Third Party Design Construction Documents Review
CREC Academy of Aerospace & Engineering Elementary
State Project: #241-0099 MAG/N
Issue date: November 1, 2017
Written Proposals Due: November15, 2017, 2:00 p.m.
Construction Division
147 Charter Oak Ave, 3rd Floor
Hartford, CT 06106
QUESTIONS: Contact Douglas Rogers, CREC Construction Sr. Project Manager, in writing by email at
No questions will be accepted after 2:00 p.m. on November 10, 2017
I.Invitation to Bid
- Registration
II.Project Description - Scope of Services
a)Phase III CD Documents
III.Written Proposal
b)Fee Proposal
Attachment A- Bid Form
The CRECAcademy of Aerospace & Engineering School Building Committee, is seeking to engage a consultant to perform A Design Construction Documents(CD) Review for the CREC Academy of Aerospace & Engineering School new constructionproject. The intent of this review is to reduce what could be considered “Errors and Omissions,” change orders and Request for Information (RFI) during construction. As well as provide another set of “eyes” on the CD design documents.
The Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) Construction Services, is administering this RFP on behalf of the CREC School Building Committee.
This RFP is for one review of projectCD for the whole project including verification that cited deficiencies were corrected. The CD review will consist of all Civil/Site work, all Concrete, all Structural Steel, and all Architectural and MEP work for the entire final design.
In order for your proposal to be considered, you must register with CREC via email at by providing the name and email address of your primary contact for this project. Registration must be received not later than 2:00 p.m. on November10, 2017.
Proposals should be addressed and delivered to:
Attention: Douglas Rogers, Sr. Project Manager
CREC Academy of Aerospace & Engineering Elementary
State Project: #241-0099 MAG/N
147 Charter Oak Ave, 3rd Floor
Hartford, CT 06106
In order to facilitate an objective review of each proposer’s qualifications, fee proposals (Attachment A - Bid Form) shall be submitted with qualifications but in a separate, sealed envelope. An electronic copy shall also be submitted. Please place the fee proposal in a separate, clearly labeled electronic folder separated from the qualifications.
Please clearly mark the fee proposal envelope “fee proposal” and include the firm name and, CREC Academy of Aerospace & Engineering Elementary, “State Project #241-0099 MAG/N,Third Party CD Review, November15, 2017”.
All proposals shall be delivered by: November15, 2017, 2:00 p.m.
No questions will be accepted after 2:00 p.m. on November 10, 2017
The CREC Academy of Aerospace & Engineering Elementary, located at 1 Gardner Way, Rocky Hill, Connecticut, is an 88,880 square foot facility on a 15 acre site in Rocky Hill, Connecticut. It serves 704 students in grades Pre-K through Grade 5.
Using the solar calendar to orient the building, the school itself becomes a teaching tool. The architecture frames summer and winter solstices, as well as vernal and autumnal equinoxes. Exterior facades are inspired by the mathematics of light, sound and gravitational waves. Graphic depictions of a solar eclipse further energize the facade. Viewed from the center of the courtyard, Newton’s color wheel gives identity to each classroom pod. These colors are also used on the interior for wayfinding. The building form is a barrier between vehicular traffic and the exterior learning spaces. The layout for the walkways in the center of the site, surrounded by the school and conservation space, is based on Cape Canaveral runways with outdoor classrooms in place of launch pads.
The school is two-story, Type IIB building. Exterior materials include manufactured stone, brick, zinc panels and phenolic panels. CMU back up is used at the assembly wing and metal stud back up is used at all other locations. Curtain walls and inoperable storefront are used for fenestration. All roofs are thermoplastic olefin (TPO).”
Any question may be directed to Douglas Rogers of CREC () on or before 2:00 p.m. on November 10, 2017. All questions and answers will be made available to all respondents (the party submitting the question shall not be indicated). Questions will be answered as they are received.
The Phase I documents will detail the work associated with all of the Civil/Sitework, Concrete, and Structural Steel. A separate independent structural review is taking place under a separate contract related to CGS Sect 29-276b (the project exceeds the Threshold Building Limits).
The Phase I documents will also detail the work associated with all of the Architectural and MEP work for the entire project, with some wholesale demolition and some selective demolition.
The Phase I document package consists of approximately 450 drawings.
The anticipated commencement of the Phase ICD documents review process is November30, 2017. The review must be complete and comments returned to the project architect by close of business on January3, 2018.
For Phase I, Online “Go To Meeting”debrief with the project architect and their consultants are anticipated to be required. Follow up coordination and communication may be required above and beyond these meetings and are to be included in the base bid.
The written proposal is due on November15, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. Firms are required to submit five (5) hard copies of their Qualifications.One (1) electronic copy must also be submitted (USB flash drive preferred). Please place the fee proposal in a separate electronic folder from the qualifications proposal, and clearly label each.
and a separate sealed hard copy of the fee proposal to the address above in Section 1. The bid form to be used for the fee proposal is included as Attachment C. Proposals are to be clearly identified with the title; “CREC Academy of Aerospace & Engineering Elementary New Construction Project State Project #241-0099 MAG/N, Attention: Douglas Rogers”. The fee proposal (Attachment A - Bid Form) must be in a clearly marked sealed envelope, segregated from the qualifications.
The proposal must be organized with the following sections:
Company Information – Please provide the following information:
- Name of Company and parent company (if any).
- Address of office.
- Name, address and telephone number of the principle contact person to receive notifications and to reply to inquiries.
Years of Service – How many years have you been engaged in services you provide under your present name?
Relevant Experience – In this section provide descriptions of three similar projects for which you have provided code compliance reviews. The description of each project should include pertinent information such as the project type (new construction, additions, renovations), and size (facility area and project dollar value).
Experience of Key Personnel – Provide a list of key personnel to be assigned to the project and a description of the work they will perform. Resumes of key personnel who will be directly involved with the project must be included and shall include at a minimum:
- Current job title, responsibilities, and type of work performed
- Educational background, academic degrees, and professional associations.
- Experience on projects similar to that described in this RFP.
References – List (3) three client references for projects similar to this project, include for each client:
- Name of Organization
- Scope (new construction, additions, renovations), and amount (facility area and project dollar value) of construction
- Date services provided (start and finish)
Insurance – Provide a statement of coverage limits for Commercial General Liability and Errors and Omissions insurance (see Section V for general requirements). All respondents demonstrating insurance coverage will be considered.
In a separate sealed envelope,provide a lump sum fee for the scope of services described above, using the Bid Form provided at Attachment A.
An electronic copy shall also be submitted. Please place the fee proposal in a separate, clearly labeled electronic folder from the qualifications.
Selection will be made after an evaluation of the apparent low bidder’s proposal based upon the proven ability of the respondent to meet the requirements and schedule of the RFP.
Neither CREC Construction Services, nor the CREC Scholl Building Committee, nor any of their respective officers, directors, employees or authorized agents, shall be liable for any claims or damages resulting from the selection, non-selection or rejection of any proposal submitted in response to this RFP.
After review of all factors, including without limitation, qualifications, past performance and the bid amounts, CREC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals or any part thereof, to waive defects in same, to waive technicalities, to accept any Proposal and to award the Contract to the Bidder that CREC, in its sole discretion, determines as the most responsible and qualified Bidder, which may not necessarily be the lowest Bidder.
(Submit in a separate sealed envelope, segregated from the qualifications)
Phase ICD Review (Lump Sum): ______
I/we, the undersigned, submit this Lump Sum bid for the project as specified in CREC Academy of Aerospace & Engineering Elementary, State Project #241-0099 MAG/N for Third Party Construction Documents Review, issued November 1, 2017.
Signature: ______
Firm or Individual Name: ______
Date: ______