Response FormDraft Basements SPD, February 2015
Public Consultation (from 18 February to 11.59pm 1 April 2015)
The Council adopted Policy CL7: Basements on 21 January 2015 and it forms part of the Local Plan. The Council has now produced a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Basements. The Draft Basements SPD provides more detailed guidance and advice on adopted Core Strategy Policy CL7: Basements. It is designed to help applicants make successful planning applications and for residents to understand the various issues that the Council will consider in assessing planning applications.It will replace the existing SPD on Subterranean Development, 2009.
The Council is consulting on the Draft Basements SPD for 6 weeks, starting from 18 February to 11.59pm on 1 April 2015. The document is available to view and download on-line from .
This response form is designed to follow the structure of the Draft Basements SPD.
You can respond to the consultation on-line using the link above which is the most efficient way of responding to the consultation.
You may also complete this word form and send your comments by email or post to the following address –
Email – ; or
Post –
Planning Policy Team
Planning and Borough Development
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Kensington Town Hall
Hornton Street
London W8 7NX
- Personal/Contact Details
Please note that if you respond to this consultation your response will be publically available. This will include your name, who you represent and the company/organisation but not personal contact details such as address or email.
Your NameAddress
(e.g. - Self/client name or organisation)
- Do you have any comments on Section 1: Introduction?
- Do you have any comments on Section 2: Pre-application Consultationor on Appendix 1 and 2?
- Do you have any comments on Section 3: Design Guidance?
- Do you have any comments on Section 4: Large Sites?
- Do you have any comments on Section 5: Construction Method Statement and Appendix 3?
- Do you have any comments on the Considerate Constructors Scheme as set out in Section 6?
- Do you have any comments on the Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) as set out in Section 6 and Appendix 4?
- Do you have any comments on Noise, Vibration and Dust as set out in Section 6 and Appendix 5?
- Do you have any comments on Section 7: Trees?
- Do you have any comments on Section 8: Flooding?
- Do you have any comments on Section 9: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)?
- Do you have any comments on Section 10: Consolidated Checklist for Applicants?
- Do you have any other general comments on the contents of the Draft Basements SPD?
Please return the form to the address provided on page 1.