Quality Improvement Policy
Policy on Quality Improvement and Monitoring the Work of the School
The Standard in Scotland’s Schools etc Act 2000 states that:
‘An education authority shall endeavour to secure improvement in the quality of school education which is provided in the schools managed by them; and they shall exercise their functions in relation to such provision with a view to raising standards of education.’
Clearly schoolshave to endeavour to improve performance. The standards expected of schools are clearly set out in a number of publications such as How Good Is Our School,The National Prioritiesin Education website and various HMIE publications, notably The Journey to Excellence especially Dimension 7 which is concerned with a school reflecting on its own work and thriving on challenge.
Shawlands Academy’spolicy on Quality Improvement and Monitoring the Work of the School reflects the importance of these national documents and of the emphasis placed on Quality Assurance and Monitoring by the local authority. It has been written within the context of Glasgow City Council’s policy on Monitoring Learning and Teaching.
To facilitate the highest quality of education for our young people through evaluation, improvement and development, so that they develop in the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence: Successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.
We aim:
to engage all staff in a process of self-evaluation
to maintain quantitative and qualitative information about the school
to evaluate the quality of the delivery of our service
to reflect on our practices
to use the knowledge gained from monitoring and evaluation effectively in the planning process
to raise attainment and achievement
to develop leadership and management
ShawlandsAcademyQuality Improvement Policy1
Description of Activities
Annual Programmes
The curriculum we offer is examined with a view to improving the provision for all our pupils, every academic session.
Professional Review and Development
Every academic session, all staff in the school has a PRD interview in which strengths and contribution to the school are noted, together with any development needs.
Monitoring of Statistical Information
Results Analysis
SQA results and National test results are analysed departmentally and on a whole school basis. The Council’s STACS meetings inform this procedure. Departments make an annual report on their SQA results and meet to discuss this with the Head Teacher and link SMT member. A plan of action points is drawn up at this meeting. Results data are analysed by gender, ethnicity (where available), LAC status and by class group. Data is kept for comparison from year to year.
Support Plans
Reviews of CSPs and ASPs are conducted formally each academic session.
Attendance and Late-coming data
Pastoral Care staff and Year Head DHTs monitor attendance weekly and late-coming on a fortnightly basis and deal with individual problems in line with school procedures. Each term statistics are analysed and data is kept for comparison from year to year. Gender, ethnicity (where available) and LAC status are analysed.
Behaviour monitoring
Exclusions are analysed each term by gender,ethnicity (where available) and LAC status. Data is held for comparison from year to year. In addition analysis is made of the referrals made to DHTs.
Racist Incidents
Termly analysis is made of any reported racial incidents and a return is made to the Council.
An annual analysis is made of any disciplinary or grievance issues relating to staff and a return is made to the Council.
Extra curricular participation
The uptake of extra curricular clubs is analysed by gender, ethnicity (where available) and LAC status.
Links with planning process
SMT review the statistical analyses.Action points for the following session are identified and included in the school’s improvement plan.
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Evaluation and Monitoring of Learning and Teaching
Learning and Teaching Policy
Individual staff and subject departments carry out evaluation on strands from the Learning and Teaching Policyin accordance with the monitoring calendar. Departmental reports are collated and a whole school report written each session. Action points from each evaluation are considered for the nextimprovement plan.
Subject Attainment Data
Departments regularly monitor their own data on pupils’ progress throughout the session as indicated on the calendar of activities.
Classroom Observation
Classroom observation takes place routinely for all teachers. Every teacher is observed each academic session by their Principal Teacher and by a member of the SMT. These visits are arranged by agreement with the teacher and may involve an agreed/specific area of focus.
Peer Observation
All teachers arrange to visit the class of one other teacher in the course of an academicsession. A departmental record of these visits is maintained by each Principal Teacher (Curriculum).
Pupil Monitoring
As part of the tracking system, all teaching staffin consultation with their Principal Teacher are asked to identify and set targets for classes or pupils. In addition, pupil support will set targets in relation to personal and emotional well being. This will be done in consultation with pupils and parents and where appropriate relevant external agencies. The SMT link visits the class/group to check on progress.
Homework Diary Monitoring
Homework diaries are monitored every six weeks by tutor teachers and are sampled by Pastoral Care and the SMT.
Classwork Monitoring
Departments consider examples of pupils’ work as a means of sharing good practice and ensure consistency across the department.
Links with planning process
Action points are identified as part of the evaluation documentation and included in the school’s improvement plan.
ShawlandsAcademyQuality Improvement Policy1
Evaluation of views of pupils, parents and staff.
Pupil Surveys
Each year approximately 20% of pupils are asked to complete an ethos survey. This is an open ended survey which allows pupils to say what they think is best about ShawlandsAcademy and what should be changed. This is collated and a report written identifying specific action points.
Pupil Evaluations
Each department carries out at least one pupil evaluation of courses every session. Results are collated and maintained by Principal Teachers and used to inform departmental plans.
Pupil Consultation
Each year group has a Pupil Council which meetsregularly with the year head DHT.
Parents’Evening Evaluation
All parents attending parents’ evenings are surveyed each session. The responses are collated and points noted to inform future arrangements for these events.
Parents’ Surveys
Each year approximately 20% of parents are surveyed on issues related to school life. These returns are summarised and discussed at SMT meetings and at the Parents Council.
Parent Consultation
Parents are represented on the Parent Teacher Council. Their views are regularly sought.
Staff Consultation
Views of staff are sought through:
Informal discussion with line managers
Self evaluation procedures
Discussion at departmental and whole school meetings (SMT link)
Focus groups
PRD reviews
CPD opportunities
Links with planning process
Action points for the following session are identified and included in the school’s improvement plan.
ShawlandsAcademyQuality Improvement Policy1
Audit of Departmental Improvement Plans
Progress on department plans is discussed at department meetings and there are monitoring points in October, January and April. At these times the SMT link meets with PT to discuss progress.
Audit of SchoolImprovement Plan
Progress on the schoolimprovement plan is monitored at the same times throughout the academic session by the HT at SMT meetings.
Reporting of Monitoring and Evaluation
Standards and Quality Reports
An annual report is written and sent to Glasgow City Council. A summary version is made available to parents.
Management and Delivery of Policy
All staff have a responsibility to reflect on their work and to contribute to whole school evaluations. Within departments the Principal Teacher manages the monitoring and evaluation of the work of the department. The Head Teacher has overall responsibility for Quality Improvement but the management of activities is delegated to the DHT.
Links with other policies
The policy on quality improvement and monitoring the work of the school has close links with school policy and practice on:
Learning and Teaching
Improvement Planning
Integrated Support Plan.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Review
The school’s Quality Improvement and Monitoring the Work of the School systems are reviewed as part of the scheduled cycle as indicated in the Calendarof Activities.
Future developments
New guidelines and documentation should be incorporated into the programme as relevant.
The annual plan should be revised and renewed each session.
ShawlandsAcademyQuality Improvement Policy1
How well do we do? / QI’s / Frequency / AUG / SEP / OCT / NOV / DEC / JAN / FEB / MAR / APR / MAY / JUNThe Curriculum / 5.1 / Annual Programme / /
Subject Attainment data / 5.4 / Planned Programme Completed by May / / /
National qualifications and other forms of accreditation / 1.1 / Annual Programme / / /
Homework diaries / 5.7 / Six weekly / / / / / /
Sampling parents’ views (after Parents’ Evenings and 1 Formal) / 5.7 / Planned Programme /
Progress towards targets in school improvement plan / 5.9, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 / Termly / / /
Reporting to parents and Pupil Progress (Tracking) / 5.4, 5.7 / As current session’s monitoring and tracking calendar
Target Review (Pastoral Care)
Progress and Progression / 5.4 / In line with reporting/option framework / / / / / / / / / / /
Classwork (in dept) / 5.2, 5.3 / Monthly sample / / / / / / / / / / /
Working in classrooms / 5.2,5.5, 5.3, 5.6, 5.4 / Planned programme (When) / First round to be completed by Dec / Second round to be completed by Jun
Monitoring CSP, PSP’s and IEP’s / 5.6, 5.8 / Termly
Attendance / 5.6, 5.8 / Monthly / / / / / / / / / / /
Behaviour / 5.6, 5.8 / Monthly / / / / / / / / / / /
Staff views / 5.9, 7.2 / Termly / / /
Sampling pupils’ views / 5.7 / Planned Programme
Health and Safety checks / 8.3 / Annually /
PRD reviews / 5.9, 7.3 / Annual Programme /
Pupil Evaluations (by departments) / 5.2, 5.7 / Termly / / /
Recognising Achievement / 5.5 / Termly / / /
ShawlandsAcademyQuality Improvement Policy1
ShawlandsAcademyQuality Improvement Policy1
The management of the school have a responsibility to ensure that learning and teaching are of the highest order.
Each teacher will be visited by their Principal Teacher on at least one occasion each session.
In addition, every teacher in the school will be observed by a member of the SMT over the course of the academic session.
The visits should be planned in advance.
Feedback is an essential part of this process and the proforma is designed to provide the opportunity for teachers to discuss their practice.
The feedback proforma should be completed by the Principal Teacher or SMT member and then shared with the class teacher.
The completed proforma should be retained by the class teacher, Principal Teacher and the SMT member.
ShawlandsAcademyQuality Improvement Policy1
Class Observed:
Please comment on areas observed during this lesson and any other examples of good practice.
Date of feedback meeting:
Teacher Signature:
Observer Signature:
Copy to teacher, observer and PT Subject.
ShawlandsAcademyQuality Improvement Policy1
Department ______
Teacher’s Name / Observed by / Planned Visit – Date and Time / Visit Undertaken – DateOne copy of this form should be retained by the Principal Teacher.
One copy should be submitted to Garry Maguire by the end of May.
ShawlandsAcademyQuality Improvement Policy1
The following table gives suggestions that could be used when staff are considering their own teaching practice.
How are class lessons started and finished?Prompt and focused start
Pupils come prepared
Link to previous learning
Stimulating start which captures interest
Learning intentions shared and displayed in a way that helps pupils to stay focused on learning as they work
Success criteria shared
Activities clearly explained – clarity of task reinforced by question and answer
Pupils clearly understand nature of task(s)
Pupils settle quickly on task
Appropriate timings within lesson and appropriate timing of finish
Link to future learning
Orderly finish routine
Summary, reflection and drawing lesson to a close with feedback
The teaching process used within the classroom
Lesson planning and preparation
Classroom organisation and management
Lesson structure
Involvement of as many pupils as possible
Role of the teacher – informing, explaining, listening, coaching, demonstrating
Varied and appropriate styles of teaching used
Appropriate and varied style of questioning
Efforts to identify sources of learning difficulty and need for challenge
Positive atmosphere, warm and friendly and productive which promotes learning
Pupils work conscientiously and co-operatively with one another and also independently
Opportunities for involvement of support teacher in whole-class lesson, as appropriate eg reading texts, questioning
Opportunities for involvement of support teacher with individuals, pairs, groups of pupils
Opportunities for pupils to talk and listen before reading and writing
Part of a sequence in learning
Overall management of the learning experience
Use of resources – books, worksheets, equipment and extension materials
Managing on-going assessment during the lesson
Homework clearly set as and when required
Planning for sufficiency and accessibility of resources
Planning and the use of ICT that works
Flexibility as appropriate
Concrete, visual and practical support to supplement the language of the classroom
Use of materials that reflect diversity of school population
Effective collaboration with support teachers and PSAs
Ensuring good condition of jotter/books/folders
Understanding of pupils’ levels of attainment and prior knowledge
Motivation and encouragement of pupils
Teacher-pupil interaction
Clear and appropriate explanations
Teacher question and answer technique
Building answers from pupil responses – using wrong answers and extended responses
Variety in types of responses needed – one word answers and extended responses
Effective use of praise
High but realistic expectations
Pupils’ contributions are encouraged and valued
Pupils motivated
Teacher checks individuals and groups for clear understanding
Teacher monitors progress through visits to individuals and groups
Teacher assesses pupils’ work in a variety of ways and gives prompt feedback
Respecting New Arrivals ‘silent period’ but encouraging appropriate responses
Maintaining order
Pupils understand class procedures and routines
Gaining mutual respect
Maintaining appropriate eye contact
Sense of humour - enjoyment
Homework diaries referred to where appropriate
Pace of learning
Lesson plan allows pupils to progress at the appropriate pace
Teacher is knowledgeable about pupils level of attainment
Teacher uses a variety of approaches to take account of pupils learning styles
Teacher is knowledgeable about pupils level of English language development
New Arrivals have work which is inclusive, challenging but at an appropriate language level
Range of tasks and activities
Activities are matched to the abilities, maturity and interest of pupils
Resources are matched to the abilities, maturity and interest of pupils
Teacher monitors progress and intervenes appropriately
Pupils are making appropriate progress in their coursework
Enthusiasm, involvement and industry of pupils
Quality of pupils’ work
Meeting deadlines and timings
Completion of tasks
Time in class is used effectively
Pupils take responsibility for, and are active in, their own learning.
Pupils are given information about their progress in a way which values individual achievement and identifies next steps in learning.
Homework is used to reinforce and consolidate classwork
Pace reflects long term plans, however, where appropriate, flexibility is built in
Setting targets
Pupil self-assessment
ShawlandsAcademyQuality Improvement Policy1
Meeting pupil needsEvidence of differentiation of course materials
Evidence of differentiation of tasks and activities
Differentiation by different levels of support
Differentiation by different levels of prompts to pupils
Differentiation by provision of writing frames, key words, key visuals
Differentiation by task outcome
Teacher uses prior knowledge of pupils learning to differentiate
Teacher uses assessment effectively
Class groupings are used to promote differentiation and effective learning
Class groupings are used to promote English language development
Class groupings are used to facilitate use of first languages for academic purposes
Suitably varied teaching approaches
Appropriate choice of activities and learning experiences
Accessibility of resources
Quality of resources
Reading age of printed materials
Appropriate use of ICT
Pupils are able to work productively on tasks that are challenging
Pupils are given appropriate support
Quality of displays
Displays on walls as a learning medium
Displays reflect range of languages and cultural backgrounds of pupils
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