Top Three Priorities 2015/16


Voluntary sector providers are able to influence the development of social services workforce policy by bringing their perspectives, experience, evidence and knowledge to bear.


The voluntary sector social services workforce is considered and treated as a key (and equal) partner in major areas of public/social services policy and practice change (SDS, integration, leadership, regulation)


Government and other stakeholders recognise the value of the voluntary sector social services workforce and take steps to ensure that this workforce is appropriately rewarded, with particular reference to addressing recruitment and retention issues.


Overall Aims:

To work in collaboration with SSSC and other key partners, through sharing knowledge and practice, in order to build workforce capacity and leadership in voluntarysector social services providers.

To improve the impact voluntary sector social service providers are able to make on thenational workforce policy agenda, through acting as a voice of, and advocating for, their interests.

Work Theme : Leadership

(The change or difference we want to make with our programme - each 'deliverable' from the proposal) / What
(what activities or tasks are planned to achieve the outcome) / Indicator
(How we know we have made a difference)
Voluntary sector providers have influenced the development of the SSSC Leadership Strategy
Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Supporting the Workforce Action 11 / WDN Associate attends and inputs voluntary sector views to Leadership Strategy Group to:
1. Influence and agree second re-draft of leadership strategy document
2. Influence and agree the focus of leadership activities over the course of the year
3. Agree the focus of the leadership events for 15/16 to be delivered by SSSC. / Leadership activities and events are well attended by voluntary sector.
Voluntary Sector Providers know about the Step into LeadershipResource (SiL) and Leadership Capabilities.
Voluntary sector providers know about the Continuous Learning framework (CLF) personal and organisational capabilities.
Voluntary sector providers know about the leadership exchange activities.
Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Supporting the Workforce Action 11 / WDN to assist in the review the of Codes of Practice for Employees and Employers to ensure that leadership and CLF capabilities are incorporated.
WDN will work with SSSC to enhance develop the supervision and coaching guidance to enhance SiL resource information over 2015/16.
Joint Leadership Reference Group (CCPS, Scottish Care, SSSC, Care Inspectorate and 10 members from both voluntary and private sectors) works through the Imagining the Future website, tools and resources to understand how to incorporate into SiL resource.
Voluntary Sector continues to assist with the first leadership evaluation report with work continuing into 15/16.
WDN will continue to work with those who are developing specific pathways in SiL resource. / CCPS WDN distributed and collated feedback on specific implementation areas of relevance to voluntary sector providers.
Voluntary sector providers signed up to the exchange programmes across public services.
Voluntary sector providers attending themed leadership events.
Voluntary and private sector providers working together with SSSC to identify and develop and enhance professional standards in the care sector.
Voluntary sector providers have influenced the development of the Care Inspectorate’s review of methodology in how they inspect services to recognise leadership at all levels in the organisation.
Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Understanding Performance Action 1 / WDN attend meetings alongside Scottish Care with key leads in Care Inspectorate to ensure the focus on leadership at all levels to inform input into the review of methodology. / Voluntary sector providers are consulted with changes associated with change of methodology changes.

Work Theme: Regulation and Information

(The change or difference we want to make with our programme - each 'deliverable' from the proposal) / What
(What activities or tasks are planned to achieve the outcome) / Indicator
(How we know we have made a difference)
Voluntary sector providers have an opportunity to influence and to have input into the review of the Codes of Practice for Social Service Employees and Employers.
Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Supporting the Workforce Action 6 / Review of the Codes of Practice (CoP) will be publicised through the website and eBulletin.
WDN will develop a response to any proposal consulted on.
WDN will be represented at consultation events. / Providers will be aware of the review and feel that they have had an opportunity to influence.
Voluntary sector providers have an opportunity to influence the development of the Fitness to Practise model and to input into procedural improvements. / WDN/SSSC Liaison Group will continue with the support of the WDN and at least 15 providers.
WDN will continue to work with the SSSC through the SSSC working group set up to develop the Fitness to Practise (FTP) model.
WDN will make a response to any formal FTP consultation. / Attendance of voluntary sector providers at WDN/SSSC Liaison Group meetings.
Attendance of voluntary sector providers at SSSC FTP working group meetings.
Voluntary sector providers will be involved in any WDN response to formal FTP consultation.
Voluntary sector providers are well equipped to ensure all relevant staff are registered with the SSSC in a timely fashion. / WDN/SSSC Liaison Group will continue with the support of the WDN and at least 15 providers.
The WDN will participate on the SG’s Voluntary Sector Development Fund advisory group should a grant to assist employers fund staff training be made available in 2015/16.
The WDN will alert voluntary sector employers to the VDSF grant and encourage them to apply – through the website and the eBulletin. / Issues raised at the WDN/SSSC Liaison Group will result in agreed actions being undertaken.
Numbers of applications for the VDSF to achieve at least a similar level as for 2014/15.
Voluntary sector providers are able to contribute to research into the impact of in-work poverty particularly in the light of welfare reform. They will be able to contribute to research into the impact this has on recruitment, retention, morale and quality.
Social services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Supporting the Workforce Action 9 / Research will be commissioned by the WDN to explore these issues with voluntary sector employers. / A report will be produced which will reflect the experience of voluntary sector employers and their staff.
Voluntary sector providers are able to contribute to the prioritising of research in Scotland in order to identify gaps in knowledge, develop resources, identifying good practice and develop evidence-informed practice.
Social services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Improving use of evidence Action 1 / WDN will contribute to national discussions about research priorities. / Providers will feel that their priorities are reflected in any national research programme developed.
Evidence from voluntary sector providers contributes to a blended picture of performance across the sector.
Social services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Understanding Performance - Action 1 / WDN will be involved in discussions about how the national picture will be developed and will ensure that information sources reflecting voluntary sector performance are acknowledged and referred to. / Any ‘blended picture’ will reflect the performance of voluntary sector services.

Work Theme : Self-directed Support

(The change or difference we want to make with our programme - each 'deliverable' from the proposal) / What
(What activities or tasks are planned to achieve the outcome) / Indicator
(How we know we have made a difference)
Voluntary sector workforce has increasedpractice confidence in relation to Self-directed support (SDS). / Linking workforce practice with policy: WDN SDS Associate to sit on SSSC Workforce Board to:
1. Support the identification of the best approach to delivering on the four SSSC SDS Workforce Programme priorities – personal outcomes, peer support, learning partnerships and connecting people, ideas and resources.
2. Contribute to the delivery of the approach identified by supporting voluntary sector providers to engage with, contribute to, and learn from, the four priorities of SSSC Programme.
Linking workforce policy with practice : WDN SDS associate to work closely with the Providers & Personalisation (P&P) Programme Officer to jointly develop and deliver:
  • SDS related input to workforce development network events.
  • Workforce input to the personalisation leads network group.
/ SSSC reports that the voluntary sector is effectively represented at the workforce board and any other relevant groups.
Workshop participants report increased knowledge, skills and confidence in relation to Self- directed Support.
Respondents to the 2015 SDS Provider Readiness Survey report that they are doing more to prepare the workforce for SDS.

Work Theme: Integration and Engaged Workforce

(The change or difference we want to make with our programme - each 'deliverable' from the proposal) / What
(What activities or tasks are planned to achieve the outcome) / Indicator
(How we know we have made a difference)
Voluntary sector providers have accessed the workforce development opportunities presented by the integration agenda,
Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Supporting the Workforce Action 10 / Review Voluntary Sector Position Paper on Integration (produced prior to Bill coming into force).
Consult with voluntary sector providers, including housing, to identify what actions are now required to realise vision contained in this paper.
Publicise findings under banner of ‘What would it take? (To realise the vision.)
Provide information and research support to CCPS in its own independently funded work on supporting the voluntary sector to engage with the integration agenda.
Support, using various CCPS communications methods, the SSSC to interface with voluntary sector providers in its efforts to consult on a number of workforce development initiatives linked to integration.
Continue to support Voluntary Sector Criminal Justice group that is trying to develop shared induction based on common values. Promote and publicise activity and practice.
Support, where possible, any integration related activities arising from the action plan in the Social Work Services Strategic Forum Vision and Strategy, e.g.
Support voluntary sector to engage with and influence SSSC work to update existing induction guidance and consider a shared/multi professional induction “passport” with other public sector workers where there are common core elements / There is measurable progression against original position paper and examples are found of integrated authorities achieving better outcomes by including voluntary sector organisations at all levels from planning to pathways.
Voluntary sector providers contribute to development of and are informed about:
Care Ambassador programme, values based recruitment, learning and planning tools, etc.
This group creates a
collaborative Induction programme that includes statutory partners.
Statutory partners demonstrate increased understanding of the voluntary sector workforce and have started to engage with the sector in relation to workforce planning.
Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Supporting the Workforce Action 2 / Work with partners on improved approaches to workforce planning by:
Supporting activities of the Workforce Project Group.
Find and link with Third Sector Interfaces and voluntary sector providers engaged in collaborative workforce planning and publicising examples of progressive work. / Findings from appreciative inquiry work have been fed back to voluntary sector providers.
Increasing numbers of voluntary sector providers are engaged in collaborative workforce planning processes.
Engaged Workforce
Social services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Improving use of evidence Action 1 / Contribute findings from voluntary and private sector workforce survey to wider review, linking with other initiatives, in line with action plan in Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy
Conduct research into other means of measuring engagement currently being used by voluntary sector providers and share findings across workforce development interest groups.
Continue to develop proposal to support voluntary sector workers and employers to engage in Support Worker Reference group in collaboration with Scottish Care.
Encourage voluntary sector provider(s) to participate in Scottish Leaders Forum Employee Engagement Framework test phase and share learning widely / Findings are used to shape and influence policy and practice that increases engagement of voluntary sector workforce.
Findings are used to contribute to Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy action plan.
Voluntary sector workers and providers are enabled and engaged in two way conversations about improving workforce outcomes.

Work Theme: Recognition and Reward (to support recruitment and retention)

(The change or difference we want to make with our programme - each 'deliverable' from the proposal) / What
(What activities or tasks are planned to achieve the outcome) / Indicator
(How we know we have made a difference)
Data from the HR Voluntary Sector Benchmarking Survey informs social services workforce policy development.
Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Supporting the Workforce Actions 1 and 3 / Share 2014 Benchmarking data analysis with statutory partners, including SSSC Workforce Data Group, and use to inform policy responses, presentations, enewsletters etc.
Benchmarking research presentation at Engaged Strathclyde week on 6 May, to which all key social service interests invited.
CCPS buys into 2015 Benchmarking Survey in exchange for access to anonymised data.
CCPS collaborates with Scottish Care to encourage and support private sector providers to participate in the Benchmarking Survey. / Statutory partners demonstrate a greater understanding of the impact of procurement decisions on the voluntary sector workforce.
Reward and recognition is secured for the voluntary sector workforce through CCPS working with SSSC and Scottish Care to influence the new procurement guidance to ensure it incorporates guidance on workforce matters which supports fair and equitable pay and other work conditions (in line, for example, with joint work being undertaken to follow-up on the Residential Care Task Force recommendation in regard to the Living Wage).
Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Supporting the Workforce Actions 1 and 3 / Using data from the Benchmarking Survey and revised CCPS bi-annual Provider Optimism Survey, collaborate with Scottish Care and SSSC to inform development of procurement guidance on workforce issues.
Provide information and research support to CCPS in its own independently funded work on reward and recognition, including on issues such as recent ETA rulings on sleepover and holiday pay.
Distribute CCPS briefing note on Living Wage widely and encourage adoption of living wage procurement models outlined within. / Procurement Guidance on workforce issues includes requirement for fair and equitable pay and other work conditions and for a clearer link to be made between service quality and staff remuneration.
Good practice examples in procuring living wage are identified and case studies written and shared.
Voluntary sector employers and workers are engaged in promoting and influencing SSSC work on recruitment and retention.
Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy; Supporting the Workforce Actions 7 and 8 / Promote SSSC work on recruitment and retention, including values based recruitment, Care Ambassadors, entry to work initiatives and Ethical Based Care Charter in WDN communications and encourage voluntary sector to contribute.
Support voluntary sector providers to influence and contribute to SSSC research to better understand recruitment and retention across Scotland including recommendations for enhancing career pathways, ways of retaining experienced social service workers on the frontline. / Good examples of values based recruitment practices in voluntary sector are identified and shared.

Work Theme: Communication, Influence and Governance

(The change or difference we want to make with our programme - each 'deliverable' from the proposal) / What
(What activities or tasks are planned to achieve the outcome) / Indicator
(How we know we have made a difference)
Voluntary sector social services providers are fully informed about the national workforce policy agenda. / 6 electronic newsletters sent to 1,000+circulation focusing on national workforce policy agenda items of relevance to voluntary sector social services providers
WDN page on CCPS website regularly updated on national workforce policy agenda items
2 events for up to 150stakeholders focusing on work themes / Feedback & evaluation sought at each event
Voluntary sector social services providers are able to influence the national workforce policy agenda. / Opportunities for discussion and feedback build in to each event
Relevant consultation responses facilitated through events, electronic surveys, telephone surveys, as required
Written consultation responses prepared on behalf of sector
CCPS representation on all relevant national workforce policy groups
Workforce Development insights inform work of CCPS.
Meetings with Scottish Government and/or SSSC arranged and serviced in response to specific issues raised by voluntary sector social services providers or sponsors / Detailed insights into workforce development issues for voluntary sector social services providers obtained from events, surveys and 1:1 interviews inform CCPS Workforce Team input to national workforce policy agenda.
CCPS member satisfaction survey contains a specific question about national workforce policy influence, which is answered positively.
Scottish Government Sponsor is satisfied that the grant funding is being used to meet the agreed deliverables for the programme / Detailed budget provided with original proposals
Monitoring reports detailing work plan progress supplied every 4 months
Monthly management accounts prepared / Minutes of quarterly monitoring meetings record sponsor satisfaction
Management accounts show maximum budget variation of +/- 10%
Scottish Government, SSSC and other key partners are able to identify the added value the CCPS workforce development programme contributes to the national workforce development agenda / Sector consulted and responses made to all relevant workforce consultations
CCPS representation of the sector on national groups as detailed above.
SSSC and other key partners invited to input to events and newsletters. / Minutes of 4 monthly monitoring meetings record sponsor satisfaction