Australia’s leading specialist consultancy in energy and carbon management, and has over 25 years experience in carbon and energy management.

As advisers on the challenges of escalating energy costs and the new carbon price, Energetics is unique. Their services and products combine business insight with technical and project management excellence, and range from strategic advice to developing new business opportunities, skills development, managing risk and building investor confidence.
Energetics delivers savings at a time of rapidly escalating energy costs and carbon pricing. Find out more on the Energeticswebsite.

For additional information please call the Business Hotline 13 26 96 or contact