Luton Dementia Friendly Communities

Core Group Meeting

Committee Room 3, Town Hall

Notes of meeting held on the 9th December 2013


Pam Garraway – Director – Housing & Community Living – LBC

Kimberly Radford – Commissioning Manager (Older People) – LBC

Lorna Brown – DFC Project Manager – LBC

Sue Hogg – Commissioning Officer – LBC

Patricia Jennings – Strategic Safeguarding Manager - LBC

Maria Collins - Director – Homeinstead Senior Care

Sue Hazleton - Advanced Health Specialist (Inequalities) – LBC Public Health

Dave Barratt - Co-ordinator – Dial-a-Ride

Gill Lintott - Operations Manager (Cambridgeshire & Bedfordshire) – Alzheimer’s Society

Tanveer Haider – GP – NHS Luton CCG


Anthea Robinson - GP – NHS Luton CCG

Farrah Gilani - Board Member – Health Watch

Yvonne Weldon – Dementia Nurse Specialist – L&DHospital

Tracey Fitzsimmons – Nurse Manager – Adult Community Health Care

Gail Robinson – Clinical Group Manager – SEPT – South Essex Partnership Trust

Item No / Actions
Apologies and Introductions
  • Apologies as above
  • PG Acting as interim Chairperson

1 / Notes of the previous meeting held on the 11th November 2013
Notes were read and approved. Standing item to be included onto future Agendas “Issues and Risks”
Actions from notes of meeting 11th November 2013
  • Copies of presentation to the Core Group
  • Examples of existing Action Plans to CoreGroup members
  • Distribution of Feedback from the Issues & Risks workshop
  • Event flyer to be distributed to Core Group members
  • Develop key messages around the DFC’s project and Dementia Friends logo
  • Present to the Pharmaceutical Committee
  • Quality of Life initiatives into the LDDA TOR
  • LDAA TOR to include declaration of interests of members
/ LB
Ongoing LB
Completed KR
During the development LB
During the development LB
2 / Post event feedback
LB had previously distributed copies of the Event Report to the Core Group members, which included all feedback data. Key data included:
  • 173 individuals attended the event; representing public, private and voluntary organisations, carers, people living with dementia and interested individuals
  • 4 Completed Action Plans received
  • 20 organisations have expressed an interest in their organisation delivering the Dementia Friends Information Sessions
  • Luton Adult Learning has committed to developing a dementia awareness element of their health courses

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Feedback from the Dementia Friends Information Session

100 individuals attended the Dementia Friends Information Session and now entitled to be called Dementia Friends
MC, who co-delivered the Dementia Friends Information Session fed back to the group that, although individuals enjoy the sessions, they are expecting more information about dementia and support for carers; in particular how to deal with challenging behaviour. MC commented that discussions with the Alzheimer’s Society (Head Office) are required as it is their programme with a set format.
PJ suggested that if there are future events – workshops should include topics like ‘dementia the disease’ and ‘coping with challenging behaviour’
KR said that we could widen this to run training sessions in the community
4 / Luton Dementia Action Alliance (LDAA) next steps discussion
PG is keen to maintain the momentum of the Launch Event and the group suggested the following actions:
  • Visit the organisations and individuals who signed up on the day. Ascertain what they are committing to and follow through
  • Increase visibility of the Dementia Friendly Communities project. Continue working with the local media, via LBC Communications department to send positive messages
  • Ensure DFC’s has a page on the LBC Website
  • Liaise with National Dementia Action Alliance and arrange for Luton’s Action Plan page on their website
  • Use local company’s Head Office’s to encourage their local branches to get involved in LDAA e.g. Lloyds Bank
  • Dementia event around Easter, with a health focus and showcasing what is available
  • Working at a locality level – link into the Area Committees, particularly Farley Hill which is currently trialling some community projects
  • Mapping exercise of existing provision is required
  • Ensure the work of LDAA is fed into the strategy groups
  • Develop a DFC’s Work Plan
  • Develop a DFC’s Communications Plan
  • Ensure Police involvement
Liaise with Gary Roberts, LBC in respect of the Area Committees
Write a Dementia Friendly Communities Work Plan
Send regular updates to Dementia Strategy groups
LB to obtain details for Chief Inspector Jacqui Woodbridge and meet to discuss the LDAA
Dedicated Webpage on the website
DFC’s information on other organisation’s Websites
Develop a DFC’s Communications Plan / LB
LB & Adam Kearney (LBC Communications)
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Any Other Business

Dementia Champions training to be held on the 10th December 2013
SH would like to link the DFC’s project with the Public Health’s Community Champions scheme
MC has spoken with HSBC, Machins & Pictons regarding Dementia Friends Information Sessions and is keen to avoid any overlap when approaching organisations and individuals regarding the sessions. A system needs to be put in place
LB to arrange to meet with SH to discuss the Community Champions scheme
LB to establish a main point of contact for dissemination of information to the Core Group / LB & SH
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Date of Next Meeting: 20th January 2014, 1400hrs – 1530hrs, Town Hall, Committee Room 3

/ LB