John Burroughs High School
Swim Team 2017
Coach Jacob Cook, Varsity/JV
Coach Martin Ortega-Jennison, Junior Varsity
Coaches’ Contact: Phone numbers are reserved for Emergency/Urgent contact only. Please contact us by email. We do our best to return all messages within 1-2 days.
Coach Jake: / 818-231-8857
Coach Martin: / 818-804-1388
Expectations: Athletes are expected to be on time to practice every day. Attendance is key to performing well and progressing. If the athlete is sick or unable to attend practice, they must bring a note from their doctor. Of course, there are exceptions, so if you cannot make it to your scheduled practice, communicate with your coach so that we know, and please attend another practice that does fit your schedule.
Athletic Code: All student/ athletes are expected to adhere to the BUSD Athletic Code regarding respect, attitude, use of drugs/ paraphernalia, etc. Any breach in the Athletic Code will be followed according to school policy.
Academic Probation/ Ineligible: Any student that is placed on Academic Probation will have five (5) weeks to make it off of the Academic Probation List. If in the event the student does not make it off the Academic Probation list and is placed on the Ineligible List, the student will be removed from game play. Freshmen and Sophomores that remain Ineligible for more than five weeks will be dropped from the course and placed in Period Zero P.E. Juniors and Seniors that remain Ineligible for more than five weeks will be dropped and receive zero credit from the course. Remember that you are student/athlete, and keeping your grades up is an essential part to the success of the team and yourself.
Grading: Students will be graded based on the following:
· Attendance and citizenship are your grade. If you maintain these very simple obligations, you will receive an A in the course.
Absences/Club Athletes: Any absences must be communicated to either coach and must have confirmation from parents. Club athletes must communicate their club practice schedule and are required to attend all meets and one practice at Burroughs per week.
***Please contact your respective coach at least 1 week ahead about any extenuating circumstances to work out a schedule***
Appointments: If possible, please schedule appointments on Monday’s or after practice time.
Detention: If a student receives detention for whatever reason, they are not to schedule it during 6th Period. They are to complete the detention during Lunch or attend Saturday school instead.
Social Media: Any negative use of social media towards the Aquatics program, athletes in the program, or others will be referred to the school administration for any disciplinary action.
Required Equipment: The following equipment is required at each practice. Failure to bring anything less than the required materials will constitute in a loss in points.
· Swim Suit
· Goggles
· Water Bottle w/ water
· Swim Caps (Girls Only)
A / B / C / D / F100%-92% / 91%-81% / 80%-70% / 69%-60% / 59%-0%
Parents: Both Varsity and Junior Varsity coaches are available up to thirty (30) minutes after practice by appointment. No meetings after games or during practice. Please email either coach, subject mattered included, that you’d like to meet at least a day in advance. Students/ Athletes: You may meet with the coach any time during or after practice without appointment.
o Note: Relay lane placement will not be discussed with parents
Additional Items to Note: The following will not be tolerated and will be a cause for disciplinary action according to school or coach policy, leading up to dismissal from the course and sport at the schools/coaches discretion:
o Use of drugs or alcohol
o Bullying/ Hazing
o Fighting
· Lack of Respect for coaches, other school officials, or JBHS property
· Lack of Respect for other schools players, coaches, other school officials, or school property
Whenever we travel as a team, when you wear any Burroughs apparel, our school colors, anything that says JBHS or Indians on it, with your team or by yourself, you are representing something bigger than you. You are representing an academic and athletic institute that has been around for over sixty years. Anything you do, however you act, or what you say is a representation of what you have been taught. Have the Integrity to always do what is right. Have the Dignity and Pride to always hold yourself to a higher standard than those we will come in contact with. Make your family, school, and coaches proud to have chosen you to represent this organization, and make yourself proud to be a part of our team.
I have read and understand all information for the John Burroughs Swim Team for the Spring 2017 swim season. Please sign and return this page only to either of the coaches. Please keep all other pages for your reference.
I, ______, and my parent/ guardian ______, have read, understand, and acknowledge all that is presented in these guidelines.