The Fifth Air Transport Research Group Conference (ATRG 2001)

The 5th ATRG World Conference

Program and Papers

July 19-22, 2001

KAL Hotel, Seoguipo, Jeju Island, Korea

Hankuk Aviation University

The 5th ATRG World Conference

July 19-22, 2001

KAL Hotel, Seoguipo, Jeju Island, Korea

Organized by

ATRG (Air Transport Research Group) of The WCTR Society

Korea Research Foundation for 21st Century

Hosted by

Hankuk Aviation University,

Korean Association of Air and Space Law,

Incheon International Airport Corporation

Sponsored by

Ministry of Construction and Transportation

Korea Transport Institute (KOTI)

Korean Airlines

Asiana Airlines

Korea Civil Aviation Development Association

Bombardier Aerospace Inc.

PA Consulting Inc.

ATRG 2001 – Conference Schedule

July 19 (Thursday)

(5:00pm ATRG Network Committee Business Meeting) (sapphire room)

7:00pm Welcoming Reception (Hosted by Incheon International Airport Corporation)


July 20 (Friday)

08:30-09:00am Registration (in outside foyer)

09:00-09:30am Opening Session (diamond room)

Chair-person: Prof. Yeong Heok LEE, Hankuk Aviation Univ.

Opening of the Conference:

Prof. Soon Kil HONG, President, Hankuk Aviation Univ. and

Korean Association of Air and Space Law

Prof. Tae Hoon OUM, ATRG President, Univ. of British Columbia

Welcoming Address:

Dr. Yang Ho CHO, President, Korea Research Foundation for 21st Century

Mr. Dong Suk KANG, Chairman, Incheon International Airport Corporation

Congratulatory Address:

Honorable Mr. Jang Sup OH, Minister, Ministry of Construction and Transportation

09:30-10:30am Plenary Session - Panel Discussion (diamond room)

“Hub Prospects for Incheon International Airport”

Chair-person: Soon Kil HONG, Hankuk Aviation Univ.

Facilitating Speaker: Hyo Jun KIM, Incheon International Airport Corp.

Panelists: Martin DRESNER, Univ. of Maryland

Tae Hoon OUM, Univ. of British Columbia

Jaap DE WIT, Univ. of Amsterdam

Anming ZHANG, City Univ of Hong Kong

10:30-11:00am Refreshments

11:00-12:30pm, 20th July, 2001

Session 1A: Air Transport Policy and Regulation (diamond room)

(Chair: Juergen MUELLER, Berlin School of Economics)

1. Martin DRESNER, Univ. of Maryland, “The Impact of Hub Dominance on Entry in the US”.

2. Tomer GOODOVITCH, Tel Aviv Univ., "Airline Competition: The Case of Israel’s Domestic Duopoly".

3. Joseph CLOUGHERTY, Martin DRESNER, and Tae OUM, “An Empirical Analysis of Canadian International Air Policy”.

Session 1B: Airline and Airport Policies (emerald room)

(Chair: David GILLEN, Wilfrid Laurier Univ.)

1. Tae OUM and Chunyan YU, Univ. of British Columbia, "Performance of Major North American Carriers: Some Empirical Evidence".

2. Eric PELS, Free Univ. Amsterdam, "Economic Analysis of Airline Alliances".

3. Mehdi HARIRIAN and Bijan VASIGH, Bloomsburg Univ. of PA and Embry Riddle Univ., "An Empirical Analysis of Financial and Operational Efficiency".

4. Hunsoo LEE and Hanmo YANG, Hankuk Aviation Univ., " An Airport as a Logistics and Economic Hub: The Case of Incheon International Airport".

Session 1C: Airline Management and Operation (sapphire room)

(Chair: Keith MASON, Cranfield Univ.)

1. William SWAN, Boeing, "Airline Route Developments: A Review of History".

2. Zhi WANG and Michael EVANS, Southern Cross Univ., Australia, "A Strategic Approach to Formations of Airline Alliance and Consequences – Exploratory Perspective".

3. Zou LI, National Univ. of Singapore, "The Implication of Hub and Spoke Network on the Airline Alliance Strategy".

4. Terence FAN, MIT, "Cost Incentives for Airline Mergers".

12:30-2:00pm Lunch (hosted by Asiana Airlines) (crystal room)

2:00-3:30pm, 20th July, 2001

Session 2A: Air Transport Demand Analysis (diamond room)

(Chair: Bill Swan, Boeing)

1. Kazuyuki TAKADA, Tokyo Denki Univ., "Historical Change in Characteristics of O-D Passenger Demand in Japan".

2. Anthony CHIN, National Univ. of Singapore, “Future Trends in the Business Travel Decision Making”.

3. Keith MASON, Cranfield Univ., "Future Trends in the Business Travel Decision Making".

4. Joon Je PARK and Won W. KOO, North Dakota State Univ., "Inbound and Outbound Air Passenger Traffic Forecasting between the United States and Selected Asian Countries".

Session 2B: Airline and Consumer Behavior (emerald room)

(Chair: Katsushige SAWAKI, Nanzan Univ.)

1. Blaise WAGUESPACK and Todd THORTON, Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univ., "Electronic Reservation System Providers and the Impact of Codeshare Arrangements on Screen Display".

2. Mark LIJESEN, BEPA, the Netherlands, "Quality Perception and Carrier Choice in Civil Aviation".

3. Sveinn GUDMUNDSSON, Toulouse Business School, "Airline Distress Prediction Using Non-Financial Performance Ratios".

4. Zheng Yi SHON, Fang-Yuan CHEN, Jimmy CHEN, Wenzao URSULINE College of Languages, National Chenkung Univ., and Kaoshiung Hospitality College, "Consumer Behavior on the Internet: A Case Study on Web Reservation in Taiwan".

Session 2C: Airport Competition and Privatization (sapphire room)

(Chair: Bijan VASIGH, Embry Riddle Univ.)

1. David GILLEN and William MORRISON, Wilfrid Laurier Univ., "Competition Policy and the Regulation of Airports: Canada’s Airport System-Past, Present and Future".

2. Peter MEINCKE, German Aerospace Center, "Cooperation (and Competition) of European Airports - Network of Airports".

3. Kwang Eui YOO and Yeong Heok LEE, Hankuk Aviation Univ., "A Study on Airport Performances in Korea".

4. Chil Young KIM, Kwang Eui YOO, Ki Chan PARK and Jae Hoon JEONG, Hankuk Aviation Univ. and Inha Univ., "A Study on the Effects of the Personality Compatibility to the Job Performance".

3:30-4:00pm Refreshments

4:00-5:30pm, July 20th, 2001

Session 3A: Air Transport Market Analysis and Aviation Cooperation (diamond room)

(Chair: John M.C. KING, Aviation & Tourism Management PTY)

1. Fariba ALAMDARI, Cranfield Univ., "Airlines and Travel Agents Relationships: The Story in ASIA".

2. Paz TOLENTINO and Sabine REIM, Univ. of London and Univ. of Reading, "The Global Airline Company: Agent of Market Power or Competition".

3. Kyu Sun KIM, Korea Civil Aviation Development Association, “A Study on the Air Transport Cooperation in Northeast Asia between China, Japan and Korea”.

4. Dong Chun SHIN, Ministry of Construction and Transportation, "Aviation Cooperation between the two Koreas".

Session 3B: Airport Design and Engineering (emerald room)

(Chair: Kwang Eui YOO, Hankuk Aviation Univ.)

1. Yonghwa PARK and Byung Jong KIM, Korea Transport Institute and Hankuk Aviation Univ., "An Evaluation of Alternative Facilities for Airport Redevelopment using Fuzzy Linguistic Approach".

2. Soi-Hoi LAM, Jia-Meng CAO, and Henry FAN, Nanyang Technological Univ., "Intelligent Airport Gate Assignment System".

3. Amiy VARMA, Frantz OLLERMAN, and Thomas HAAG, North Dakota State Univ., "Airport Pavement Management: State-of-the-Art".

4. Christine MOUTSOS, SITA, "SITA: Airport Systems Integration Case Studies

Session 3C: Labour and Air Law Issues (sapphire room)

(Chair: Doo Whan KIM, Korean Association of Air and Space Law)

1. Raymon KADUCK, Aeronavigatsia Consulting Inc., "Labour Issues at NAV Canada".

2. Chil Young KIM, In Won KANG, and Youn Chul CHOI, Hankuk Aviation Univ., "Pilot and Air Traffic Controller Relationships: The Role of Interdependence and Relative Influence".

3. Michael DWORKIN, M. Dworkin and Associates, "Defense of Air Carriers and Air Agencies in FAA Enforcement Proceedings: Damage Control before the Case Arises."

4. Han Mo YANG, Hyun Sam SHIN and Hong Kyun SHIN, Hankuk Aviation Univ., "A Study upon the Implementation Planning of Consolidated Air Space Management System in the Far–East Pacific Region".

7:00pm Conference Dinner (hosted by Korean Airlines) (barbecue garden party)

July 21 (Saturday)


Session 4A: Air Cargo Business and Policy (diamond room)

(Chair: Anthony CHIN, National Univ. of Singapore)

1. Cheng Chang LIN and Yin Chieh CHEN, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, "The Integration of China and Taiwan Air Networks for Direct Air Cargo Services".

2. Kyung Woo KANG, Woong Yi KIM, and Gun Young KIM, Hanyang Univ., "ITS/CVO Application for Air Cargo Transportation in Korea".

3. Anming ZHANG and Yimin ZHANG, City University of Hong Kong, “Issues on Liberalization of Air Cargo Services in International Aviation »

4. Cherry RODOLFO, Univ. of Asia and the Pacific, Philippines, "Liberalization of Air Cargo Services in the Philippines: Prospects and Impediments".

Session 4B: Aviation Safety and Airline Scheduling (emerald room)

(Chair: Fariba ALAMDARI, Cranfield Univ.)

1. Kang Seok LEE, Soon Kil HONG, and Seung Chang LEE, Hanseo Univ. and Hankuk Aviation Univ., "The Impact of Aviation Safety over the Consumer’s Behavior".

2. Scott TARRY, Brent BOWEN and Chien-Tsung LU, Univ. of Nebraska, "Benchmarking Aviation Safety in the Commercial Airline Industry".

3. Joon CHUNG, Ryerson Polytechnic Univ., "Application of Genetic Algorithm on Airline Schedule".

4. Katsushige SAWAKI, Nanzan Univ., "A Continuous Time Airline Seat Inventory Model with Upper and Lower Booking Limits".

10:30-10:50am Refreshments

10:50-11:50am Closing Session:

ATRG Business Meeting and Airport Benchmark Report (diamond room)

11:50-01:30pm Lunch (co-hosted by Bombardier Aerospace and PA Consulting)

(sapphire room)

01:30-07:00pm Bus Tour along Jeju Island

July 22 (Sunday)

08:40-10:20 am Hotel à Jeju Airport (Bus)

11:00-12:00 am Jeju à Gimpo Airport (Air)

12:00-12:30 pm Gimpo à Incheon Airport (Bus)

12:30-01:30 pm Lunch (hosted by Incheon International Airport Corporation)

01:30-05:00 pm Field Trip to Incheon International Airport

05:00-06:30 pm Incheon Airport à WCTR (Bus)

ATRG Conference Organizers

ATRG 2001 Conference Chair-Person:

Prof. Yeong-Heok LEE, Hankuk Aviation University, Seoul, Korea

ATRG 2001 Conference Local Committee:

Prof. Byung Jong KIM, Hankuk Aviation University, Seoul, Korea

Prof. Kwang Eui YOO, Hankuk Aviation University, Seoul, Korea

Prof. Hun Soo LEE, Hankuk Aviation University, Seoul, Korea

Prof. Won Kyu KIM, Hankuk Aviation University, Seoul, Korea

ATRG President:

Prof. Tae Hoon OUM, UPS Foundation Professor, and Director, Centre for Transportation Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada

Networking Committee members:

Prof. Joseph Yossi BERECHMAN, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Prof. Emeritus John BLACK, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Prof. Brent BOWEN, Director, Aviation Institute, University of Nebraska at Omaha, U.S.A.

Prof. Jean BRESSON, Directeur des etudes adjoint Delegue a la recherche et aux relations universitaires, ENAC, Toulouse, France

Prof. Kenneth BUTTON, George Mason University, U.S.A.

Dr. Anthony CHIN, National University of Singapore, Singapore

*Prof. Jaap DE WIT, Ministry of Transport/University of Amsterdam, the Nethelands

Prof. Martin DRESNER, University of Maryland, U.S.A.

Prof. Christopher FINDLAY, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Prof. David W. GILLEN, Wilfred Laurier University, Canada/University of California-Berkeley, U.S.A.

Prof. Mark HANSEN, University of California at Berkeley, U.S.A.

Dr. Paul HOOPER, National University of Singapore, Singapore

*Prof. Yeong-Heok LEE, Hankuk (Korea) Aviation University, Korea

Dr. Keith J. MASON, Cranfield University, U.K.

*Prof. Tae H. OUM, Director, Centre for Transport Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada

*Dr. Aisling REYNOLDS-FEIGHAN, University College Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Bill SWAN, Chief Economist, Boeing – Marketing, Seattle, U.S.A.

Prof. Hirotaka YAMAUCHI, Hitotsubashi University, Japan

*Prof. Anming ZHANG, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

*Executive Committee members

11:00-12:30pm, 20th July, 2001

Session 1A: (Diamond room)

Air Transport Policy and Regulation

(Chair: Juergen Mueller, Berlin School of Economics)

1. Martin Dresner, Univ. of Maryland, “The Impact of Hub Dominance on Entry in the US”.

2. Tomer Goodovitch, Tel Aviv Univ., “Airline Competition: The Case of Israel’s Domestic Duopoly”.

3. Joseph A. Clougherty, Martin Dresner and Tae H. Oum, Tilburg University, The Netherlands, University of Maryland, U.S.A. and University of British Columbia, Canada., “An Empirical Analysis of Canadian International Air Policy: Effects of Dual Carrier Designation and Partial Liberalization”.

11:00-12:30pm, 20th July, 2001

Session 1B: (Emerald room)

Airport Policies and Planning

(Chair: David Gillen, Wilfrid Laurier Univ.)

1. Tae H. Oum and Chunyan Yu, The Univ. of British Columbia, “Performance of Major North American Carriers: Some Empirical Evidence”.

2. Eric Pels, Free Univ. Amsterdam, "Economic Analysis of Airline Alliances".

3. Mehdi Haririan and Bijan Vasigh, Bloomsburg Univ. of PA and Embry Riddle Univ., "An Empirical Analysis of Financial and Operational Efficiency".

4. Hunsoo Lee and Hanmo Yang, Hankuk Aviation Univ., " An Airport as a Logistics and Economic Hub: The Case of Incheon International Airport".

11:00-12:30pm, 20th July, 2001

Session 1C: (Sapphire room)

Airline Management and Operation

(Chair: Keith Mason, Cranfield Univ.)

1. William Swan, Boeing, "Airline Route Developments: A Review of History".

2. Zhi Wang and Michael Evans, Southern Cross Univ., Australia, "A Strategic Approach to Formations of Airline Alliance and Consequences – Exploratory Perspective".

3. Zou LI, National Univ. of Singapore, "The Implication of Hub and Spoke Network on the Airline Alliance Strategy".

4. Terence FAN, MIT, "Cost Incentives for Airline Mergers".

2:00-3:30pm, 20th July, 2001

Session 2A: (Diamond room)

Air Transport Demand Analysis

(Chair: Bill Swan, Boeing)

1. Kazuyuki Takada, Tokyo Denki Univ., "Historical Change in Characteristics of O-D Passenger Demand in Japan".

2. Anthony Chin, National Univ. of Singapore, “Impact of Frequent Flyer Programme on the demand for Air Travel”.

3. Keith Mason, Cranfield Univ., "Future Trends in Business Travel Decision Making".

4. Joon Je Park and Won W. Koo, North Dakota State Univ., "Inbound and Outbound Air Passenger Traffic Forecasting between the United States and Selected Asian Countries".

2:00-3:30pm, 20th July, 2001

Session 2B: (Emerald room)

Airline Performance and Consumer Behavior

(Chair: Katsushige Sawaki, Nanzan Univ.)

1. Blaise Waguespack and Todd Thorton, Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univ., "Electronic Reservation System Providers and the Impact of Codeshare Arrangements on Screen Display".

2. Mark Lijesen, Bepa, the Netherlands, "Quality Perception and Carrier Choice in Civil Aviation".

3. Sveinn Gudmundsson, Toulouse Business School, "Airline Distress Prediction Using Non-Financial Performance Ratios".

4. Zheng Yi Shon, Fang-Yuan Chen, Jimmy Chen, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, National Chenkung Univ., and Kaoshiung Hospitality College, "Consumer Behavior on the Internet: A Case Study on Web Reservation in Taiwan".

2:00-3:30pm, 20th July, 2001

Session 2C: (Sapphire room)

Airport Competition and Privatization

(Chair: Bijan Vasigh, Embry Riddle Univ.)

1. David Gillen and William Morrison, Wilfrid Laurier Univ., "Competition Policy and the Regulation of Airports: Canada’s Airport System-Past, Present and Future".

2. Peter Meincke, German Aerospace Center, "Cooperation (and Competition) of European Airports - Network of Airports".

3. Kwang Eui Yoo and Yeong Heok Lee, Hankuk Aviation Univ., "A Study on Airport Performances in Korea".

4. Chil Young Kim, Kwang Eui Yoo, Ki Chan Park and Jae Hoon Jeong, Hankuk Aviation Univ. and Inha Univ., "A Study on the Effects of the Personality Compatibility to the Job Performance".

4:00-5:30pm, 20th July, 2001

Session 3A: (Diamond room)

Air Transport Market Analysis and Aviation Cooperation

(Chair: John M.C. King, Aviation & Tourism Management PTY)

1. Fariba Alamdari, Cranfield Univ., "Airlines and Travel Agents Relationships: The Story in ASIA".

2. Paz Tolentino and Sabine Reim, Univ. of London and Univ. of Reading, "The Global Airline Company: Agent of Market Power or Competition".

3. Kyu Sun Kim, Korea Civil Aviation Development Association, “A Study on the Air Transport Cooperation in Northeast Asia between China, Japan and Korea”.

4. Dong Chun Shin, Ministry of Construction and Transportation, "Aviation Cooperation between the two Koreas".

4:00-5:30pm, 20th July, 2001

Session 3B: (Emerald room)

Airport Design and Engineering

(Chair: Kwang Eui Yoo, Hankuk Aviation Univ.)

1. Yonghwa Park and Byung Jong Kim, Korea Transport Institute and Hankuk Aviation Univ., "An Evaluation of Alternative Facilities for Airport Redevelopment using Fuzzy Linguistic Approach".

2. Soi-Hoi Lam, Jia-Meng Cao, and Henry Fan, Nanyang Technological Univ., "Intelligent Airport Gate Assignment System".

3. Amiy Varma, Frantz Ollerman, and Thomas Haag, North Dakota State Univ., "Airport Pavement Management: State-of-the-Art".