BARDNEY HERITAGE GROUP / Bardney Heritage Centre
Station Road
Researching, developing and recording the history of Bardney, and surrounding area, for the benefit of all.
Minutes of the meeting held at 7pm on Monday 13th September2010, at Bardney Heritage Centre.
Apologies: Kim Walker,Dawn McKenna, Janice Smith.
Present: Elected Committee
+ Catherine Wilson (JCT), Dave Letts; Terry Cash; Sean O’Callaghan; Marjorie Woodcock; Rod Knight;
1. / Minutes of the last meeting:
The Chairperson read the minutes and these were signed as a true record.
2. / Matters Arising:
  • The Cooperative Society has awarded us the magnificent sum of £750 for the purchase of storage cupboards. A letter of thanks has been sent.

  • RE: Heritage Lottery Grant Application is awaiting David Start to input further information before this can be submitted. He has made contact today and hopefully a meeting should be held soon.
/ D Miles
+ HLF Sub
  • The very enjoyable metal detecting day raised £160-00p towards BHG funds. A letter of thanks to be sent to John Pacey (landowner) with a bottle of wine and two Heritage Centre meal vouchers.
/ D Miles
In view of Tony Green’s resignation, the Chairman asked for nominations for a new committee member. Only one nomination was received from Dawn. As there were no others, Dawn was duly elected.
  • It was felt that the Gala day was very successful, raising £37-50p for funds. Quiz winners were:
‘Do you know your village?’ – Tracey Kelly
‘Abbey Treasure Hunt’ – Janet Ruane and Barbara Allen.
The Chairman expressed his thanks to all persons who contributed to the success of Gala day, and particularly Peggy Lintin, for allowing us the use of her power supply.
  • A hard copy of the Village History website has now been placed in the Heritage Centre, to allow non-internet users to see what is there.
  • Waitrose have received the forms from Kim.

3. / Correspondence/Email:
  • Email - Pat Foreman – Quincey family
  • Email - Simon Welborne – Pop Festival
  • Email - James Flintham – Looking for information on 75 Silver Street.
  • Telephone - Mrs Parker – investigating the whereabouts of the grave of a John Cooke in Southrey churchyard. Buried 1965

4. / Website:
  • 399 hits this month. Copy of current status was passed around.

  • Dave Miles has updated the website to include: Local air crashes. (A demonstration of the file was shown)
(Rod gave information on a further crash at Southrey)
5. / Fundraising:
  • A copy of a spreadsheet showing our accounts was passed around. We currently have £1,100-74p on account.
It was agreed to consider a list of potential purchases that the group will need to look at for the future:
1)Map storage – courtesy of Lincoln Coop. (Catherine suggested we may be able to resource one from Lincoln Archives (contact Hannah Gould)
2)‘Acid-free’ archival storage for photographs and documents. (Contact Arrowfile in Derbyshire)
3)A desktop computer for the Heritage Centre. (Could this be resourced within HLF grant?)
4)A set of ‘Census returns’ on DVD – for family history research. / L Goforth
L Goforth
6. / Projects/Interests:
  • Jean Elkington has given consent for her poems to go on the website.
  • SouthreySchoolhistory is still ongoing.
/ D Miles
L Goforth
Any Other Business:
  • Can we get a grant from the Parish Council? Will consider and apply later on.
  • Mrs Benton agreed to give talk on Saxon Bardney, to BHG members, straight after our next meeting in October, and perhaps more information at subsequent meetings.
/ K Walker
J Benton
7. / Date and Time of Next Meeting:
  • 7pm on Monday 11th October 2010

Meeting closed at: 8:30pm

Minutes signed as a true record:

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