Foraging in the Tallahassee Red Hills Region of the Big Bend

Consult a local wild foraging expert before consuming or using any plant material with which you are unfamiliar!!

1.  Acer spp. - Maple - Sap, tender and sweet young leaves, seeds, cambium bark, all raw or cooked.

2.  Albizia julibrissin – (Mimosa) Young shoots are edible when cooked.

3.  Allium vineale – (Field Garlic) Edible bulbs and leaves, raw or cooked

4.  Alternathera philoxeroides - Alligator Weed -Cooked alligator weed has a mild, pleasant taste and is a wonderful source of minerals.

5.  Ambrosia trifida - Giant Ragweed - Young leaves occasionally consumed, leaves used for tea, seeds are very nutritious.

6.  Ampelopsis arborea - Peppervine (Tripinnate) -The berries are ripe when they are black.

7.  Aralia spinosa – Devil’s Walking Stick – Young, new growth is edible when cooked. The greens contain flavonoids, phytochemicals, and tons of vitamins.

8.  Arisaema dracontium, atrorubens – Green Dragoon, Jack-in-the-Pulpit - Thrice boiled to remove calcium oxalate crystals.

9.  Arundinaria gigantea - Switchcane - Nutritious new shoots are edible cooked/separate directly from rhizome

10.  Bidens alba, spp. - Spanish Needles -The B. alba aka Bidens pilosa (BYE-denz AL-bah, pil-OH-suh) also has an edible flower. It’s a tangy if not vigorous addition to salads. Bidens’ young leaves — a few at a time — are suitable for the salad. Shoots, tips and young leaves are good potherb

11.  Brassica juncea – Wild Mustard – tastes lake wild radish, to which it is closely related.

12.  Callicarpa americana -Beauty Berry - Eat berries, leaves use for tea

13.  Carex spp. – Sedges – Can eat the whitish leaf base, raw.

14.  Celtis laevigata – Hackberry – pulp, stone, and inner kernel are all edible. Eat raw, cooked, ground into a pulp, spice, milk, etc.

15.  Cercis Canadensis – eastern Redbud – Flowers and young seed pods are edible, raw or cooked.

16.  Cinnamomum camphora – Camphor Tree – Young new shoots are edible when cooked. The shoots and roots of juvenile plants make a fine tea. Dry older leaves for use as a spice. All forms of preparation should be done in moderation. Pregnant or expecting women should not consume this plant at all! Rub the crunched leaves on the skin, or leach the juices in water for topical appointment – this is a very effective for of insect repellant. The raw oil in the leaves can have a numbing, antiseptic effect; and is often used to treat rashes and toothaches.

17.  Chamaecrista fasciculata – Partridge Pea – The root contains stimulant alkaloids – useful as a substitute for caffeine. Moistened, bruised leaves serve as an astringent. Water-soaked seed pods are mucilaginous, and are therefore useful in treating sore throats.

18.  Chenopodium album - Lamb's quarters - Collect the young tender plants whole, and then when the stems become tough, collect just the leaves and buds. It will absorb pesticides from the soil and is also prone to accumulate high levels of nitrates. (in very much the same way as its relative, spinach). It also contains high amounts of oxalic acid (also like spinach).

19.  Colocasia esculenta - Coco Yam - Edible only after cooking due to calcium oxalate/corms, stalks and leaves

20.  Conyza Canadensis – Canadian Horseweed - young leaves and seedlings edible when boiled – leaves contain 66% essential oil (for use in condiments and soft drinks) – leaves will deter fleas from wherever the foliage is placed. Boiled roots for menstrual issues; tea from leaves for dysentery, sweating, diuretic. Leaves for seasoning.

21.  Dactyloctenium aegyptium – Crow’s Foot Grass – Fruit (Seeds) are edible directly off of the stalk. They will “shake-out” when ripe.

22.  Dichondra caroliniensis – Carolina Ponysfoot – use the bland greens to downplay the often-bitter tastes of other raw wild plant greens.

23.  Diospyros virginiana - Persimmon - The berries!

24.  Duchesnea indica – Indian Strawberry – Fruit & Plant Edible, raw or cooked.

25.  Eleagnus pungens - Silverthorn - Berries and respective seeds.

26.  Eupatorium capillifolium – Dog Fennell – Crushed foliage contains anti-insect alkaloids, warding-off mosquitos and the like.

27.  Galium aparine - Stickywilly - The young plants can be cooked and eaten like spinach. The older ones are a bit fibrous.

28.  Geranium carolinianum – Carolina Cranesbill – Leaves are edible raw, but strong and astringent – better suited as a tea for inflammation, febrifuge, etc..

29.  Hydrocotyle umbellata - Marsh Pennywort - leaves can be eaten raw

30.  Hypochoeris radicata – Cats ear - whole plant edible when boiled, young leaves used in salads

31.  Hyptis mutabilis – Tropical Bushmint – aromatic leaves used for flavoring food, tea, etc. Alkaloids in the leaves are a sedative, used for relaxation. It is also known as a febrifuge, stomach relaxer, and can induce sweating as a detoxifier.

32.  Ilex vomitoria - Yaupon Holly – Tea

33.  Lactuca spp. - Wild Lettuce - leaves eaten raw or cooked

34.  Lamium amplexicaule – Deadnettle – Being in the mint family, this African native is edible raw or cooked.

35.  Lantana spp. - Lantana - Dark ripe berries out of hand.

36.  Lepidium virginicum - Peppergrass - The young leaves can be added to salads or soups — they are peppery.The leaves contain protein, vitamin A and are rich in Vitamin C. - Completely non-toxic.

37.  Lonicera japonica - Japanese Honeysuckle - Parboil leaves/eat flowers raw

38.  Malus angustifolia – Crabapple -

39.  Mitchella repens - Partridgeberry - Berries Raw/Leaves leached for tea.

40.  Micromeria officinale – Micromeria – leaves edible.

41.  Morus rubra and spp. - Mulberry - Berries edible. Budding growth and young leaves edible raw or cooked, preferably cooked. Unripe fruit are mildly hallucinogenic.

42.  Myrica cerifera - Wax Myrtle -Allow leaves to dry - then crumble into food.

43.  Nandina domestic - Nandina - Young leaves boiled in two changes of water.

44.  Nephrolepis cordifolia – Sword Fern – Sweet, edible tubers, preferably cooked

45.  Osmunda cinnamomea – Cinnamon Fern – Fiddleheads edible when cooked due to carcinogens

46.  Oxalis spp. - Wood Sorrel - Like spinach it contains oxalic acid/ Leaves and Flowers Raw/Vitamin A and C/ Use as a salad constituent due to strong taste. Fever reducer, appetite increaser, topically astringent for cuts/lesions.

47.  Phyla nodiflora – Fog Fruit – A handful of leaves puree with 2 tablespoons of water that is added topically will neutralize gangrene infections, diabrenic wounds, and other various abrasions to the skin. A tea can be made from the leaves.

48.  Phyllanthus urinaria – Chamber Bitter – A natural detoxifier. The plant is used for liver problems such as Hepatitis B., Diabetes, dysentery, flu, tumors, headache, fever; Jaundice ( the yellow color of the skin and whites of the eyes); Vaginitis; Conjunctivitis, Menstrual disorders; It is a proven antihepatotoxic, antiviral, antibacterial and hypoglycemic. Will remove gall and kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and bladder inflammation; It is used to treat gonorrhea. A handful of fresh or dried leaves + three glasses of boiling water for 10 seconds.

49.  Portulaca amilis - Paraguayan Purslane - delicious and healthy, raw or cooked.

50.  Phytolacca americana - Pokeweed - New growth <8", or before the stems begin to turn pink. Pokeweed is edible (cooked) and medicinal. The young shoots are boiled in two changes of water and taste similar to asparagus, berries are cooked and the resulting liquid used to color canned fruits and vegetables. The root is anti-inflammatory, cathartic, expectorant, hypnotic, narcotic and purgative. It is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, tonsillitis, mumps, glandular fever and other complaints involving swollen glands, chronic catarrh, and bronchitis.

51.  Pinus spp. - Pine - The seeds of all species are edible. You can collect the young male cones, which grow only in the spring, as a survival food. Boil or bake the young cones. The bark of young twigs is edible. Peel off the bark of thin twigs. You can chew the juicy inner bark; it is rich in sugar and vitamins. Eat the seeds raw or cooked. Green pine needle tea is high in vitamin C.

52.  Plantago major spp. - Plantain - Young leaves and flower stalks raw, with older leaves suitable for tea. When young, all parts of the plant are tender and edible. By midsummer, the leaves toughen and require cooking to render them edible and the mature stalks are too fibrous to eat. An advantage of allowing plantago to grow in the lawn is that mowing curtails seed production, forcing the plant to continuously produce new seed stalks that are tender, nutty, and buttery when only a few inches tall. It’s a powerhouse, used as an emollient, astringent, antimicrobial, antiviral, antitoxin, and diuretic. When taken internally as a tea, it lowers blood sugar and treats lung and stomach disorders. Externally, as a poultice, it treats sores, burns, stings, rashes, and insect bites.

53.  Pontederia cordata - Pickerelweed - Entire plant is edible raw or cooked - wonderful salad plant/Starch-Rich seeds can be eaten right off of the stalk for instant energy.

54.  Portulaca amilis - Paraguayan Purslane - delicious and healthy, raw or cooked. Portulaca olecacea - Purslane - Purslane leaves and stems make great additions to salads. You can also sauté them or add them to soups, stews, or other vegetable dishes.

55.  Pteridium aquiline – Bracken Fern – Collect the young growth in spring when under 10 inches, and cook in boiling and salted water for ten minutes.

56.  Pueraria montana - Kudzu -Kudzu is related to the pea and can be prepared in many ways. The young shoots are tender and tasty. They can be used in salads and cooked as greens like spinach. The young leaves can be treated like collard greens, the flowers can be used to make great jellies, and mature leaves can be fried like potato chips to make a crispy and tasty snack.

57.  Prunus serotina - Black Cherry -The fruit of the Black Cherry has 17 antioxidants. Do not eat the seed.

58.  Raphanus raphanistrum – Wild Radish – The entire plant is edible, raw or cooked – it tastes just like cultivated radish!

59.  Rhus copallina - Winged Sumac -Ripe berries soaked in warm water, filtered then sweetened into an ade. Sometimes the ade will be clear, other times light pink. Peeled shoots, eaten raw or cooked.

60.  Rubus spp. – Blackberry species – The fruit

61.  Rumex crispa and spp - Curly dock/Sheep Sorrel - Boil to remove oxalic acid. The leaves,stalk, and even seeds are edible. Leaves are served as a raw vegetable in salads, a cooked vegetable or added to soups. Be sure to wash the very young leaves before eating them because they contain chrysophanic acid that can irritate and numb your tongue

62.  Sabal palmetto - Cabbage Palm - Fruit, seeds, and meristem heart edible.

63.  Sambucus canadensis - Elderberry - Flowers and Fruit are edible, raw or cooked.

64.  Salvia lyrata - Lyre Leaf Sage - Medicinal and edible herb, as an alternative medicine it is carminative, diaphoretic, laxative, and salve. It is used mainly as a gargle in the treatment of sore throat and mouth infections. Medicinal salve made from root is applied to sores. Warm infusion of herb is taken as a laxative or for colds, coughs and nervous debility. This sage is not very strong tasting, and has a rather pleasant minty flavor. Fresh young leaves are edible in salads, or cooked as pot herb.

65.  Sassafras albidum - Sassafras -Dried leaves for gumbo, fresh leaves for tea, shoots and boiled roots for tea, steep bark in hot water for a diuretic tea, or use twigs for a trailside toothbrush.

66.  Serenoa repens - Saw Palmetto - Berries, seeds, and hearts are edible raw or cooked.

67.  Sida rhombifolia – Wireweed – Leaves are edible, but should not be consumed by individuals sensitive to ephedrine, as the plant contains high amounts of it! It is often used as an adulterant to Marijuana, and a very stimulating tea can be made from the leaves.

68.  Capsella bursa-pastoris - Shepard’s Purse – Grind root as a substitute for horseradish. Young leaves edible raw or cooked. Dried seeds are used for seasoning. Rich in iron, calcium, and Vitamin C.

69.  Smallanthus uvedalia – Bearsfoot – Renowned as a hair growth stimulant. A tonic made from the root - or the oral intake of the root – has been used for hundreds of years as a joint-pain reducer, stimulant, and stimulant. The root is known to reduce organ malfunction and hypertrophy. Apply the root directly to the scalp to facilitate new hair growth.

70.  Smilax spp. - Greenbrier - Young new shoots are edible raw, young tubers can be eaten raw or cooked, older tubers used for starch extraction or root beer.

71.  Solidago canadensis - Goldenrod -Edible Uses: Young leaves and flowering stems - cooked. Seed Used as a thickener in soups. The seed is very small and is only used as a survival food when all else fails.A tea can be made from the flowers and/or the leaves. Seeds can be hallucinogenic, and can cause delirium.

72.  Sonchus oleraceus - Sow Thistle - Young sow thistle leaves are wonderful in salad, adding substance and depth to the flavor of other greens. They have a slight bitter edge (just like some lettuces do), but they're less bitter than dandelion leaves.
The flowers are also delicious in salads. Older leaves have a more noticeably bitter taste if they are eaten raw. Cooking gets rid of the bitterness.