March 1, 2011
Members present: Marion Wnek, Bill Letter, Rick Giese, Dennis Knaak, Marlin Noffke
Members absent: none
Others present: Commissioner Grant Bystol; Keith Marquardt, Parks Manager; Rick Grunewald, Shop Foreman; Erik Cornelius, Hydraulic Center; Dave Long, Wisconsin Kenworth; Jenna Plisch, Truck Country; Scott Fleischman, Stainless & Repair Inc; Brian Salentine, Olson Trailer; Bobby Balda, Quality Truck; Troy Redfern, Monroe Truck; Dave Andres, Central Wisconsin; Jo Bockin and Dan Brunner, Peterbilt; Jim Baeten, Packer City and Priscilla Zahn, Lead Accounting Technician.
Location & Time: Shawano County Highway Department, 3035 E Richmond St, Shawano WI 54166 8:00 AM
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wnek at 8:00 AM.
A motion was made by Giese and seconded by Letter to approve the minutes from the February 15th meeting as printed. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion by Noffke; seconded by Knaak to deviate if necessary. Motion carried 5-0.
Public comments: none
Parks Manager report: 40 events booked for 2011; patio designs; sports show Weds March 9th; St Patrick’s Day parade/band; Wilson Lake tree cutting; 20 seasonal sites and 8 boat slips reserved to date.
After discussion, a motion was made by Noffke and seconded by Knaak to accept donation of $2,478.67 from Thedacare for maintenance of Mountain Bay Trail. Motion carried 5-0.
(2) Single Axle Truck quotes were opened. Six quotes were received. Quotes will be reviewed for the next meeting.
(2) Tri-Axle Truck quotes were opened. Six quotes were received. Quotes will be reviewed for the next meeting.
(2) Single Axle Truck Box quotes were opened. Six quotes were received. Quotes will be reviewed for the next meeting.
(2) Tri-Axle Truck Box quotes were opened. Seven Quotes were received. Quotes will be reviewed for the next meeting.
(4) Truck Hydraulic System quotes were opened. Six quotes were received. Quotes will be reviewed for the next meeting.
Quotes for (4) Snow Plows, (4) Wings and (4) Spreaders were opened. Seven quotes were received. Quotes will be reviewed for the next meeting.
(4) Truck Pre-Wet system quotes were opened. Six quotes were received. Quotes will be reviewed for the next meeting.
The Bituminous Paving quote was reviewed. A motion was made by Giese and seconded by Knaak to accept Bituminous Paving quote from Northeast Asphalt as submitted. Motion carried 4-0 with Letter abstaining.
The Bituminous Paving quote for STP/LRIP projects was reviewed. A motion was made by Wnek and seconded by Giese to accept Bituminous Paving quote for STP/LRIP projects from Northeast Asphalt as submitted. Motion carried 4-0 with Letter abstaining.
The Ag Society request to restructure accounts receivable bill was discussed. A motion was made by Letter to accept restructuring of accounts receivable bill back to 1/1/11 if highway is made whole as the result of County Board action. Motion was seconded by Noffke. Motion carried 5-0.
CTH Q right-of-way purchases were reviewed. A motion was made by Knaak and seconded by Letter to accept offers on 3 parcels for $24,600.00. Motion carried 5-0.
IRR Resolution was reviewed. A motion was made by Knaak to approve the resolution supporting the IRR program as established. Motion was seconded by Letter. Motion carried 5-0.
Vehicle use was discussed. A motion was made by Giese and seconded by Letter to approve Katie Schwartz using a highway department van to and from job sites/meetings and to home at night with her paying taxes on mileage to and from home. Motion carried on roll call vote 4-1, with Noffke voting no.
Highway Commissioner report: crews are clearing and grubbing for projects on CTH H; CTH A; Lakeview Rd; CTH Q close to being ready to cut trees and crews are crackfilling in between snow storms. Noffke asked Commissioner about the effect of the Governor’s budget bill on highway crews. Not enough information is known yet.
Meeting attendance/training/travel: Motion by Wnek and seconded by Letter to approve foreman Mark Sherfinski going to Road Maintenance Course in Tomahawk on March 17th for $60.00. Motion carried 5-0.
Committee meeting dates: Tuesday March 22nd and Tuesday April 12th at 8:00 AM.
Committee comments: STH 29 bad after last storm which was because of heavy wet snow; crew does a good job in Red Springs.
Under letters and communications: none.
The committee reviewed highway bills dated February 16th for $28,329.94 and February 28th for $73,099.80; also Parks bills dated February 15th for $1,059.69 and February 22nd for $41,192.62. A motion was made by Letter and seconded by Knaak to approve bills as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Knaak and seconded by Letter to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 AM. Motion carried 5-0.
Bill Letter, Secretary
Approved , 2011