Advertising Policies and Agreement to Advertise /
1000 Q St, Ste 205
Sacramento, CA 95811

/ Dedicated to Moving the Escrow Settlement Industry Forward

Conditions –

This agreement dated , by and between the American Escrow Association and [name of company/individual submitting ad] (hereinafter referred to as Advertiser), shall consist of the entire agreement between the parties and shall not be amended except in writing and acknowledged by both parties. All requests for advertising must be in writing, for the protection of both the Advertiser and the American Escrow Association. The American Escrow Association reserves the right to reject any advertising copy or cancel any advertising at any time without penalty to either party at the sole discretion of the American Escrow Association. This includes, but is not limited to a review of the company requesting to advertise, its products and or services, and its relevancy to our members.

PaymentTerms –

Advertisers must submit payment in advance. Ads will begin to run for one yearand will be posted within five to seven business days upon receipt of the contract and payment. All advertisements will be reviewed by a committee prior to posting. Advertisers must fill out the information below, or complete the online order form at

for added security, in order for the ad to be placed on the website. No refunds will be issued.

Art Specifications –

Ads are placed via a widget that automatically adjusts the size to fit the available space towards the bottom left of the home page at NOTE: narrow horizontal ads do not display well due to size constraint; print may be very small and difficult to read. Square ads or ads, slightly taller than wide, are recommended. Provide your ad in a .jpeg format and send to .

The advertisement you place on the American Escrow Association website will include both:

  1. Arotating ad towards the bottom right of the home page at
  2. A hyper link, directly to your company website, embedded in the ad. When the ad is clicked, the user will be directed to your designated web page as follows:

Enter website to link to your banner ad

Submission to place an ad–

  1. If paying by credit card –complete the online order form at

added security.

  1. If paying by check – complete this form, send ad and form to and mail check to:

American Escrow Association

1000 Q St, Ste 205, Sacramento, CA 95811

Agreement –

Please select one of the following.

I/We agree to place a banner ad as described above for aterm of:One yearfor $600

2017 Conference Exhibitor Discount Pricing One Year for $550

Discount available if paid and registered as an exhibitor before April 30, 2017.Please

contact for conference exhibitor details.

Company Name

Contact Name



Phone () -

Payment -

Enclosed is Check # in the amount of

Mail to: American Escrow Association, 1000 Q St, Ste 205, Sacramento, CA 95811

Print NameAuthorized Signature

2016.01.01ADContract, REV. 2017.02.22

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