Cochrane Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes

November 2016

Meeting of the Cochrane Public Library Board held on November 23rd, 2016



a) The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.

b) Present:

Chantal Chenier Chairperson

Tom Ulvstal Trustee

Linda Horn Trustee

Devon Prevost Council Representative – Arrival 7:00 p.m.

Christina Blazecka CEO, Secretary, Treasurer

Elizabeth Hardin Trustee

c) Remarks from Chair: Welcome everyone! The snow has arrived.


(a)  Additions: NB (f) Cochrane Community Networking Group

Deletions: None

Modifications: None

(b) Conflict of Interest: None

(c) Acceptance of Agenda as amended:

Move: T. Ulvstal Seconded: K. Johnson CARRIED: Yes



(a)  Approval of minutes for the October 26th, 2016 meeting.

Move: E. Hardin Seconded: T. Ulvstal CARRIED: Yes

(b)  Business arising from the previous minutes:

i)  Job Description – Motion required to approve the changes reviewed for the job descriptions.

Motion 2016-14: To approve the changes made to the job descriptions as discussed.

Move: T. Ulvstal Seconded: E. Hardin CARRIED: Yes

ii)  Online Donations – Christina updated the board on the PayPal account which is almost ready to launch. Stay tuned!

iii)  Help Needed – Ardis is hoping to organize a Wednesday evening session for volunteers to review the layout of the 100th anniversary book.

Library Board Meeting November 23rd, 2016

(c)  Policy Reviews

a)  Library Jackets – The board decided not to formalize a policy for this. A motion is required to purchase jackets. Sizes for board/staff members will be required.

Motion 2016-15: To purchase fleece jackets for board/staff members that have been with the library for at least 6 months and a few extra fleece jackets to have on hand.

Move: L. Horn Seconded: T. Ulvstal CARRIED: Yes

b)  Privacy Issue – Christina advised the board about some information that came out of Ardis’ attendance at the Child and Youth Expo surrounding privacy issues for patrons registering for our programs. The board felt that a policy is not necessary but the practice of using the patron’s library card number instead of contact information should be adopted.

c)  Emergency Policy – Deferred.

(d)  Librarian’s Report – October 2016 – Reviewed and discussed.

·  Our tech intern has started. Training has been extended to all patrons. Check online for upcoming training sessions.

·  Webinars scheduled for staff.

·  Ardis’ report on the Child and Youth Expo was discussed. Ardis would like to host an expo here at our library for the Northern libraries.

(e)  OH&S Report –October 2016 – Reviewed and noted.

(f)  Financial Reports – October 2016

·  Treasurer’s Report – Reviewed and noted.

·  Library Financial Summary – Reviewed and noted.

·  Invoices Review – Reviewed and signed.

(g) Committee Reports:

Financial Committee: Budget review.

HR Committee: Nothing to report.

Gallery Ad Hoc Committee: Nothing to report.

Archives Ad Hoc Committee: Nothing to report.

(g)  Motions Passed Electronically: None.


a)  OLCF 2016-2017 – A motion is needed to spend the funds.

Motion 2016-16: To spend the Ontario Library Capacity Fund money on E-resources and the hiring of a Tech intern, as discussed by the board previously.

Move: K. Johnson Seconded: L. Horn CARRIED: Yes

b)  Report to Council – Will be discussed during the budget review.

c)  Prospective Library Board Trustee Application – Valerie Chapleau has submitted an

Library Board Meeting November 23rd, 2016

application to sit on the library board. The board reviewed the application and decided to recommend to town council Ms. Chapleau’s appointment to the board.

Motion 2016:17- To make recommendation to council for the appointment of Valerie Chapleau to the library board, effective January 2017.

Move: T. Ulvstal Seconded: L. Horn CARRIED: Yes

d)  OLA Child Youth EXPO – Discussed in the librarian’s report.

e)  Teen Advisory Group (Anime Club) – This youth group has been active in advising the library on content for the Young Adult section and involved with graphic novels. The library staff introduced a program where they can earn one Community Hour for each Young Adult book review they write.

f)  Cochrane Community Networking Group – Contacted the library to inquire if we would like to part of this collaborative community group. This is being organized by the Adult Learning Centre and the Employment Office and will be a great way to share information quickly over many community organizations. The library is onboard.


a) Letter from TVO – Thank you letter for CEO’s contribution to their Regional Councillors Advisory Board.

b) Letter Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration – June Callwood Oustanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism in Ontario.

c) Ontario Junior Citizen Awards – Nomination brochure for Junior Citizen nominations.


a)  Hiring Acceptance Letters – to new library casual hires: M.A. Parsley and R. Chenier.

b)  Letter of Meeting – with B. Fortin and J. Horne.

c)  Letter to Municipality – Vacation credit carry over to 2017 .

7. IN-CAMERA: None



9. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday December 14th, 2016 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

10. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Move: L. Horn Seconded: K. Johnson CARRIED: Yes

Signed: ______Date: ______

Chantal Chenier, Chairperson

Signed: ______Date: ______

Christina Noël-Blazecka, CEO/Secretary/Treasurer