EPPO Workshop on Electronic Certificates and associated IT Systems
Baku (AZ), 2014-04-29/30
Azerbaijan / ALESGEROVA Khoshqadam (Ms) / Plant Protection and Pesticides Sector of State Phytosanitary Control Service, Ministry of Agriculture, N.Nərimanov 7a,AZ 1106 Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel: +994-125628693 -
ASADOV Heydar (Mr) / Minister of Agriculture of the Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, Azerbaijan
DUNIYAMALYEV Mamedali (Mr) / State Phytosanitary Control Service, Ministry of Agriculture,
ul Rustam Aliev 5, AZ 1025 Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel: +994-125628223 -
EYVAZOV Aladdin (Mr) / State Phytosanitary Control Service, Ministry of Agriculture,
N. Nərimanov 7a, AZ 1106 Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel: +994-125628230 -
GULIYEV Ilham (Mr) / Ministry of Agriculture, , AZ 1106 Baku, Azerbaijan
GULIYEV Jamal (Mr) / Republic Plant Quarantine Expertise Laboratory of SPCS, Ministry of Agriculture, str. R.Aliyev 5, AZ 1025 Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel: +994-125635845 -
HASANOV Faiq (Mr) / Plant Quarantine Sector of State Phytosanitary Control Service,
Ministry of Agriculture, N.Nərimanov 7a, AZ 1106 Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel: +994-125628693 -
HASANOV Vidadi (Mr) / General Sector of State Phytosanitary Control Service, Ministry of Agriculture, N.Nərimanov 7a, AZ 1106 Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel: +994-125628693 -
HUSEYNOV Bahman (Mr) / State Phytosanitary Control Service, Ministry of Agriculture,
N. Nərimanov 7a, AZ 1106 Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel: +994-125628693 -
SALAMOVA Vasila (Ms) / State Phytosanitary Control Service, Ministry of Agriculture,
R. Aliyev 5, AZ 1025 Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel: +994-124905128 - +994-124905127 (standard) –
+994-124902464 -
SHAMIEV Talekh (Mr) / State Phytosanitary Control, Ministry of Agriculture,
N.Nərimanov 7a, AZ 1106 Tashkent, Azerbaijan
Tel: +994-124905128 -
TALIBOV Seyfaddin (Mr) / Minister of Agriculture of the Azerbaijan Republic, , Baku, Azerbaijan -
Belgium / DE RYCKE Leen (Ms) / Agence fédérale pour la sécurité de la chaîne alimentaire, Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 55, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: +32-22118409 -
Czech Republic / SLANINA Michal (Mr) / Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture, Konecna 1930, 580 01 Havlickuv Brod, Czech Republic
Tel: +420-606792116 -
Estonia / JUNUS Olga (Ms) / Estonian Agricultural Board, Teaduse 2, Saku, 75501 Harjumaa, Estonia
Tel: +372-6712657 -
EU / VAGNER Roman (Mr) / European Commission, DG Sanco, Office B232, 03/104,
rue Breydel 4, 1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32-22959664 -
France / ALLEX Denis (Mr) / Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, de la Pêche, de la Ruralité et de l'Aménagement du Territoire, Service de l'Inspection Vétérinaire et Phytosanitaire aux frontières, 251 rue de Vaugirard, 75732 Paris, France
Tel: +33-149555824 -
Georgia / BOKERIA Nino (Ms) / National Food Agency at the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia,
6, Marshal Gelovani st., 0159 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: +995-322919167 -
DZINDZIBADZE Giorgi (Mr) / Ministry of Agriculture, National Food Agency, Region of kvemo qartli c.marneuli village of Ordzhonikidze, 383130 Marneuli, Georgia
Tel: +91-996526 -
Hungary / PATAKI György (Mr) / Directorate for Plant Protection, Soil Conservation Agri-Environment of Agricultural Office, Budaörsi ut 141-145,
1118 Budapest, Hungary
Tel: +36-13091038 -
Lithuania / NECAJEVA Lidija (Ms) / State Plant Service under the Ministry of Agriculture, Advisor of Phytosanitary Division, Kalvariju str. 62, LT-09304 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel: +370-52405884 -
Moldova, Republic of / CIOBANU Alexandru (Mr) / National Food Safety Agency, bd. Ștefan cel Mare 162 in Moldova, 2045 Chişinău, Republic of Moldova
Tel: +37322210-557 -
Netherlands / HORN Nico M. (Mr) / Plant Protection Service, Geertjesweg 15 Postbus 9102,
6700 HC Wageningen, Netherlands
Tel: +31-651998151 -
Norway / BRATTERUD Per (Mr) / Norwegian Food Safety Authority, P.O. Box 383,
N-2381 Brumundal, Norway
Tel: +47-23216868 -
Russian Federation / ISAEV Alexander (Mr) / Head, Phytosanitary Surveillance and Grain Quality Directorate, Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, Orlikov per. 1/11, 107139 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tel: +7-6076266 -
NEBORAKOV Oleg (Mr) / Eurasian Economic Commission, Smolensky blvd, 3/5 bldn 1, 119121 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tel: +74-956692400 -
Switzerland / VON FELTEN Andreas (Mr) / Federal Office for Agriculture, Mattenhofstrasse 5, CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41-313222590 -
United Kingdom / McGUINNESS Michael (Mr) / The Food & Environment Research Agency, Sand Hutton,
YO41 7LZ York, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-904462117 -
WATT Guy (Mr) / Food and Environment Research Agency, 12 Venetia Close, Emmer Green, RG4 8UG Reading, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-07774751473 -
EPPO / WARD Martin (Mr) / OEPP/EPPO, 21 boulevard Richard Lenoir, 75011 Paris, France
Tel: +33-145207794 -
ORLINSKI Andréi (Mr) / OEPP/EPPO, 21 boulevard Richard Lenoir, 75011 Paris, France
Tel: +33-145207794 -
ROY Anne-Sophie (Ms) / OEPP/EPPO, 21 boulevard Richard Lenoir, 75011 Paris, France
Tel: +33-145207794 -