Module 1: Introduction to Competitive Events

The National HOSA Competitive Events Program Test

Multiple Choice

_____1.The MOST important outcome of participation in the HOSA competitive events program is:

  1. Traveling to area and state conferences.
  2. Winning.
  3. Reinforcement of classroom learning.
  4. Having something impressive to list on a resume.

_____2.Where can a HOSA member find the most current copy of event guidelines for a specific event?

  1. At
  2. By searching the HOSA library CD
  3. From the chapter advisor
  4. From the state advisor

_____3.A HSTE student is not sure if he/she wishes to join HOSA, but competes in area competition, and wins. What must the student do to be eligible for national competition?

  1. Pay HOSA dues before state competition
  2. Pay HOSA dues before national competition
  3. The student should have paid dues before participating in any competition
  4. The student is not required to pay dues in order to participate in competition at any level

_____4.Generally speaking, students must adhere to the HOSA dress code to participate in competitive events. What would happen in state competition if the competitor reports to an event and is not wearing proper attire?

  1. The competitor would be disqualified
  2. The chapter advisor would be notified
  3. The competitor would not earn dress bonus points
  4. Ten points would be subtracted from the competitor’s score

_____5.In what month is the annual HOSA National Leadership Conference held?

  1. April
  2. May
  3. June
  4. July

_____6.In events in Categories I-IV, how many competitors/teams per event may a state send to national competition?

  1. All first, second and third place winners
  2. Three competitors/teams per event
  3. Large states send 3, medium states send 2, and small states send 1
  4. The number allowed varies by event

_____7.Marlene is enrolled in a HSTE class but is NOTa dues paying member of HOSA. One of herchapter’s state champion HOSA Bowl team members is sick, and the chapter would like to substitute Marlene for the sick member for national competition. What should the school do?

  1. Submit Marlene’s dues along with National Conference Registration
  2. Contact the state advisor for special permission to register Marlene
  3. Pay the national dues along with a $25 late fee
  4. Find a dues-paying member, Marlene is not eligible to compete

_____8.A ninth grade student enrolls in an Introduction to Health Science course at his high school, and wants to join the local HOSA chapter. What division would the student join?

  1. Secondary
  2. Postsecondary
  3. Associate
  4. Pre-Vocational

_____9.A college freshman at SmithTechnicalCollege wants to join the local HOSA chapter. His career goal is to become an auto mechanic. What division would the student join?

  1. Secondary
  2. Postsecondary
  3. Associate
  4. This student is not eligible for HOSA membership

_____10.What is the deadline for a student to register for the National HOSA competition?

  1. May 1
  2. May 15
  3. June 1
  4. June 15

_____11.Carmen is registered to compete in Medical Spelling at the National Conference. A week before the conference, she decides not to attend. What should the local chapter advisor do?

  1. Substitute a HOSA member who is already registered for the National Conference
  2. Substitute a chapter member who competed in Medical Spelling at the state conference
  3. Substitutions are not allowed after the conference registration deadline
  4. Notify the state advisor to determine the next eligible state competitor in Medical Spelling

_____12.A member of the Jones Healthcare Magnet EMT team cannot attend the Texas State Conference, and it is two days before the event. Can the chapter substitute for one of the two team members?

  1. Yes, if the substitute is a dues paying member of HOSA in the same division
  2. Yes, only if the substitute competed in EMT at the Area conference
  3. No, because substitutions are only allowed in Category IV events
  4. No, because two days prior to the event is past the registration deadline

_____13.HOSA has a policy that allows for event modifications for HOSA members with disabilities. The modifications are a means to provide those competitors with an equal competitive opportunity. What is this policy called?

  1. Reasonable accommodation
  2. Dress code
  3. Code of ethics
  4. Statute of limitations

_____14.How many state winners in Outstanding HOSA Chapter are eligible for national competition?

  1. One
  2. Three
  3. All Gold, Silver and Bronze state winners
  4. All Gold, Silver and Bronze state winners with a maximum of six

_____15.In what events can Alumni members compete?

  1. All events in the Postsecondary division
  2. All Category III events
  3. All Category V events
  4. Outstanding Alumni event

_____16.For which event does HOSA combine entries from the secondary and postsecondary/collegiate divisions?

  1. Outstanding HOSA member
  2. HOSA Bowl
  3. Chapter Newsletter
  4. Clinical Specialty

_____17.Category V events have different rules for the number of competitors allowed per event. In what Category V event are states allowed to submit an unlimited number of competitors?

  1. Outstanding HOSA Chapter
  2. Outstanding HOSA Member
  3. National Healthcare Issues Exam
  4. National Recognition Program

_____18.A national competitor “overslept” and missed her event orientation. What are the likely consequences?

  1. No action will be taken
  2. The competitor will lose 10 points
  3. The competitor will be disqualified
  4. The competitor will be disqualified however the state may substitute another student in that event

_____19.Darlene is in her sister’s wedding and will miss the orientation for Prepared Speaking, however, she will arrive in time to compete. Is this allowed?

  1. Yes, if a proxy represents Darlene at the orientation
  2. Yes, if Darlene attends a makeup orientation prior to the event
  3. Yes, if Darlene gets a waiver to compete
  4. No

_____20.How many team members must attend an event orientation if the orientation includes Round One?

  1. None,the advisor can attend
  2. One
  3. Half the team
  4. All team members must attend

_____21.Where can a competitor find information about the dress code requirements for a specific event?

  1. At
  2. In the individual event guidelines
  3. In the HOSA Handbook, Section A
  4. On the HOSA membership card

_____22.If three out four team members are dressed properly for an event, how many bonus points will the team receive?

  1. 0
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

_____23.A set of linens is part of the required equipment for the Nursing Assisting event. What will happen if the competitor fails to bring the required equipment?

  1. The competitor will be disqualified
  2. The competitor will lose 10 points
  3. A $20 surcharge for equipment rental will be assessed
  4. Nothing will happen if bedmaking is not one of the skills to be performed

_____24.When are observers allowed in National Competitive Events?

  1. Never
  2. Whenever the room is large enough for spectators
  3. Open events change every year
  4. During the semi-finals and finals of HOSA Bowl

_____25.When are participant rating sheets returned to national competitors?

  1. Never
  2. Whenever the judges request the rating sheets be returned
  3. The rating sheets to be returned change every year
  4. Within one week of the National Conference

_____26.What is the purpose of the competitive events inquiry process?

  1. To protest the results of an event
  2. To submit constructive inquires and recommendations
  3. To obtain a copy of the judges’ rating sheets
  4. To request an opportunity to redo the event

_____27.Selected Category II events are held at clinical sites in the local community. What should competitors who travel to skills events bring with them, just in case?

  1. A snack
  2. Cab fare
  3. An overnight bag
  4. Nothing

_____28.When a written test is given as Round One of an event, it is used to qualify competitors or teams for Round Two. In which category are the scores carried over to become a part of the final score?

  1. Category I
  2. Category II
  3. Category III
  4. Category IV

_____29.For all written tests the competitor is responsible to bring what to the event?

  1. A soft drink
  2. A calculator
  3. A pencil
  4. A scantron form

_____30.When should a competitor observe standard precautions?

  1. During all Category II events
  2. When the competitor could come in contact with body fluids
  3. Whenever directed to by the event judge
  4. During events that are held at clinical sites

_____31.In Category II events with multiple skills in the guidelines, how many skills are the competitors asked to perform in national competition?

  1. 1
  2. 2-3
  3. 4-5
  4. All skills in the event

_____32.What is the tie-breaker for Category II events?

  1. The test
  2. The skill with the highest points possible
  3. The fastest skill time
  4. A coin toss

True or False

_____33.Most Category II events have a 50 question multiple choice test.

_____34.Once the timing of written test has begun, late competitors have a 10 minute grace period. After 10 minutes, late competitors are not allowed in to take the test.

_____35.All competitive events will incorporate critical thinking skills in the event.

_____36.Cell phones may be used in holding rooms but not inside event rooms.

_____37.In Category II events, competitors may verbalize or simulate all steps.

_____38.Skill demonstrations in all events will be stopped at the end of the time limit, even if the competitor has not completed the procedure.

_____39.Study materials are not permitted in holding rooms.

_____40.Judges are not allowed to discuss their scores after rating a competitor.

____41.A mathematically formula is used for multiple sections in all events to assure that all sections are mathematically equal.

_____42.Competitors in all events must have a watch with a second hand.

_____43.Competitors may not use calculators when taking any written test.

_____45.Evidence of plagiarism in any written paper will result in disqualification of the paper.

_____46.Props may be used in speaking events.

_____47.Competitors in national events may not reveal the secret topic or scenario for any event until after the event has concluded.

_____48.Competitors are required to purchase, borrow or obtain a copy of all references listed for their event.

_____49.In Category II skill events, the competitor must earn a score of 70% or higher on the combined skill procedures in order to be recognized as an award winner.

_____50.Any competitor who violates the HOSA Code of Conduct during the national conference may forfeit any award won during the conference.