After reading Chapter 2, How A Market Economy Works: The Price System, you should be able to:
· Explain what is meant by a MARKET
· Explain the interactions between households and business firms illustrated by the circular flow diagram.
· Discuss the themes behind Adam Smith's INVISIBLE HAND and relate the invisible hand to the price system and equilibrium.
· Explain how the price system solves the economic problem of "what," "how," and "for whom".
· Discuss imperfections of the invisible hand mechanism.
· Give the definition of PUBLIC GOODS and explain why both parts of the definition are important.
I. A MARKET brings buyers and sellers of a good together to determine conditions of trade, such as the price and quantity sold.
II. A. PROPERTY RIGHTS are the legal rights of owners to use or trade their property as they desire.
Private owners are guided by relative prices to use their property in order to make the maximum possible profit.
B. The three forms of business organization are:
1. SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP: a business owned and run by an individual who makes all the decisions and receives all the profits or losses.
2. PARTNERSHIP: a business owned and run by two or more people who share in all the profits or losses.
3. CORPORATION: a business with the legal status of an individual, owned by many shareholders, who share in the profits but have limited liability for any losses. This type of business is frequently run by professional managers.
A. Business firms use inputs, provided by households, to produce products to supply to households. Firms pay money for the use of the inputs and receive money from the sale of their output.
B. Households use the income earned from providing productive factors to business firms in order to purchase products from firms. Households receive money for the use of their productive factors, and they pay money to purchase products.
A. The PRICE SYSTEM is the collection of the millions of relative prices.
1. RELATIVE PRICES are the prices of products expressed in terms of other goods.
2. MONEY PRICES are the prices of products given in terms of dollars or other monetary units.
B. Market allocation uses the relative prices of the price system together with the principle of substitution and property rights to solve the economic problem of resource allocation.
1. The PRINCIPLE OF SUBSTITUTION states that users are able to replace one good with another as relative prices change.
2. Changes in relative prices motivate users to switch from one product to another.
A. The INVISIBLE HAND is Adam Smith's idea that a capitalist economy can use the price system to function efficiently, so that government intervention is not necessary.
B. Buyers and sellers base their decisions on the relative prices contained in the price system.
1. If more of a product is produced than the amount consumers will buy, then its relative price falls. As the relative price falls, the amount produced decreases, while the amount demanded increases. This eliminates the excess.
2. The invisible hand drives prices to their equilibrium levels. The EQUILIBRIUM PRICE is the relative price at which the number of goods suppliers wish to sell just equals the amount buyers wish to purchase.
C. The price system solves the "what," "how," and "for whom" questions:
1. What: the goods and services produced are those that people are most willing to spend dollars on, thereby raising the products' relative prices.
2. How: firms produce products using the lowest cost combination of inputs.
3. For Whom: People with high priced resources consume many goods and services; people with low priced resources consume fewer goods and services.
A. The invisible hand will not work well when firms gain a monopoly; it may lead to an unfair distribution of income; it cannot supply public goods; it may not work well when there are externalities, such as pollution; and it may lead to business cycles.
B. A PUBLIC GOOD has two characteristics:
1. One person's consumption does not reduce the consumption of others (that is, the good is nonrival in consumption).
2. It is not feasible to exclude nonpayers from consuming the good.
C. An EXTERNALITY is present when an action causes someone who is not party to the action to suffer an uncompensated cost or enjoy an unpaid for benefit.
True or False
If the statement is correct, write true in the space provided; if it is wrong, write false. Below the question give a short statement that supports your answer.
____ 1. Households supply labor to businesses and demand goods and services from businesses.
____ 2. Firms buy land, labor, and capital from households and provide goods and services for households to purchase.
____ 3. Households receive money in the form of wages from business firms and spend this money by purchasing things from the firms.
____ 4. Computer chips purchased by IBM from Intel are an example of an intermediate good.
____ 5. Shareholders of corporations have limited liability for the debts of the company.
____ 6. Money prices play a key role in determining resource allocation.
____ 7. Adam Smith's idea of an invisible hand guarantees that an economy settles upon the most equitable division of income.
____ 8. It is possible for a good's relative price to fall while its money price rises.
____ 9. The principle of substitution suggests consumers buy more goods whose relative prices rise, since these goods must be high quality items.
____ 10. Property rights involve the rights of owners of real estate but have nothing to do with the rights of factory owners.
____ 11. Shareholders in large corporations often play major parts in running the business.
____ 12. Each partner in a partnership is liable for any losses or debts of the company.
____ 13. One characteristic of a public good is that free riders cannot easily be excluded.
____ 14. The only cure for the problem of externalities is a government action such as a subsidy and/or tax.
____ 15. In all markets, the actual buyer and seller must meet face‑to‑face.
Multiple Choice
Circle the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
1. An equilibrium price is established when
a. the number of sellers equals the number of buyers.
b. everyone who wants the good gets it.
c. sellers are unable to sell any more of the good.
d. buyers cannot find sellers willing to sell to them.
e. none of the above.
2. Which of the following is not a possible imperfection in the operation of the invisible hand and the price system?
a. The fact that most people work for business firms rather than being self-employed
b. The possibility of a highly unfair distribution of income
c. The presence of economy-wide business cycles
d. The chance that one firm could gain control over an entire market
e. The possibility that the price system cannot supply public goods
3. Not shown in the circular-flow diagram is the flow of
a. factors of production from households to businesses.
b. goods from businesses to households.
c. wage payments from businesses to households.
d. payments for goods and services from households to businesses.
e. none of the because all these flows are shown in the circular flow diagram.
4. The principle of substitution suggests that
a. every individual endeavors to employ his or her capital so that what it produces has the greatest value.
b. prices will always be equilibrium prices.
c. no single person need know all prices to function in daily economic life.
d. users are usually able to switch from one good to another as relative prices change.
e. changes in relative prices signal what goods are cheap and what goods are expensive.
5. How does the price system solve the "how" problem of resource allocation?
a. Business firms use the principle of substitution and seek the least-cost combination of productive factors.
b. Consumers tell business firms how to produce the goods.
c. Business firms always use the highest quality productive factors to manufacture their products.
d. Government actions tell firms how to produce their products.
e. None of the above.
6. Which of the following is a relative price?
a. a price of 15,000 dollars for a Honda Civic
b. a price of 4 food processors for a microwave oven
c. a wage of 15 dollars per hour
d. a price of 2000 yen for a steak dinner
e. none of the above
7. Redefining property rights emerges as a solution to the problem of
a. externalities.
b. public goods.
c. public choice.
d. rational ignorance.
8. Which of the following is an example of a pure public good?
a. A municipal sewer system
b. Government provided flood insurance for people living in a flood prone area
c. The public school system
d. National defense
e. All of the above
9. An example of a nonrival good is
a. a crowded movie theater.
b. a bushel of wheat.
c. an uncrowded movie theater.
d. free medical care provided by medicaid.
e. gasoline.
Essay Questions
Write a short essay answering each question.
1. Suppose the price of gold is 400 dollars per ounce and the price of silver is 10 dollars per ounce. What is the relative price of gold? If the dollar price of gold and silver both rise 10 percent, what would be the relative price of gold? Suppose from the initial prices, the money price of gold rises 10 percent while the money price of silver did not change. What would be the relative price of gold?
2. Is it possible for the relative price of a good to fall while its money price rises? If so, give a numerical example.
3. Describe how a market based economy solves the "what" problem of resource allocation. Be sure to discuss the role played by property rights and relative prices.
4. Discuss how the price system solves the "what" problem when consumers change their desires and want more of a particular good. Mention the roles played by the invisible hand and equilibrium prices.
5. Describe how the price system solves the "for whom" problem. What issues can arise with regard to this solution?
6. "Market allocation cannot be desirable, for it forces firms to produce things as cheaply as possible. Obviously no one wants only cheap and poorly produced goods." Comment on this.
7. Is turkey at 40 cents per pound a good buy?
8. What is "limited liability?" What business organization enjoys limited liability?
9. Why is it that we pay realtors 6 percent commissions or buy our used textbooks from the college bookstore at a high markup when we could buy at lower prices from the immediate sellers?
10. Is mail delivery a public good?
True or False
True 1. This is an example of the circular flow: households participate in both the factors market and the goods market.
True 2. This is another example of the circular flow of services and goods.
True 3. This is an example of the circular flow of money. Business firms and households are linked firmly together through the circular flow.
True 4. Intermediate goods are items purchased by a business firm for use in another product. In other words, intermediate goods are components of the "final" goods ultimately produced and sold.
True 5. This is the major advantage of the corporate form of business organization.
False 6. Relative prices, not money prices, play the important role.
False 7. One of the problems of allowing the price system to work without any checks from the government is that the resulting distribution of income may be deemed "unfair."
True 8. If a good's money price rises less rapidly than the money prices of other goods, its relative price falls.
False 9. The principle of substitution says consumers buy fewer goods whose relative prices rise.
False 10. Property rights are the rights owners have with respect to all kinds of property.
False 11. Professional managers typically control the day-to-day activities of the business.
True 12. This is a drawback to the partnership as a method of business organization.
True 13. Public goods have high exclusion costs; it is hard to exclude people who want a free ride.
False 14. Voluntary agreements and/or a redefinition of property rights are other potential solutions.
False 15. The stock exchange, where stock brokers act as agents, is an example of a market where the actual buyers and sellers rarely meet.
Multiple Choice
1. e. The equilibrium price is that price at which the number of goods producers wish to sell just equals the number demanders want to purchase.
2. a. People working for business firms is a reflection of specialization and not an imperfection of the invisible hand.