WRITTENBY: Stephen Davis, Brian Jones, Angela Jurado
Grade: 9-12 & Post Secondary / Date: 06/01/12 / Time: 3:00 p.m.Subject: Spanish/ History In the Southwest / Topic: Nortec: Fusion of Old Meets New
Set: / 1) Show two examples of Nortec videos. One will be popular/mainstream and the other not popular. Resource: youtube (Intentalo, La Cumbia Tribalera)
2) Prior knowledge and question students for discussion: What do you know about this music? Do you recognize the songs? What type of music is this? What is the theme of this music?
3) Tie the discussion to the lesson theme of Nortec-Fusion: Old Meets New
4) Show clip of the interview : www. youtube.com/watch?v=BLBPUE wdJM
5) Discussion questions: What are they talking about in the interview? How is Nortec described? What ideas did they use to create this music? How is this related to the current issues of the border?
6) Tie the discussion of the border issues and the effect upon the creation of Nortec and its tie to popular culture.
Objectives and
Purpose: / The students will engage in meaningful conversations about their knowledge, experience and opinions of Nortec music.
The students will communicate in written and oral forms their interpretations of the meaning and history of Nortec music.
The students will engage in meaningful conversations about their knowledge, experience and opinions of border issues.
The students will present an example of a Nortec song that demonstrates the fusion between old and new themes.
The students will give several examples of the old and new themes fused into their own cultural experiences. (Sonoran hot dog)
The students will communicate in written and orals forms their understandings of Nortec music and the fusion of old and new cultural themes.
The students will create an innovative product based on the fusion of old and new elements in the borderlands. ( Food, fashion, superhero, folk hero, instruments)
Materials: / Video clips from youtube
Checklist of required activities
Materials needed for creation of product
Input: / See above for materials
Modeling: / Provide and review the steps of the checklist with examples.
1) Provide an old product. It must be older than you.
2) Provide a new product. It should be used within the last 10 years.
3) Create a hybrid of the old and new.
4) “Sell your new fused product” to the class. (Persuade and convince that your product will become popular.)
Assist with resources such as providing specific internet links, bibliographic information, etc.
Provide assistance and immediate feedback throughout the production stages of the fusion based product.
Understanding: / Throughout each step of the lesson provide immediate feedback through questioning and discussion of the topics of Nortec and the border issues.
Review each step of the checklist and provide individualized evaluation of the steps.
GuidedPractice: / See above steps in the following categories: Set , Modeling and Check for Understanding
IndependentPractice: / See above in the objective of oral and written communications of ideas and opinions.
Creation of the fused product.
Closure: / After the presentation of the products ask the following questions:
What is Nortec? How did Nortec influence the creation of your product? Can your product be used in the United States and Mexico, why or why not? What makes up the borderlands and how has this influenced culture?
Evaluation: Students Self / Formal evaluation of creation of fused product based on historical element, newer cultural element and persuasive “selling” of the product.