7 Water Street, P. O Box 116
Liberty ME 04949
Ph. 207-589-3014
Fax. 207 589-3160
April 24, 2017 7:00 PM
Selectboard Attendance: Melinda Steeves, 1st Selectman
Carrie Peavey, 2nd Selectman
Henry Hall, 3rd Selectman
Town Officials: Administrator Kenn Ortmann, Fire Chief Bill Gillespie
Guest(s): Cheryl York, Palermo Selectperson; Ilene McKenney, Palermo Selectperson; Mike York, Palermo Fire Chief; Nichole York, Palermo Fire Department secretary; Josh Webb, Palermo Rescue
1. Open Public Meeting: 6:55 PM
2. Approve Minutes: Pursuant to review Selectman Steeves moved and Selectman Hall seconded approval of the April 17, 2017 minutes. Unanimous.
3. Meeting with Palermo Selectboard to discuss Fire Department Mutual Aid and collaboration opportunities: Fire Chief Gillespie explained how Mutual Aid and how Automatic Mutual Aid is different. He noted that the Automatic Mutual Aid agreement among communities is for four years. As he was looking at renewing the Liberty/Palermo agreement he was concerned by the current imbalance between the significant number of times Liberty has responded to Palermo incidents and the few times Palermo has responded to Liberty incidents. There was extensive discussion about how Automatic Mutual Aid works and about the challenges in getting and keeping trained and qualified volunteers. Palermo will be having a Town meeting on Thursday and Chiefs Gillespie and York plan to discuss these issues further following that meeting.
4. Warrant Review and Approval: Done.
5. Public Comment: None.
6. TA informational items
a. Media stories: None.
b. Resident correspondence: None.
c. “Abatement/Supplemental valuation assessment information” review/signatures/information: No new applications.
d. Town Office computer daily backup options
i. Proposal for "Fire/Waterproof External HD": The Selectboard asked TA Ortmann to check on the size of the drive and how the costs of this type of backup compare with "Cloud" backup.
e. Permanent Exemption Certificate signature: Done.
f. Personal time off request: TA Ortmann indicated that he plans to visit family May 16-22, but is scheduled to be back in time to attend the Special Town meeting the evening of the 22nd. The Selectboard had no objections to his plans.
g. Invitation to community meeting on state education aid to RSU3: The Selectboard observed the RSU 3 "Revolving Renovation Referendum" will be held the same day, and asked TA Ortmann to post the meeting information on our WEB page.
h. Other: None.
7. Old Business
a. Special Town Meeting draft warrant and draft warrant notice: Reviewed draft. Questions about a more generic authorization to borrow that doesn't specify the Maine Municipal Bond Bank and about the generic article about filling any vacancy in any elected office. Will finalize at the next meeting.
b. Tree Growth value update: State has not yet updated the numbers. May be soon!!!
c. Update on Land Types and Schedule databases: Still working with Harris
i. Liquor license application by Fagin/Palmer project: TA Ortmann will contact the applicant and ask for a copy of the completed document to which the Selectboard signatures are attached.
d. Scheduling a meeting with Melanie Ripley regarding cemetery mowing: TA Ortmann has extended an invitation but has not heard back yet.
e. TA performance review status: Still in process.
f. Other: None.
8. New Business
a. Action on Foreclosed Liens discussion with Betsey Davis
i. Related correspondence: TA Ortmann shared copies of email from other communities discussing the implications of triggering Town "ownership" of property. TA Ortmann also noted that a personal check submitted as part of a "back-taxes payment plan" was returned for insufficient funds. Pursuant to Selectboard policy the individual will be informed that all subsequent payments will have to be in the form of cash, bank check or money order.
b. Walker School orchard location approval: TA Ortmann shared with the Selectboard correspondence from Glen Widmer of the Walker School asking permission to plant orchard trees in a location previously approved for a garden. The Selectboard granted permission as long as the location does not interfere with the playing fields.
c. Process for contracting for assessing services – sample documents: TA Ortmann explained that he was contacted by an individual who is interested in being considered for the Assessor's Agent position approved at Town Meeting. He distributed some sample RFP's as well as a sample contract and suggested language to use in the future if the Town goes through a full revaluation process.
9. Other Business: TA Ortmann was asked to contact Pam Chase and remind her that the Town Office parking lot is not approved for overnight parking.
10. Adjournment: 8:50 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Kenn Ortmann
Town Administrator