FRONT LEFT SIDE (Top to Bottom)
1. Manager Certification (With Corporate Compliance Officer’s Signature On Form)
2. TIC (3 Pages)
3. Special Needs Certification Form
4. Applicant Questionnaire
5. Section 8 Verification
6. Employment Verification or Paycheck Stub Calculation Worksheet w/Check Stubs
7. Self-Employment Form with 1040 Tax Return and all appropriate schedules
8. Social Security / SSI
9. Fixed Income Form
10. Military Pay Verification
11. Annuity Verification
12. Income Contribution Form
13. Parental Contribution Form for Students
14. Zero Income Form
15. Marital Separation Form
16. Divorce Statement with Divorce Decree
17. Affidavit of Permanently Absent Household Member
18. Attorney General Child Support Form Verification
19. Child Support/Alimony Verification
20. Child Support Affidavit
21. LIHTC Student Certification Form ( with current Tax Return for documentation when applicable)
22. Student Verification Form
23. Student Agreement
24. Asset Verification – 2 pages (for assets over $5000.00)
25. Real Estate Verification Form
26. Real Estate Contract Worksheet Form
27. Rental Income Worksheet Form
28. Under $5000.00 Asset Certification Form
29. Tenant / Release Consent Form
30. TAA Rental Application
31. Tenant Tracker or Credit Criminal Reports
32. Rental History Verification
33. Fair Housing Choice Disclosure Notice
34. Resident Selection Criteria/Privacy Policy
35. All documentation for a live-in aide (if applicable)
**Note: When using a clarification, you should place the clarification behind the document/information you are clarifying.
FRONT RIGHT SIDE (Top to Bottom)
1. Section 8 Contract or Amendment/Addendum
2. TAA Lease (ALL 6 PAGES) or TAA Lease Renewal
3. Affordable Housing Addendum
4. Bed Bug Addendum
5. Live in Aide Agreement
6. Drug Free Housing Addendum
7. TAA Mold Addendum
8. TAA Smoke Detector Addendum or Quest Addendum
9. Cable Television Addendum
10. TAA Access Gate Addendum
11. TAA Satellite Addendum
12. Early Termination Addendum
13. TAA Storage Building Addendum
14. Waterbed Addendum
15. TAA Covered Parking Addendum
16. Activities Release and Consent
17. Community Policies/Rules
18. TAA Animal Addendum
19. List of Charges for Repairs Form
**Note: Once a resident has vacated the unit, the move-out disposition, copy of ledger, charges, TAA move-out inventory condition form and or eviction paperwork will be placed on top of the current lease.
BACK LEFT SIDE (Top to Bottom)
1. TAA Move In/Move Out Inventory Condition Form
2. Washer/Dryer Addendum or Washing Machine Addendum
3. Utility Connection Verification
4. Package/Mail Release Form
5. Parking Verification Form
6. Custom Features Survey
BACK RIGHT SIDE (Top to Bottom)
1. All paperwork such as lease violations, ledgers, recertification notices, eviction notices, and correspondence to and from the resident, Section 8 paperwork other than the contract or amendments/addendums will go on this side of the file.
2. Copy of Money Order/Check for App. Fee and Deposit
3. Guest Card
All Maintenance Work Orders – are placed in a separate folder. This folder should contain work orders from the first day of the property opening and should continue in the file after the current tenant vacates and another moves in. The folder should be marked with the apartment number ONLY.
Revised 02/01/2013 2