Sunday Liberty Pole

Vol.2. No. 36; Sept. 4, 2016

Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW),Carmen Otto (CO), Tim Marshall (TM), Paul Dowling (PD), Celeste Grieg (CG), J. David Lehman (JDL), Stephen Steinlight (SS), Myrna Davis (MD)

This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America asa symbol of the colonials’ resistance to Britishtyranny. The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records indicate these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and GA.


Labor Day: Sept. 5, 2016

(History Channel--VIDEO)President Grover Cleveland appeased labor groups in 1894 after riots, death and failed negotiations.

TED-Ed Talk: Why US and Canada Celebrate Labor Day: Kenneth Davis

It May Take a Miracle forTrump to Win the Electoral College (News/Analysis); 8/30/2016 by Tim Alberta at National Review: Narrow is the gate and difficult is the path...

Police Officers Prays with Flood Victims: LA Red Cross Tells him to Stop; 8/27/2016 by Onan Coca at The Constitution: Maybe the Red Cross should change its symbol.

National (continued);

Riots No Matter who wins in November? (News/Commentary); 8/30/2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger at (via Before Its News): Conspiracy or common sense? You decide.

Editor’s Note: Worth the repeat, especially now.

CATO Institute: "Freedom in the 50 States" (VIDEO): Find your state’s ranking. CA is near bottom for its “red tape” from Sacramento.

CA and NY Rank"Least Free"

8/16/2016 by Jack Davis at Western Journalism: No surprise, we're in Progressive handcuffs for business and regulations.

Hillary’s Health:Weekly Update

Hillary admits Health Issue: She "lost" 11 Classified Devices (News/Commentary); 9/3/2016 by Tad Cronn at Constitution: Bet the MSM gets Alzheimer's on this one.

Hillary Diagnosis: Work only a Few Hours a Day (Medical Commentary)9/2/2016 by Dr. Susan Berry at Breitbart:Will Hillary’sbrain injury saga putvoters in helmets?

CNN Smudges Hillary's Medical Chart; 9/2/2016 by Editors at Natural News

Back Stories (repeat):

Truth about Hillary's Bizarre Behavior (VIDEO); 8/4/2016 Posted by Paul Joseph Watson: Coughing, laughing, jerking, tantrums—must’ve been a few “short circuits.”

National (continued):

Clinton tells FBI 40 "forgettable" Answers to Email Inquiry; 9/2/2016 by Kathryn Watson at Daily Caller News Foundation: Yeah, "I don't recall" is the new "I’m not going to jail."

Tuesday's Elections show no place for Conservatives in GOP (News/Analysis)8/31/2016 by Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review: Read with 2 shots and 1 aspirin.

Colin Kaepernick: SF 49ers QB

Dear Mr. Kaepernick:

Good thing the 49ers’ opening game is on Monday, Sept. 12. Imagine you on the field on “Patriots Day” (9-11) while the nation commemorates the deaths of so many Americans who wish they could hear the national anthem. –Karen Kenney, editor

Counterpoint:Georgetown U/Slaves

Georgetown U grants Special Admissions to Descendants of Slaves9/2/2016 by Elizabeth Preza at AlterNet (Left);

Georgetown U apologizes for Slaves It Never Owned; 9/1/2016 by Shawn at Total Conservative (Right)

In Case You Missed It:

FBI confirms IRS targeted "Tea Party" (VIDEO); 8/4/2016 by Chad Groenig at ONE News Now: Some are more equal than others.

The Pope and Holy War (News/Commentary); 8/3/2016 by Denis MacEoin at Gatestone Institute

ISIS more likely to enter US as They Lose Territory (VIDEO); 7/31/2016 Fox News Video: Sebastian Gorka nails the consequences.

The War is real and the Enemy is Here (News/Interview--VIDEO); Posted 7/15/2016: "Outnumbered" on Fox News: Sebastian Gorka, author"Defeating Jihad"

AP Admits that UN Can Impose Martial Law in USA; 7/14/2016 by Dave Hodges at The Commen Sense Show: A blend of conspiracy and possibility.

Only Trump cancounter the Coup d'Etat of 2008 (News/Commentary); 5/17/2016 by Joan Swirsky at Right Side News: Captain America lives at Trump Towers?

Clinton SOTU onImmigration: What a difference 2 decades makes. 1/24/1995 on C-SPAN: Compare President Bill Clinton's position on Immigration then to Trump's now.(AP)

Couple Married 62 Years forced to separate: No Room at the Nursing Home; 8/26/2016 by ConorSwanberg at Independent Journal: Is this coming our way? Place your bets.

California/Los Angeles:

Port of Oakland has Dry Spell as key Tenant Leaves;9/2/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: More Unions v Taxpayer losses.

CA Legislature Passes $50 monthly Diaper Welfare; 8/30/2016 by Matt Fleming at Cal Watchdog: Where are the "big boy" pants?

CTA Bill makes Taxpayers play for Teacher Indoctrination; 8/30/2016 by Larry Sand at Union Watch: AB 2835--Taxpayers will pay so Union can play.

Editor’s Note: Voter Education 401 for November.

CA Ballot Measures:

17 Propositions on CA Ballot (Election/Commentary); 8/27/2016 by William Saracino at Southern California Republican Women & Men;

CA 2016 Ballot Propositions: Ballotpedia explains and lists the 19 surviving November ballot initiatives.

CA 2016 Ballot Measures--Total ContributionsClick on the underlined Proposition number and title to follow the money: Lots of union money.

CA Prop 30: a "Temporary Tax?"--not if Prop 55 wins; 8/17/2016 by Larry Sand in City Journal: Now, that's an oxymoron like "Jumbo Shrimp."

Big Pharma and Billionaires top CA Proposition Backers; 7/12/2016 by Tracy Seipel at Mercury News: Keep following the money, but read the initiatives.

CA Tea Party: Proposition AnalysisbyDawn Wildman, executive director of CATPG.

The Highlight Reels:

Israel is Fighting Your War: a Note to Europe (Video Series); Most by Hallelu Foundation: A wake-up call to Europe--stunning and powerful shorts.

Remarkable animation:

Tel Aviv Terror attack:

Multiple news reels with PLO terrorists

Watch "Clinton Cash"(Full Movie)

Jen Bricker's Miracle (VIDEO): Special thanks to (JDL) for this inspirational story.

Is Next Obama Power Play the 2016 Election? (VIDEO)8/31/2016 by Conservative Review

IRS Covering for Illegals (VIDEO)8/31/2016 by Conservative Review Video

Dogs Love Big Sticks

At the Hearth: Our Editorial Page.

Time for a Museum Dedicated to Victims of Jihad (Video/Commentary); 7/12/2016 by Bill Warner, PhD at Political Islam: Truth to power and to the people. (MN)

The Hearth (continued):

All the East is Moving (Commentary)by Tom Holland in the August 2016postingat First Things.

Bible Quiz: New Testament Knowledge

Turn It Up:

Editor’s Note: “Grassroots” radio on parade.

“Voices for Justice” Host Rozy Press, Thursdays 6-8 p.m. Call-in: 1-641-715-0700; code 698432. Contact:

“Tom Zimmerman Show” Wednesdays 8 p.m., Saturdays 9 a.m. .

“Howard Hyde Show” Wednesdays 2 p.m. on Conservative Commandos Radio Network via Philadelphia’s WNJC AM 1360 at or Contact at

Meet the CA Tea Party Groups (VIDEO) Think you know who the TEA party is?

Web Sites of Interest:

Enough Is Enough: public and corporate awareness of the impactof Internet pornography—especially on children and families.

Editorial policy: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor:Sunday Liberty Pole to for a future edition.

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