Quorn Medical Centre PPG
Meeting / Patient Participation Group / Date / Thursday 24th April 2014Chair / Judith Smithard / Time / 7pm – 8.30pm
Secretary/Minute Taker / Jenny Rice / Location / Quorn Medical Centre
PPG Representatives: Judith Smithard (JS), Jenny Rice (JR), David Cawdell (DC),
Shirley Godber (SG), Geoff Hearn (GH), Derick Horsfall (DH), Paul Lock (PL), Geoff Smith (GS)
Virtual PPG Representatives: Mike Stead (MS)
Practice Representatives:
Dr CR Barlow (CRB),Liz Wells, Practice Manager (LW), Dr S. Gokani (SG), Dr N. Henderson(NH)
Apologies: Lee Asbury, Jacqui Gardner, Sarah Khawaja, Pauline Knowles, Tracy Wing, Pauline Knowles
No / Actions
Welcome New Members of PPG & VPPG:
A warm welcome was given to the new doctors joining the practice, namely, Dr Gokani, who starts on 30 April and Dr Henderson, who starts on 2 May. Both doctors live locally.
Ground rules for the PPG were read out by JS.
Matters Arising:
AP4: Review of aortic aneurysm criteria – c/fwd to next meeting.
AP5.1: Survey questions - LW had e-mailed these to everyone after the last meeting. Reminder to liaise with Paul if you have any ideas for change. The deadline for your feedback is 30th June. Once Paul has collated all of the responses, as agreed a small team of us will work on this on your behalf.
AP5.2: LW to display master rota of GP hours. This will however be subject to change.
AP8: JS attended the PPG Chair Network event and stressed the importance of someone else also attending meetings.
Practice Matters:
Locality Lead/CCG
CB is being seconded to the Clinical Commission Group and, therefore time in Practice will be reduced hence the appointment of 2 new GP’s. There are 8 GPs on the CCG Board to give support to Practices and the demands placed on them.
New GPs
Dr SG qualified last August and Dr NH in 2012, she specialises in paediatrics. These appointments are to replace Dr Bharkhada, who is leaving the Practice to take up a partnership, but also helps to increase the GP appointments in the Practice.
Friends and Family Test (FFT)
We currently have one FFT question on our survey. The rules have now changed and Practices are obliged to ask a further question. This is work in progress and we are awaiting an update from the CCG.
Primary Care Initiative Evidence
Designated GP for all patients over 75. Identify all at risk patients using the following: -Home Visits; End of life patients; discharge letters, monthly practice meeting;
GH quality initiatives – will this be new money? No this is driven by Government.
DC raised the question of unsuitability of carers attending older people and asked if we would act on this. CB said that carers would not be used if found unsuitable. CQC responsibility including CRB checks.
Future Events and Notice Board
PK did notice board. It was suggested that the PPG board be split in half. The left hand side for awareness campaigns and the right hand side for general PPG information.
JS said May was “Walking Month” and would organise a walk. It was agreed that this be on Saturday 31 May. Walk to try to encourage people, who do not walk to walk.
JS tried to contact Quorndon – LW advised that the Practice is only allowed a ½ page ad. Information will also be placed on the Practice website.
Everyone Counts
JS attended Event at Burleigh Court, Loughborough, which was well attended. Dr Mayur Lakhani was Chairperson. Fragmented standard of care, expect better, be pro-active and act in our own interest, ask lots of questions and what options and choices. Operations can be carried out in private hospitals on the NHS. New treatments available. Group thanked JS for attending meeting on behalf of the PPG.
DC raised length of time for consultations. CB said it is normally within 18 weeks. Set fees for operations. Time with GP 10 minutes, but if people knew they wanted longer time a double appointment could be made.
Secretarial Cover
Volunteer required to cover JR; no nominations at meeting.
Future Events
JS given a lot of thought as to how to do different things. Two PPG groups in Sileby have coffee mornings each one dedicated to a particular problem and talked about informally. DC suggested Committee Room for holding these if they go ahead. It was suggested that this could be held in the Autumn but needs discussing further.
Getting information out to general public – on Notice Board and Website.
It was agreed to have a gazebo at the May Day Event to raise awareness of the PPG. LW had feedback from one VPPG saying that they would like to be involved.
Any Other Business
LW informed the group that the New Patient Questionnaire has been updated to include opting in/out of the Summary Care Record (SCR) and PPG/Virtual PPG application. LW to e-mail a copy to the PPG along with the minutes of this meeting.
DC asked about panels for hospital complaints. LW/CRB stated that these should be dealt with via PALS as the Practice has limited power, but patients could talk to them for advice.
The cost of telephoning the Practice was raised. CB commented that when existing system was set up mobile phones were rarely used. Discussions in progress with existing supplier and others for when the contract ends.
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 24th July 2014 @ 7.00pm
(original date changed)
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