Course No. Title:
Name of Person Doing Review:
Using the Official Course Outline, determine whether this course meets the minimum standards and criteria required in Title 5 and is properly designated as appropriate to the Associate Degree according to new regulations in Section 55805 and 55002. Please check the appropriate box. Those items already checked are reviewed regularly by the Curriculum Committee.
CRITERIA AND STANDARDS / Criteria Met / Criteria Not MetA. Credit Course Requirements
1. Is recommended by the Curriculum Committee (and is approved by the Governing Board) as being of appropriate academic rigor for an associate degree applicable course. Title 5, Section 55002.2. Is taught by a credentialed instructor / x
3. Course outline is in official files and specifies the following:
a. Unit value
b. Scope (has a defined course description)
c. Objectives
d. Content
e. Appropriate readings and writing
f. Appropriate outside assignments
g. Method of teaching (lecture, lab)
h. Uniform grading system
4. The objectives in the course outline are common to all students.
5. Grants units of credit based upon a specified relationship between the number of units assigned to the course and the number of lecture and/or laboratory hours.
6. Requires completion of appropriate prerequisites for the course before students are enrolled.
7. Allows repeated enrollment only as permitted by provisions of Title 5. / x
B. Academic Rigor
1. Treats subject matter with an intensity that has an expectation for learner independence (research, projects, writing, presentations, etc.) that is appropriate for a college course.
2. Requires appropriate entrance skills and consequent prerequisites.3. Requires the ability to think critically and to understand and apply concepts in order to participate in the course.
4. Requires learning skills and a vocabulary appropriate for a college course.
5. Requires the use of college level educational materials.
6. Requires at least three hours of work including class time for each unit of credit (based on a 16 week semester).
7. Bases grades on demonstrated proficiency in subject matter determined by multiple measurement for evaluation. One of which must be essay exams, skills demonstration, or where appropriate, the symbol system.
8. Requires prerequisites in English and mathematics where such skill levels are necessary for success.
C. Associate Degree Appropriateness
1. If this is an English course, is it above or equal to English 110?2. If this is a mathematics course, is it above or equal to Math 90?
3. Is this a credit course in English or mathematics which is taught by another department and which meets the criterion stipulated in 1 or 2 above?