Business Continuity Project – Action PlanAppendix B
Date / Action / Owner / Action / Outcome2007
/- Draft action plan to be presented to Senior Management Team (SMT) by Head of Financial Services (RLJ). (This follows earlier endorsement to the wider project by the Emergency Committee).
- Fix a date, for October/November, for the Mission Critical Services Workshop. Extended Management Team event
- Management Team to understand the role of the Business Continuity Project Administrator (BCPA) within that plan. Scene set for the BCPA to meet up with Heads of Service.
- Management team agree draft action plan.
- Extended Management Team (EMT) to be briefed regarding the project, timetable, and the role of the Business Continuity Project Administrator. Peter Pawlowski to deal.
- Date (14th November) and venue established for the Mission Critical Services Workshop, and agreed with the consultants (ZM).
/- BCPA to hold 1:1 meetings with Heads of Service, to discuss the project, timetable and role. “Briefing notes” for the 14th November workshop to be distributed (Consultants to supply in advance).
- Secure agreement regarding responsibilities and terms of reference, between the Incident Response Plan (Civil Emergencies) and the Business Continuity Plan.
BCPA / Heads of Service
- Project, timetable and role discussed with Heads of Service.
- Purpose of the briefing notes explained, i.e. process for agreeing Mission Critical Services (MCSs).
- MCSs identified on a Service specific basis.
- BCPA to meet with Head of Housing & Community Services (Simon Hendey), and Emergency Planning Officer (Graham Chaplin). and agree responsibilities and terms of reference.
/- Prepare report, complete with action plan and template business continuity plan, ready for next month’s Emergency Committee meeting.
- Completed “briefing notes” to be returned to the consultants ahead of the 14th November workshop.
- Report and supporting documentation agreed, ready for briefing.
- Consultants to incorporate the content of the briefing notes (Service specific MCSs) into their workshop.
5th November
/- Emergency Committee (EC) to consider the submitted report, action plan and template business continuity plan.
- Action plan and template business continuity plan agreed and approved.
14th November
/ ½ day Mission Critical Services workshop for the Extended Management Team, to be provided by the consultants (ZM), to cover:- Overview of business continuity and the project
- Business impact analysis
- Identification of mission critical services
- Recovery time objectives
- Identification of threats and consequences
- Discussion of strategic options
- Mission critical services and threats identified.
- Scene set for next stage of plan development (risk mitigation and incident response planning)
- Synopsis report to be provided by the consultants.
4th December
/- Management Team to sense check the outcome from the 14th November workshop, based upon the Consultants’ report. Consultants to attend.
- A prioritised set of corporate mission critical services, and identified threats, endorsed by Management Team.
/ Action / Owner / Action / Outcome2008
/ Workshop for the Emergency Committee. Consultants to deliver.To cover:
- Overview of business continuity and the project
- Outcomes from the 14th November workshop
- Context setting for next stage
- Member Training
/ Training workshop for those representing Mission Critical Services. Consultants to deliver.To cover:
- Overview of outcomes from the 14th November workshop.
- Introduction and discussion of the template plan.
- Risk mitigation
- Incident response planning
- Discussion of strategic options.
(selective) /
- Mission critical representatives to proceed with completing their draft plans.
- Scene set for next stage of the plan development (incident management and review of resources required to support Mission Critical Services).
/- Mission critical representatives to complete their draft plans, supported by the BCPA.
- A selection of draft plans to be desk top reviewed by the consultants, for quality control.
- The BCPA to feed back any quality control issues to the mission critical representatives, and plans fine tuned as appropriate.
- Plans to be collated by the BCPA.
(selective) /
- Sample of draft Business Continuity Plans ready for submission to Management Team.
/- Submit sample of draft Business Continuity Plans to Management Team.
- Draft Business Continuity Plans endorsed by Management Team
22nd October
(Rescheduled from June, in order to achieve closer proximity to the desktop plan test of early 2009). /- Incident Management training workshop (half day) to be provided by the consultants for Incident Management Team members - to include:
- Communication and use of crisis centres in the first few hours after an incident
- Invocation/escalation framework
- Internal and external communication including media management
- Discussion of Management Plan
- Complete Management Plan.
- Set scene for desktop plan test in early 2009.
/ 1. Review recovery strategies/resources in support of Mission Critical Services, with linkage into the Corporate Asset Management Group if appropriate. / Heads of Service/BCPA / EMT /- Shortfalls, procurement, prioritisation issues etc identified. Report back to Management Team/Emergency Committee as appropriate.
- Complete recovery strategy reviews.
/- Progress report to Management Team/Emergency Committee.
- Endorsement of progress.
/- Sign off the Management and business continuity plans
- Plans complete, ready for publishing
/ Action / Owner / Action / Outcome2009
/- Training sessions for staff (as appropriate) to be provided by the consultants, as an overview of business continuity and progress made to date.
- Further embedding of business continuity.
/- Publish plans
- Plans published for appropriate access.
/- Consultants to provide a scenario planning test exercise for Management Team members – theoretical, in a workshop environment. Set for 21st April.
- “Mop up” training sessions for staff that missed the January/February courses. Set for 24th April.
- Consultants to produce a gap analysis report.
- Further embedding of business continuity.
/ 1. Consultants to provide a post-test, gap analysis, of results against plans. / ZM / BCPA /- Review results.
/- Fine tune plans, reflecting the results of the gap analysis report.
- Consider programme for:
ownership/procedure for maintaining the plans.
Audit trail of current and future recovery strategy reviews. / BCPA
- Review of plans
- Ensure that plans remain updated and fit for purpose.
- Maintain audit trail.