Useful Network Tools (See Appendix C of Textbook)

·  Arp

·  Ping

·  Lsof

·  Truss

·  Tcpdump

·  Stevens’s sock program


% arp –a

Shows the current content of the ARP Cash.

% arp -a | grep dhcp-128

If it is not in the cash, type

% sudo tcpdump | grep ARP


go to another window and type:

% telnet dhcp-128

Then type:

% arp –a | grep dhcp-128

and you will find it in the cash.


echo request & echo reply

% ping cash

% sudo tcpdump | grep echo


Netstat tells us which IP addresses and ports are in use but it does not identify the processes. Lsof (list open files) helps us find which process has a socket open on a specific IP address or port.

% sock -s 12345 &

% netstat -a | grep 12345

*.12345 *.* 0 0 49152 0 LISTEN

% sudo lsof | grep 12345


sock 12840 cs779 3u IPv4 0x300037720c0 0t0 TCP *:12345 (LISTEN)

% sudo lsof | grep TCP

sshd 715 root 3u IPv6 0x300036ac000 0t0 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)

sshd 12721 root 6u IPv6 0x300037732c0 0t385696 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

sshd 12724 cs779 4u IPv6 0x300037732c0 0t385696 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

sock 12840 cs779 3u IPv4 0x300037720c0 0t0 TCP *:12345 (LISTEN)


Traces the activities on file descriptors associated with a socket:

% cd /home/cs476/public_html/SocketProgramming/c

% truss -v accept tcpServer0 &

% truss –v connect tcpClient0 localhost

% truss –v accept tcpServ0 &

% truss –v connect tcpClient0 localhost


Reads packets from a network and prints lost of information about the packets.


% sudo tcpdump icmp

% sudo tcpdump udp

% sudo tcpdump tcp

% sudo tcpdump tcp and port 80 &

% telnet cash 80


Some examples:

% sock -s 12345 & // start tcp server

% sock localhost 12345 // start tcp client

% sock -s -u 12345 & // start udp server

% sock -u localhost 12345 // start udp client