Pro Bono Students Canada McGill Chapter
Volunteer Application Form2016-2017

Please feel free to answer the questions requiring full sentences in English ou en français. This application and your 2-page C.V. are due at 3 pm on Friday September 16th, 2016. Be sure to read the entire list of information posted on the website before filling out this application. If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact the PBSC McGill Co-Coordinators, Pierre-Philippe Turnbull and Jesse Hartery, at .

* Required

Full Name *


Email Address *


You will be notified of the status of your application on September 16th, 17th or 18thby email and will have 24 hours to accept or decline it. Please be sure to provide an email address you check often.

Phone Number *


What year of law school are you in? *

1st year [ ]

2nd year [ ]

3rd year [ ]

4th year [ ]

Please rank your top three placement choices in order of preference.If you had a PBSC placement with an organization and wish to continue volunteering with them, please indicate it next to the organization’s name. *

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

I understand that, although every effort will be made to match you with one of your top threechoices, this is not always possible.

Why do you want to be a student volunteer with Pro Bono Students Canada? *

Quelles sont vos attentes par rapport à un placement PBSC (au niveau du projet, de l’organisation et de l’avocat-esuperviseur-e)? What do you expectto learn from a placement with PBSC?

Quelles expériences/aptitudes avez-vous qui seraient utiles pour participer à un projet PBSC?*

What is your level of spoken French?

Fluent [ ]

Intermediate [ ]

Fair [ ]

Poor [ ]

Quel est votre niveau d'anglais parlé?

Bonne maîtrise [ ]

Moyen [ ]

Passable [ ]

Faible [ ]

What is your level of written French?

Fluent [ ]

Intermediate [ ]

Fair [ ]

Poor [ ]

Quel est votre niveau d'anglais écrit?

Bonne maîtrise [ ]

Moyen [ ]

Passable [ ]

Faible [ ]

Are you comfortable doing presentations in French?

[ ] YES [ ] NO

Êtes-vous à l'aise à faire des présentations en anglais?

[ ] OUI [ ] NON

Are you comfortable submitting written work in French?

[ ] YES [ ] NO

Êtes-vous à l'aise à soumettre du travail écrit en anglais?

[ ] OUI [ ] NON

Considering all of your other commitments (school, other volunteer work, part-time job, etc.), are you willing to devote 3-5 hours per week to a PBSC placement (excluding the exam sessions)?

[ ] YES [ ] NO

I understand that I will receive the status of my application by email on September 16th, 17thor18th; and that if I am accepted, I will have 24 hours from the time the email reaches my inbox to reply either accepting or declining the offer.

[ ] YES [ ] NO

Je comprends que si je reçois une offre de placement, celle-ci ne sera valide que tant que je participe à la session de formation PBSC obligatoire le 28 Septembre de 13h à 15h, et, si je suis en première année ou dans un projet de recherche, à la session de formation Westlawqui aura lieu le mercredi 26 octobre de 13h à 14h30.

[ ] OUI [ ] NON

I understand that if I miss the PBSC training sessionwithout good reason, my offer of a placement will be revoked.

[ ] YES [ ] NO

Veuillez lire et remplir la convention d’étudiant et l’envoyer avec la présente application. You will also be asked to complete a survey about the program by March 31st 2017.

For further details, please contact Pierre-Philippe Turnbull and Jesse .

Thank you et Bonne Chance!