43, Hazlewell Road, Putney, London SW15 6LS. Email

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Date of Birth 29 March 1960 Nationality British


Kings College London 1978-81

Westminster Medical School 1981-84

Academic Qualifications

BSc in Physiology 2.1 1981

MB.BS 1984

Full Registration 1985

Member Royal College of Physicians 1987

Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists of London 1990

Radiology Training

Addenbrooke’s Hospital Training Scheme, Cambridge

Addenbrookes and Papworth . 1987-90

Westminster Hospital Training Scheme 1990-Oct. 94

Vancouver General Hospital, Canada July 91 - June 92

Current Post

Director or Radiology at Royal Brompton Hospital and Hrefield Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (10 sessions) (since Jan 2015)

Previously (1994 – 2015)

Consultant Radiologist, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS FT (5PA)

Consultant Radiologist, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS FT (5PA)

Current radiological practice.

My current clinical radiological practice consists of cardiothoracic imaging and intervention at the Royal Brompton Hospital and general and interventional radiology at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. I am the Director of Imaging at RBH and HH NHS FT.

Thoracic Imaging.

I have expertise in thoracic high resolution CT scanning, thoracic MR scanning, and bronchial and pulmonary angiography. I also have extensive experience in thoracic intervention and thoracic ultrasound. My practical interest in chest imaging is supplemented by my research and teaching interests with numerous peer reviewed publications of original research, chapter contributions to imaging texts and regular and invited lectures.

Cardiac Imaging

I undertake cardiac CT angiography and functional and morphological assessment at the Royal Brompton Hospital for the past 10 years (700 plus cases per year), and have published and lectured on the subject. I am one of a handful of SCCT Level III certified cardiac CT radiologists in the UK.

General radiological practice.

I have a broad based practice in interventional and cross sectional imaging at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital including hepato-biliary and GI tract CT and MRI, gynaecological and fertility related imaging, urological imaging and HIV related imaging.

Management and Organisational Duties

Previously trust Caldicott guardian, Head of Service for Radiology, CWH, Clinical Governance lead for Radiology, and College Tutor for the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital training scheme. I sit on a variety of hospital committees including post graduate education and the risk management committee as detailed below.

•  For yen years I was educational supervisor for Radiology for the Royal Brompton Hospital, supervising and mentoring all educational facets of training during attachment for trainees from 4 separate training rotations.

•  I have completed a 5 year term as Lead for Radiology at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

•  I am radiology lead for imaging for the National Pulmonary Hypertension Service at the Brompton and participate in the active research component of this group.

•  I lead on all interventional radiology services at the RBH and also lead for Lung Cancer Imaging Services.

•  I co-lead Cardiac CT service at the Brompton and lead the service at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital.

•  I am an executive committee member of the British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging. Through this forum we have actively promoting cardiac CT training, evolving a UK based accreditation process and developing methods for structured training at a national level. I chair the BSCI accreditation committee.

•  As Chelsea and Westminster Caldicott guardian (2000 to 2006) I chaired the Caldicott committee that developed trust strategy to maintain compliance with confidentiality requirements and introduced Caldicott awareness training into induction programmes for new clinical staff.

•  I am a Trustee of the Charitable Funds Committee of the Westminster Medical School, administering a fund or several million and distributing the proceeds for research at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

•  I am a member of the Joint Research Committee at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and oversee the application and distribution of research funding for MD, PhD and small grant applications.

Editorial and Publishing Activity

Editorial duties. I sat on the editorial board of Clinical Radiology (1999 - 2012) and previously sat on the editorial board of The British Journal of Radiology (1995-8). I also receive manuscripts for review from Thorax, Chest, AJRCCM, European Journal of Radiology and other journals.

Publications. I have maintained an academic output since 1987, comprising peer reviewed original papers and review articles (Pubmed - 119). My h-index is 23. I have also contributed numerous book chapters to standard radiological and medical teaching texts and have co-authored one textbook. My publications are mainly in cardio-thoracic radiology and cross sectional imaging, although I have maintained my interest in general radiology.


More than 30 book chapters in standard radiological texts.

Invited Lectures and Teaching

Since becoming a consultant in 1994 I have been invited to teach and speak at national and international meetings on many occasions. These include invitations from

Royal College of Radiologists,

British Institute of Radiology

British Thoracic Society

European Congress of Radiology

European Respiratory Society

International Visiting Professor, Hong Kong College of Radiology 1996

Plenary Lecture, American Thoracic Soc. New Orleans 1996

Royal College of Physicians

Royal College of Surgeons

Royal College of Anaesthetists

Independent Doctors Forum

Membership of professional bodies

British Institute of Radiology

Royal College of Radiologists

Society of Cardiac CT

Radiological Society of North America

Society of Thoracic Radiologists

Association of Chest Radiologists

European Society of Thoracic Imaging

British Society of Interventional Radiology

British Society of Cardiac Imaging